My blind boxer girl


New Member
I just buckled her in to my husbands work van, she's not a happy gal. It's gonna be a long ride. I hope she settles down and I gets easier. I told my husband no cell phone and no radio, that seems to confuse her.


New Member
Molly did great today. Those people were SO great to her, her butt hasn't waggled that much in a while :lol: She passed all tests and the treatment starts Tuesday. 18 sessions of radiation. The ride home was much better than the ride there, she's adapting to the seatbelt and being "strapped" in !! ALL GOOD NEWS !!!!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Molly did great today. Those people were SO great to her, her butt hasn't waggled that much in a while :lol: She passed all tests and the treatment starts Tuesday. 18 sessions of radiation. The ride home was much better than the ride there, she's adapting to the seatbelt and being "strapped" in !! ALL GOOD NEWS !!!!

Great news! :yay:


PREMO Member
Molly did great today. Those people were SO great to her, her butt hasn't waggled that much in a while :lol: She passed all tests and the treatment starts Tuesday. 18 sessions of radiation. The ride home was much better than the ride there, she's adapting to the seatbelt and being "strapped" in !! ALL GOOD NEWS !!!!

Great Mom & Dad.


God bless the USA
Great Mom & Dad.

Agree. People will go to great lengths to save the pets they love. It is only money which is replaceable. Pets are not. Yes, pets are replaceable, but some want to keep them as long as possible. As long as there is no suffering on the pet's part there is nothing wrong with it. Personal choice always.


PREMO Member
Agree. People will go to great lengths to save the pets they love. It is only money which is replaceable. Pets are not. Yes, pets are replaceable, but some want to keep them as long as possible. As long as there is no suffering on the pet's part there is nothing wrong with it. Personal choice always.

It is a very very hard choice and a very hard decision.


God bless the USA
It is a very very hard choice and a very hard decision.

Agree again. I have gone through the decision part and it is very very hard. We are so close to our pets and wish they could talk to us, but they can't in the verbal way, so we go with our heart.


Molly did great today. Those people were SO great to her, her butt hasn't waggled that much in a while :lol: She passed all tests and the treatment starts Tuesday. 18 sessions of radiation. The ride home was much better than the ride there, she's adapting to the seatbelt and being "strapped" in !! ALL GOOD NEWS !!!!

Maybe Molly was thinking the worst when she got in the car? Sometimes you wish they could talk.

Our cat Molly was terrified on the way to the vet last year but once she got to the vet, she was very happy. I think she knew she was getting help and her caring family is why.


New Member
:yahoo: Great news!!! You go Molly Girl!!! You and your husband are amazing pet parents!!!!

Awe thank you !! :huggy: you know the one thing that I thought was funny? They fed her because she was there all day (7-4) and they fed her beef stew :lmao: I was like "uh, okay, that's fine, she can eat whatever, no allergies"


Well-Known Member
Awe thank you !! :huggy: you know the one thing that I thought was funny? They fed her because she was there all day (7-4) and they fed her beef stew :lmao: I was like "uh, okay, that's fine, she can eat whatever, no allergies"

Hmmm...they sound like a great bunch of people, very caring. I'm sure Molly was thinking the same thing...Hmmmm...beef stew!!! LOL


New Member
Hmmm...they sound like a great bunch of people, very caring. I'm sure Molly was thinking the same thing...Hmmmm...beef stew!!! LOL

They really are, she has her own dog house there for the next few weeks, not a cage, it's a house with comforters folded up so she's sitting on top like a queen. I will also send a tee shirt I sleep in with her every day (a new one each day). It makes it easier knowing she's sort of being pampered while going through this :yay:


New Member
High dose prednisone starts tomorrow :bawl: to anyone with any experience with prednisone.... well imagine a normal dose of steroids...on steroids !!! Just got my rubber sheets in the mail and more towels than any household should reasonably have on hand :cds: I have full intentions of needing new carpet and mattress after all of this !!! Bring on the pee soaked comforters, towels, carpet.... anything you can imagine :bawl:


Well-Known Member
I feel so bad for you having to go through this, and Molly too of course. But how lucky is she to have a family willing to do whatever they can for her?


New Member
I feel so bad for you having to go through this, and Molly too of course. But how lucky is she to have a family willing to do whatever they can for her?

Nah, don't feel bad. No matter WHAT happens, we will ALWAYS be able to say we did EVERYTHING we could. That being said, we are very positive about this!!!


Jam out with ur clam out
High dose prednisone starts tomorrow :bawl: to anyone with any experience with prednisone.... well imagine a normal dose of steroids...on steroids !!! Just got my rubber sheets in the mail and more towels than any household should reasonably have on hand :cds: I have full intentions of needing new carpet and mattress after all of this !!! Bring on the pee soaked comforters, towels, carpet.... anything you can imagine :bawl:

cover everything. :yay:

a very low dose of pred on my hound had her peeing in her sleep. :jameo: