I'm fully aware people think I'm crazy to spend that much on a dog/animal, but my husband is refusing to give up and said he couldn't help Chloe,(our other boxer who passed away from spinal chord cancer 4 years ago) but I can help Molly. And, I can't argue with him.
He will have to take her with him to work in VA everyday for 3 weeks and drop her off and in the a.m. and go to work and pick her up after and bring her home. Oncologist said they'll make sure they keep her comfortable and give her meds if she feels sick or uncomfortable.
Treatment will start soon, I'm not sure the date
I'm fully aware people think I'm crazy to spend that much on a dog/animal, but my husband is refusing to give up and said he couldn't help Chloe,(our other boxer who passed away from spinal chord cancer 4 years ago) but I can help Molly. And, I can't argue with him.
He will have to take her with him to work in VA everyday for 3 weeks and drop her off and in the a.m. and go to work and pick her up after and bring her home. Oncologist said they'll make sure they keep her comfortable and give her meds if she feels sick or uncomfortable.
Treatment will start soon, I'm not sure the date
This is not crazy. THis is love and loyalty. What's crazy is having a dog for 10 plus years and then trying to get rid of it cause "You don't have the time for it" or because you've become allergic or what ever other reason there is. I wouldn't give a rats a$$ what other people think. Take care of your girl and do what you have to do. Be fortunate that you and your husband are in a place that allows you to do this. Again...Good luck and prayers to all of you.
Thank you, and again, I am very thankful and it's NOT like we have $8k laying around, but like I told my husband...I feel like if we have any means to do it, how can we NOT do it. When the oncologist said she'd probably have 1-3 months if we opted not to do it, all of our discussions we had before about not spending that much money pretty much went out the windowShe's 4, not 8 or 9. So thanks to you and everyone for your support and kind words.
I'll keep you all posted. !!!
to everyone !!
Omg. Turns out you are right. How the heck am I supposed to keep her urine and poop away from Remi? She steps outside and starts to pee ?????? Ughhhh.
Update: So the radiation tech finally got back to us on the dangers of radiation to other animals and humans and turns out it's not dangerous at all anymore. I'm not sure why the person I called on Sunday told me that it was dangerous, she said nothing will be affected except maybe some of her hair at the point of radiation(the back of her head/top of her neck) and some lethargy, that's it. We are scheduling the radiation to start ASAP now. Hopefully Monday assuming we have all the meds and harness for the car on hand. Fingers crossed !!
Update: So the radiation tech finally got back to us on the dangers of radiation to other animals and humans and turns out it's not dangerous at all anymore. I'm not sure why the person I called on Sunday told me that it was dangerous, she said nothing will be affected except maybe some of her hair at the point of radiation(the back of her head/top of her neck) and some lethargy, that's it. We are scheduling the radiation to start ASAP now. Hopefully Monday assuming we have all the meds and harness for the car on hand. Fingers crossed !!
Chemo drugs are dangerous.
hugs.... keep us posted... message me if you need anything
Well the party begins next Thursday with a full day of fun. Cardiovascular examination, blood work, chest e-rays and CT scan along with additional diagnostic work. So a full day at the vet before the radiation can beginBUT, she's still in great spirits and mood !!! I've read some dogs get depressed during initial blindness, she's pretty much fine and happy with the exception with the run in with the bug zapper. (was left on accidentally and scared the SH*t out of her)
away we go
She's becoming quite a diva
Okay on the eve of my little girls first step in her journey to wellness
Okay on the eve of my little girls first step in her journey to wellness