My daughter has joined the club...

Good God. That's crazy! Poor girl.

I know, she said it was terrible. She started really developing too. Can you imagine having to buy a bra an explaining what a "period" is, or trying to at least, to a 3rd grader? Her older sister was in 5th grade, hadn't started and made fun of her. Then a couple years later when her sister still hadn't gotten it, she was praying for Aunt Flo's visit :lol:


I know, she said it was terrible. She started really developing too. Can you imagine having to buy a bra an explaining what a "period" is, or trying to at least, to a 3rd grader? Her older sister was in 5th grade, hadn't started and made fun of her. Then a couple years later when her sister still hadn't gotten it, she was praying for Aunt Flo's visit :lol:

So was mine. She's in 7th and so many of her friends had already gotten it. I was starting to wonder as well being as me and my mom and sisters were so young.


professional daydreamer
If you want to I guess.
Most people would just stop reading a thread they weren't interested in instead of feeling the need to keep reading and then actually post in it.

You obviously wanted people to know, or you wouldn't have posted it. I just can't figure out why.


Salt Life
Because my little girl is growing up. Sheesh. What's the big deal?

Nothing, if that's your opinion. You never know just who is an "outsider" reading these threads. Someone could take something said as an opportunity for inappropriate behavior.


Nothing, if that's your opinion. You never know just who is an "outsider" reading these threads. Someone could take something said as an opportunity for inappropriate behavior.

I guess you have a point there but I don't think that's why they have their panties in a bunch. They're just rude.


Cleopatra Jones
I'm confuseded as to why the women that no longer bleed are so up in arms about Camily's daughter's menstruation... Seems ironic to me...


professional daydreamer
I guess you have a point there but I don't think that's why they have their panties in a bunch. They're just rude.

Not trying to be rude, just trying to understand what compelled you to post about your daughters personal stuff...that's all. If you think questioning your motives is being rude, then perhaps you should consider that when you post something personal. :shrug:


professional daydreamer
I'm confuseded as to why the women that no longer bleed are so up in arms about Camily's daughter's menstruation... Seems ironic to me...

Dear Pixie, please point me to the post where I discussed my daughters personal affairs or bodily functions.


Soul Probe
I can only speak for my non-menopausal self but if I were Cam's daughter I'd be appalled that my mom said this in public to strangers. Sure, let me tell family members and friends of my choosing but to announce it to the public? I think I'd have to commit matricide. JMO.

But hey, Camily knows her daughter better than anyone else and she's the parent, so... :shrug:

Besides, you can't go posting anything in these forums and not get some kind of criticism now can you? :lol: