Well-Known Member
Clark's Rest was always getting a light. Why would they be planning commercial facilities there if you had to drive clear over to the other side of Leonardtown to access them. They are trying to align with the location for the road that is supposed to go into downtown Leonardtown on the right that was originally supposed to be the back entrance to Leonard's Freehold (low income housing) in the neighborhood by Leonardtown Elementary. A light at the hospital would be too close to the shopping center. The state has a plan for redoing Route 5 with median strips. The light at Clark's Rest is on the plan - no matter what option is selected. I think this way the developer has to pay for it.
So a light in front of the housing development isn't to close to close to the shopping center? Are they still planning to put a road in to the back of Leonards Freehold? I thought all of that was supposed to coincide with some proposed country/golf club going in there but that had been scrapped. Wasn't all that supposed to tie in with the Leonardtown Wharf?