"My Ring is Bigger than Yours"


mv = margaritaville
Redskinsmama said:
ok i'm just going to say it and take my verbal lashings from the masses...everyone that knows me knows my love of jewerly. i would like to think that if a man was going to propose to me, he would save to make it happen because he knows how much it means to me. I can't tell you honestly what i would say b/c i never felt marriage on the horizon. maybe when i meet the right person, my views on this will completely change and i won't care about the ring.
That's what I wanted to hear


New Member
Gwydion said:
But by this standard, you will be overlooking anybody that could possibly be the man of your dreams, yet doesn't want to spend $40k on a ring. Shallow? A bit. Materialistic? Yes.

Have fun getting married when your 60.

i would not overlook the man of my dreams, b/c it's not like i have an application that states, "this is what i want, so if you plan on proposing...." When i am in love with someone i would do anything to make them happy, and I would like the same in return. Some people like to spend their money on cars when it's not necessary....me? i drive a 98 honda that doesn't have a car payment. i'm not materialistic normally, but when it comes to jewelry i'm guilty as charged.


curiouser and curiouser
MDTerps said:
I like my ring, single diamond, princess cut, high in color and clarity.
Mine too, on a platinum band. :smile:

My best friend has a beautiful ring from Tiffany's. Absolutely stunning, and definitely not something that I'd want for myself. I don't have attitude about it though, because that's what she wanted, and that's what her now-husband wanted to buy for her. I wouldn't call them the "Keeping up with the Jones'" type...not even close. Some people are jewelry people and some aren't. I'm more worried about my neighbors cutting their grass than what kind of jewelry they wear. :lol:


Salt Life
Redskinsmama said:
ok i'm just going to say it and take my verbal lashings from the masses...everyone that knows me knows my love of jewerly. i would like to think that if a man was going to propose to me, he would save to make it happen because he knows how much it means to me. I can't tell you honestly what i would say b/c i never felt marriage on the horizon. maybe when i meet the right person, my views on this will completely change and i won't care about the ring.
You should also be saving to buy him a Viper since it is important to him and all and he's been fond of them from a youngster.


New Member
MDTerps said:
Someone I thought was a good friend until... well we won't go there. But any way, when I got my ring from the current and she seen it, her response was "oh, hummm nice." I like my ring, single diamond, princess cut, high in color and clarity. Her ring.... she has two diamonds set on each side of the main diamond. I would have loved to take her ring and mine to a jeweler and ask which ring had the better quality diamond in it. Mine probably cost just as much as hers, b/c of the better diamond.
Most girls/women don't look at that aspect of it. That just want the 15 carat diamond b/c it bigger then yours.

That would annoy me too. I would never belittle anyones ring or be like that to anyone, b/c i know that my views on engagement rings are outlandish. I would definitely say that a smaller ring with better better clarity and color is far better than a larger one that is less in quality. My grandmother's engagement ring was 4 carats and the most beautiful thing i ever saw. I wore it around her house as a child and on special occassions as i grew up. I was brought into a jewelry family and had my first diamond ring before i could talk. it's just the way i was raised. People spend friggin $70-80 on longaberger baskets when you can go to walmart and pick one up for $5. i know that's comparing apples and oranges, but when you're into something, you spend the extra money.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...to what she is saying; By definition, her definition, the man of her dreams WILL buy her the ring she wants. And 'shallow' and 'materialistic' are matters of opinion.

There are plenty of men who want expensive jewelry on their lady and, for that matter, on themselves. I mean, we're talking taste here, what an individual likes. Better to know you want a rock and a man who will give it to you than settle for the 'man of your dreams' who not only won't get it for you but doesn't agree with you wanting it in the first place. Again, that is not HER 'man of her dreams'.

Hence the "Have fun getting married when your 60" comment.


New Member
Chasey_Lane said:
You should also be saving to buy him a Viper since it is important to him and all and he's been fond of them from a youngster.

if i was married and my husband said he wanted it, i would start a savings fund and make it happen.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
I love my ring and would not have been happy with something dinky. However, were it not for Gram_Jo, my diamond would most certainly be dinky, because C_Jo refused to go into debt over an engagement ring. He's smart like that. We know two fellas who are still paying for rings that now live in other towns. :smile:


New Member
Gwydion said:
Hence the "Have fun getting married when your 60" comment.

just b/c you're cheap (and before you jump down my throat forumites, i know this kid, we've had the engagement ring discussion that has gone to quiet yelling a lot) doesn't mean that everyone else is!


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...to what she is saying; By definition, her definition, the man of her dreams WILL buy her the ring she wants. And 'shallow' and 'materialistic' are matters of opinion.

There are plenty of men who want expensive jewelry on their lady and, for that matter, on themselves. I mean, we're talking taste here, what an individual likes. Better to know you want a rock and a man who will give it to you than settle for the 'man of your dreams' who not only won't get it for you but doesn't agree with you wanting it in the first place. Again, that is not HER 'man of her dreams'.



My first engagement ring that I got from my first husband was a .05 of a carat. I loved it!! It thrilled me to no end and I flashed it to everyone when he gave it to me. I was so happy! When this husband bought me my engagement ring I hid my hand because I was so nervous of getting my hand chopped off! Never in my life did I think I would have such a rock on my hand. And I see all these women running around here with these gigantor rocks on their hands and I'm like that is just freakin rediculous! Its no different then someone driving around in one of those oversized Hummer's. All it is is a status symbol. I don't care what people think of me, never have and never will. I don't try to keep up with the Jones's, I could care less! :shrug:


New Member
Redskinsmama said:
That would annoy me too. I would never belittle anyones ring or be like that to anyone, b/c i know that my views on engagement rings are outlandish. I would definitely say that a smaller ring with better better clarity and color is far better than a larger one that is less in quality. My grandmother's engagement ring was 4 carats and the most beautiful thing i ever saw. I wore it around her house as a child and on special occassions as i grew up. I was brought into a jewelry family and had my first diamond ring before i could talk. it's just the way i was raised. People spend friggin $70-80 on longaberger baskets when you can go to walmart and pick one up for $5. i know that's comparing apples and oranges, but when you're into something, you spend the extra money.

Your right about spending the money on baskets and it is about what is important to the person(s) involved. If it is important to you and you have the money go for it. You will never have to worry about looking back and wondering what if... The only thing I can not stand is when someone is buying ring OR car OR baskets, whatever and they can't afford groceries for the family.


New Member
Mousebaby said:
My first engagement ring that I got from my first husband was a .05 of a carat. I loved it!! It thrilled me to no end and I flashed it to everyone when he gave it to me. I was so happy! When this husband bought me my engagement ring I hid my hand because I was so nervous of getting my hand chopped off! Never in my life did I think I would have such a rock on my hand. And I see all these women running around here with these gigantor rocks on their hands and I'm like that is just freakin rediculous! Its no different then someone driving around in one of those oversized Hummer's. All it is is a status symbol. I don't care what people think of me, never have and never will. I don't try to keep up with the Jones's, I could care less! :shrug:

not a status symbol to me. it's my taste. Just like you loved your ring and showed it to everyone....why would it be horrible to show off a big ring? not keeping up with the jones', merely showing a ring that makes the person incredibly happy. now if you're being an ####### about it, that's different.