Muhammad vs Jesus The Christ


New Member
I'd have to see what the answer is then compare it to the way the New Testament Jesus would have responded.

Jesus said, " I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life, No Man Can Come Unto The Father Except Through Me." (John 14:6)

Do you believe and accept those words of Jesus?

Why would you take an answer given currently in my heart of both peace and understanding and have to compare it to a book written 2k years ago?

Is god not allowed to answer anew, or must he always be held to ancient tenants?


New Member
Why would you take an answer given currently in my heart of both peace and understanding and have to compare it to a book written 2k years ago?

Is god not allowed to answer anew, or must he always be held to ancient tenants?

God has never changed about how He wants mankind to love and obey Him and love and be compassionate toward fellow man. It is false prophets who have indoctrinated billions of followers to disregard God's guidance and place their faith in man made religious rules, rituals, traditions and ideologies.

Comparing what the "answer" in your heart is to what has already been written would reveal if the answer is truly from God or from misguided and misinformed teachings about God.

I can only point you to the giver of Truth and Life.

P.S. will need to leave this discussion until later this afternoon.

God Did For Mankind What Abraham Was Going To Do For God.


New Member
God has never changed about how He wants mankind to love and obey Him and love and be compassionate toward fellow man. It is false prophets who have indoctrinated billions of followers to disregard God's guidance and place their faith in man made religious rules, rituals, traditions and ideologies.

Comparing what the "answer" in your heart is to what has already been written would reveal if the answer is truly from God or from misguided and misinformed teachings about God.

I can only point you to the giver of Truth and Life.

P.S. will need to leave this discussion until later this afternoon.

God Did For Mankind What Abraham Was Going To Do For God.

you mean like christianity, judeism, and islam?


:buddies: Correct, that was kind of a really BIG change over. :otter:

Speaking of 2 Scriptures Xaquin44.
These have, and will always cross my heart.

Hebrews 9:27- God says "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement"

Matthew 12:36- Jesus says "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement"


New Member
oh, I'm fine with being judged really. I mean there are things I wish I could take back (like everyone) but there are also things I feel I did well and would definatly do again (again, like everyone).


oh, I'm fine with being judged really. I mean there are things I wish I could take back (like everyone) but there are also things I feel I did well and would definatly do again (again, like everyone).



New Member
again, i see an awful lot of your assumptions but not a lot of biblical text to support it.

the from the beginning stuff indicates you are basing your opinion on old testament stuff, kind of a slipery slope if you are still trying to say the christian god is different from the muslim one.

Perhaps you should be aware of what the Islamic A'lah commanded as punishment against homosexuals and women accused of adultry. Or perhaps you are already aware? It was Muhammad that reverted to adopt Old Testament teachings into Islam and disregard the New Testament teachings of Jesus.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The big pic.

Perhaps you should be aware of what the Islamic A'lah commanded as punishment against homosexuals and women accused of adultry. Or perhaps you are already aware? It was Muhammad that reverted to adopt Old Testament teachings into Islam and disregard the New Testament teachings of Jesus.
:coffee: God (Allah) did that, as Muhammed was only His messanger.

And the fact remains that much of the New Testement (Jesus) teachings are in the Quran. :drool:
why no old testament?

If god guided the authors hands (as I have seen said many times on this forum) then it should still count right?

The Old Testament prophesied about "Jesus" and Jesus fulfilled these prophecies during the time of the New Testament - Jesus, the son of God, was not around until the New Testament... that is why :coffee:
:coffee: God (Allah) did that, as Muhammed was only His messanger.

And the fact remains that much of the New Testement (Jesus) teachings are in the Quran. :drool:

Their age is one of the differences. Muhammad the prophet came on the scene about 600 years after Christ. The Quran is the recorded words of Muhammad assembled by his followers after his death in 632 CE. Many Biblical scriptures were in existence at the time of Christs incarnation. The Quran contains portions of both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.


JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The big pic.

Their age is one of the differences. Muhammad the prophet came on the scene about 600 years after Christ. The Quran is the recorded words of Muhammad assembled by his followers after his death in 632 CE. Many Biblical scriptures were in existence at the time of Christs incarnation. The Quran contains portions of both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.

:coffee: I do not quite understand the point but I do seem to agree with it.

The old Testiment was written before Jesus came around.

The four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were all written long after Jesus had died - risen - and left the scene.

The old and New Testiments were around before Muhammad but it was not made into a book (Bible) at that time (600 AD) so one must wonder how Muhammed even saw the New Testiment, even though it obviously was possible since it is referenced often.

And the Quran was written years after Muhammed preached and died.

So Jesus and Muhammed both brought messages and both did not write down anything and both had their words written by other people years after they died or "went to Heaven" as is said by both.

I believe that God gave that message (the Quran) to the Muslims, and the old Testiment was given to the Jews, and the New Testiment to the Christians, and by viewing it as the same God talking to different people then it all adds up perfectly.



New Member
The Old Testament prophesied about "Jesus" and Jesus fulfilled these prophecies during the time of the New Testament - Jesus, the son of God, was not around until the New Testament... that is why :coffee:

but god still spoke to people .... commanded them to do the things written there. Preformed acts and etc.

Is all that null and void i.e. Talking to Moses etc.


New Member
but god still spoke to people .... commanded them to do the things written there. Preformed acts and etc.

Is all that null and void i.e. Talking to Moses etc.

Yes God spoke to people, gave Moses the Ten Commandments, instructed mankind on how to love and be obedient to God and have love for fellow man. All of that remains in effect. However, mankind, to this day has remained defiant, disobedient and filled with prideful thoughts believing that they can live their life without God.

Thus, while God's commandments remain in effect, mankind has not been able to measure up to the level of perfection and 100% obedience of doing what God asks us to do. This disobedience has been instilled in mankind and has been passed along in our "human nature" since the days of Adam and Eve's disobedience. In addition, misguided "religious" leaders and false prophets imposed more rules, regulations and traditions upon people whereby the congregation was expected to do things that would please the religious leaders out of "works" instead of really doing things to please God with a spiritually sincere desire.

God foreknew this and that is why, in His Love for mankind and as foretold in Old Testament Prophecy, He provided the way back for us to be spiritually reconciled and forgiven - but it took the sacrifice of His Son, Yeshua (New Testament Jesus) who lived a perfect obedient life unto God and gave His Life as an Atonement for your sins and mine. Your church cannot save you, your works cannot save you. Conceding to the fact that you cannot live a perfect obedient life pleasing to God is a start to begin to understand that you really need a Saviour who can mediate on your behalf - for all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. There is a way to receive God's Forgiveness and have a renewed spiritual life that He offers to any person who is sincere in wanting to know God. (John 14:6)

God Did For Mankind What Abraham Was Going To Do For God.


New Member
Perhaps you should be aware of what the Islamic A'lah commanded as punishment against homosexuals and women accused of adultry. Or perhaps you are already aware? It was Muhammad that reverted to adopt Old Testament teachings into Islam and disregard the New Testament teachings of Jesus.

you have shown a lot of hate, but still no evidence from the new testament to justify your homophobia:whistle:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The big pic.

you have shown a lot of hate, but still no evidence from the new testament to justify your homophobia:whistle:
:coffee: According to the New Testiment - God turns the sinners over to the homosexuality, Romans 1:24-28 link HERE.

So the Bible says that what God has joined - let no one try to stop it, link HERE.

The homosexuality is self destructive and there is no reason for Christians to add anything (homophobia) to God's punishment.



New Member
you have shown a lot of hate, but still no evidence from the new testament to justify your homophobia:whistle:

Tommyjones, I do not hate anyone; I have even previously posted that it is unfortunate that homosexuals and lesbians are ridiculed and scorned by self-righteous accusers who have faults of their own - for we all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.

You have defended Islam against Christianity and all I have exposed is Islam's hatred and assigned punishment against those involved in homosexuality.

You asked me to provide Biblical references that indicate how homosexuality is against God's Will and I responded it's just that you did not accept what the Bible states. Here is the Biblical commentary again:

In The Days of Sodom and Ghomorra:
Genesis 19:5
They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."

From The New Testament Warning:

Romans 1:26-28 (King James Version)
26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

Homosexuality is considered a sexual sin but so is heterosexual adultry, sex outside marriage and even just lustful thoughts when a man lusts after a woman according to Jesus! The conclusion is that we all need a Saviour who understands and is able to guide us unto repentance for God's Forgiveness and reconciliation - and there is only ONE that can do that. (John 14:6)