I'm not too familliar with method .... ism?
Google John Wesley.
I'm not too familliar with method .... ism?
Jesus said "He who is without sin cast the first stone." All Judgement has been given over to The Son and it is His Will that mankind repent and accept Him as their personal Lord and Saviour. (John 14:6)
.... oh kay?
so you are saying that Jesus never said its wrong to be gay, and since he nullified all that was in the old testament with his new covanent, there is no longer any directorate from god on the subject.
The New Testament also declares that for a man to have lust in his heart toward a woman is the same as committing adultry
and for a man to have hatred and anger toward fellow man is the same as committing murder. No difference even if the act was not committed it is still sinful in thought rather than in deed.
Lame and stupid.
Does this count towards your anger at muslims?
p.s. thought and deed are not the same no matter how you spin it.
The New Testament declares that it is against the natural use for man to be with man and woman with woman and not ordained by God.
The New Testament also declares that for a man to have lust in his heart toward a woman is the same as committing adultry and for a man to have hatred and anger toward fellow man is the same as committing murder. No difference even if the act was not committed it is still sinful in thought rather than in deed.
The Bible declares that ALL have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. That is why only God can change a person through Jesus' teachings and threough redemption of one's sins by the Atoning Blood of Christ. Once a person has surrendered their will to God then the Holy Spirit of God comes to indwell and change a person's life to live as Christ taught. It's a maturing process as one grows in God's Grace.
It is Jesus' will for Muslims to know Him as thier Lord and Saviour.
I have no anger toward Muslims - only sorrow that they do not have the True Peace of God in their lives that can only come through being Born-Again and followers of Christ.
Jesus is the One who taught that if a man lusts after a woman that man has committed adultry in his heart. Ya need to take that up with Him.
so the problem is that they aren't married? well then lets marry the bastagess.
seriously, show me where it says it is wrong to be gay in the new testament. You are very good at quoting the bible, this really shouldn't be too hard
You realize you are putting your views and opinions on his thoughts and beliefs, like he was doing in his first post about the Muslims? And, that you thought that was wrong?Lame and stupid.
Does this count towards your anger at muslims?
p.s. thought and deed are not the same no matter how you spin it.
Your original post sounded pretty angry and for the most part were baseless statements or out of context quotes vs. the good nice parts of biblical scripture.
and if I ever meet the good J.C. I will certainly let him know my opinions and facts on thought vs. deed.
In The Days of Sodom and Ghomorra:
Genesis 19:5
They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."
From The New Testament Warning:
Romans 1:26-28 (King James Version)
26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
funny, it sounds to me like god gave them homosexuality as a punishment for something...... not that they are being punished for being gay.
BTW, if god made everything, then he obviously made homosexual emotion, so how can homosexuality be against god if he made it.
Besides, your litmis test before was that Jesus said......
now its just that oyu are interpreting what you want from the bible.
doens't seem very consistant to me.
God originally made man in a perfected state. It was not God who came along and perverted man and caused man to become disobedient to the warnings of God. Through the fall of mankind, we have all strayed. All are under Judgment but thanks be to God that we have the opportunity to be forgiven and spiritually reconciled with God. Through this He adopts us as Children and is then able to change us to walk in His Ways instead of the ways of this world which is at enmity with God.
What is stopping you from meeting Jesus right now? All you have to do is invite Him in to your life and ask away all you want.
so you are saying in the new testament Jesus DOESN'T say its wrong to be gay, only that your interpretaion or the old and new testaments is that it is wrong.
if god created man and ALL of his thoughts and emotions and we only have free will to choose between things god has provided us, then GOD made homosexuality.
i am still waiting for the new testament texts that says gayness is a sin.
What if I already asked him and he gave me an answer you don't like?
Would you accept that?
You realize you are putting your views and opinions on his thoughts and beliefs, like he was doing in his first post about the Muslims? And, that you thought that was wrong?
God created man for woman and woman for man from the very start so that the two would be fruitful, multiply and both submit to God.
Homosexuality & Lesbianism are against the natural use of God's design for how men and women were to survive and serve Him.
However, this does not prevent God from loving those involved in that lifestyle and desiring for them to come to accept Jesus as Lord and allow His Holy Spirit to guide them in the ways that God leads.
It is unfortunate that Gays and Lesbians are ridiculed and scorned by those whose very lives are adulterous, deceitful, prideful and filled with self-righteousness. All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God and need Jesus as Lord and Saviour. One cannot change their wayward ways under his/her own strength - only the Holy Spirit of God can do this when a person is ready, willing and sincere about submitting to God's Will for their life.
God Did For Mankind What Abraham Was Going To Do For God.