No more smoking in bars in St. Mary's County


No Longer the Kid
_MightyMouse_ said:
You're right, I have no common sense. Obviously you are one-sided on this matter - a good sign of your intelligence. Is this a math equation you learned in high school, "Bars=smoking"? If so, I can tell you're only a high school graduate! :buttkick:

No, I'm not one sided on this matter, but I should be able to light a cig if I want to in a bar... I follow the "rules" and not smoke in resturants, or in buildings and all that... do I b*tch and complain, no, i don't, I just deal with it, so its something that you non smokers should learn to deal with, or better yet, move to Manhatten. :yay:

As for high school grad, yes, and some college.. but what the hell does that have to do with smoking, just because I put 2 and 2 together and use an = sign...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Then follow...

Softballkid said:
No, I'm not one sided on this matter, but I should be able to light a cig if I want to in a bar... I follow the "rules" and not smoke in resturants, or in buildings and all that... do I b*tch and complain, no, i don't, I just deal with it, so its something that you non smokers should learn to deal with, or better yet, move to Manhatten. :yay:

As for high school grad, yes, and some college.. but what the hell does that have to do with smoking, just because I put 2 and 2 together and use an = sign...

...the new rules; no smoking. Anywhere. Ever. Or else.


Super Genius
_MightyMouse_ said:
Well I dont like ppl smoking around me when I drink for that matter. So does this justify that non-smokers have to inhale your wonderful second-hand smoke and contribute to our lung cancer?
Who's forcing you to go to Toots?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Is the not smoking...

Softballkid said:
I don't smoke in my house for reasons other than the people who come in it...

...before or after they come in it?

Usually, people like to smoke aft...


Larry Gude

Strung Out
This post...

Softballkid said:
And no golfing, or sports talk is next I bet :lol:

...has been reported to the proper authorities.

Is it any wonder people don't know their neighbors anymore? Everyone wants to sue and ban what everyone else does. Not exactly the best way to find common interests.


If everyone is a lawyer...



Super Genius
_MightyMouse_ said:
All of Hollywood's Finest! Otherwise, the ladies would be very upset if I didn't show my face :larry:
Well, blame them for exposing you to smoke :shrug: