It's on the money.......![]()
The land of Canaan was settle by Israel, then later Israel was thrown out, and the modern Jewish State of Israel is a fraud.
So, how is Isreal a fraud?That was my point that the Bible does NOT determine the modern borders.
You're absolutely correct. The Supreme Court said that this motto on the money was generic, and could not be presumed by any reasonable person to establish religion.if you are talking "in god we trust", well muslims pray to god, as do most religions. now you guys can fight about which god it is, but our founders specifically stated that our goverment shall not establish any "federal" religion. So i am gussing the God they were talkign about was more generic
there is a bible on money?
i mean if you are talking "in god we trust", well muslims pray to god, as do most religions. now you guys can fight about which god it is, but our founders specifically stated that our goverment shall not establish any "federal" religion. So i am gussing the God they were talkign about was more generic
Will you be holding your breath?
just curious.
Is there a time line?
So, how is Isreal a fraud?
Yes, there is a timeline: 2020
“A refugee from the Muslim Middle East thinks he has discovered Islam's 20-point plan for conquering the United States by 2020 – a plan revealed in the latest issue of Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.
Anis Shorrosh, author of ''Islam Revealed'' and ''The True Furqan,'' is a Christian Arab-American who emigrated from Arab-controlled Jerusalem in January 1967.
''The following is my analysis of Islamic invasion of America, the agenda of Islamists and visible methods to take over America by the year 2020,'' Shorrosh says. ''Will Americans continue to sleep through this invasion as they did when we were attacked on 9/11?''
Complete info at:
WorldNetDaily: Author sees Islam's 20-year plan for U.S.
WASHINGTON: “The assets of the Islamic banks across the world would ascend to $1000 billion by the year 2010.
US management consultants firm, McKinsey & Co in its report said that the assets under control of the Islamic banks at the end of the previous year amounted to $750 billion.
The report further said that the majority of the Muslims across the world wanted Sharia compliant financial services and in view of this high rising demand Islamic banks’ worldwide assets were expected to shoot up by 33 percent aggregating to $1000 billion in the next three years i.e. by 2010.”
Global Islamic banks’ assets will reach $1000bn by 2010
Because the modern Jewish State is not the Bible nation / people called "Israel" link HERE.
The correct name for the Jewish State would be "Judah" link HERE and not Israel.
Because "Jew" means people from Judah.
The first place the name Jew appears in the Bible the Jews are at war with Israel link HERE.
So claiming to be the Biblical Israel when they are Judah is a fraud.
And Christians are there-by claiming the Jewish State is the fulfillment of Bible prophesy concerning Israel which is not correct.
thats some funny shoat if you actually read it.
I mean serious intel from a refugee, one that only immagrated 40 years ago![]()
And, while you are chuckling away, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) proceeds with their intentions to replace the American Constitution with Sharia Law and make the Qur'an the only religious book allowed in this country. Know what - it actually could happen more by politically organized efforts rather than militarily. Remember the "Democratic Elections" where HAMAS won by majority vote?
You are right, it's not correct at all that Christians are claiming Isreal to be the Jewish state of Bible prophesy. And, if they did, outside of the Vatican, there is no Christian voice to proclaim that on any international state (the Pope being the head of the only Christian state).Because the modern Jewish State is not the Bible nation / people called "Israel".
Christians are there-by claiming the Jewish State is the fulfillment of Bible prophesy concerning Israel which is not correct.
And, while you are chuckling away, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) proceeds with their intentions to replace the American Constitution with Sharia Law and make the Qur'an the only religious book allowed in this country. Know what - it actually could happen more by politically organized efforts rather than militarily. Remember the "Democratic Elections" where HAMAS won by majority vote?
oh starman
or very own bigot/conspiracy theorist all rolled into one =)
Yes, and such was the laughter and denial while Hitler was organizing the german christians to erradiacate the jews.
but we like to ignore that little part![]()
Hitler sure followed the Golden Rule and preached exactly what Yeshua taught - Right? NOT!!!!
Hitler professed "Christianity" only for political and public acceptance.
Fundamental Muslims follow Muhammad's teaching to this day and two of Hitler's regiments were comprised of Fundamental Muslims who were gladly willing to help him try to eradicate the Jews, according to Walid Shoebat, former Muslim and ex-PLO Jihadist.
nice spin, but not at all accurate. Hitler and the catholic church worked together on his final solution, in that the clergy forwarded him works that supported his goals. i.e. justifying the antisematism as based in religious doctrine.
Besides, even if two of the nazis regiments were comprised of muslims, they would have been under the control of christians. not to mention that EVERY SINGLE NAZI was a christian.
still, you brought up hitler, he was christian, as much as you want to distance yourself from him, it is a fact that he and the nazi party were christians.
if he doesn't represent christianity, what makes you think that osma represents islam?
oh thats right, your bigotry.......
So, in your opinion, is not the Temple Mount a portion of the Promised Land on whch the First and Second Temples of God were constructed? And is the Temple Mount not part of the Promised Land where the Third Temple of God will be rebuilt by the Jews In Jerusalem?
So you agree with those who believe that the Jews do not have a right to have Jerusalem as the Capitol of their nation and that it shoud go to the "Palestinians" ????