NYC / NY Cesspool


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“This is Absurd, and We Will Not Stand for It” – Nearby Counties Disagree with Eric Adams’s Plan To Relocate Illegal Aliens Out Of NYC

However, neighboring counties of New York City are worried about a new plan by Eric Adams to relocate illegal aliens out of the city.

New York City has announced that it will begin offering to transport unaccompanied adult male illegal immigrants to two hotels in Rockland and Orange counties, despite strong opposition from local authorities in those areas.

Republican Rockland County officials demanded that Eric Adams not bring his busload of illegal aliens to their community.

“Local officials including Rockland County Executive Ed Day and Rockland County Department of Social Services (DSS) Commissioner Joan Silvestri are calling on New York City to not bus migrants to Rockland which is already seeing a strain to schools, food pantries, housing, and social services due to an increasing number of undocumented individuals resettling in Rockland,” according to the news release.

“This is absurd, and we will not stand for it. There is nothing humanitarian about a Sanctuary City sending busloads of people to a County that does not have the infrastructure to care for them. It’s the same as throwing them in the middle of the ocean with nowhere to swim,” said County Executive Ed Day.


PREMO Member

Rockland County declares state of emergency to block arrival of NYC asylum-seekers

"I will fight tooth and nail with every potential power I can muster up to stop this for the people of Rockland County," County Executive Ed Day tells FOX 5.

Day declared a state of emergency in Rockland County Saturday after hearing that hundreds of asylum seekers will arrive in Rockland as soon as Sunday.

"We don’t know who these folks are, and you know something, Mayor Adams was the one who declared himself a sanctuary city. Well, we never declared ourselves a sanctuary county," Day says. "We just can’t handle it."


PREMO Member
NEW YORK -- The end of emergency immigration restrictions is expected to result in a flood of migrants at the U.S. southern border, and New York City is bracing for what leaders are calling a "tidal wave" of asylum seekers.

Mayor Eric Adams, desperately searching for places to use as shelters, is asking every commissioner to comb through their facility portfolios to find any space that can be used for emergency, temporary sites to house asylum seekers.

Call it an "all agencies on deck" strategy.

CBS2's Marcia Kramer asked if police precincts could be used, like Chicago just started doing, and was told, "Every available space that can be used, will be used."



PREMO Member

New York Democrats Eye Organ Transplants for Illegal Aliens as Americans Die on Wait List

According to the New York Times, Democrat legislators in New York are considering the plan to open organ transplants, specifically kidney transplants, to illegal aliens. Such transplants are typically reserved for Americans with Social Security Numbers (SSNs).

The Times reports:

One bill under consideration in the State Legislature would add kidney transplants — the most frequently performed organ transplants — to the limited menu of emergency medical services provided to undocumented immigrants without insurance. [Emphasis added]

Undocumented immigrants are not explicitly blocked from receiving transplants. But they face major impediments because they lack Social Security numbers and often don’t have health insurance. City agencies estimate that 46 percent of 476,000 undocumented immigrants in New York City lack health insurance. [Emphasis added]

That plan would come as 8,500 Americans in New York state are waiting for organ transplants — the majority of which, more than 7,200, are hoping for a new kidney.

Already, many Americans die before receiving long-awaited organ transplants.


PREMO Member

NYC Mayor Adams: Migrants should be sent to every city 'throughout the entire country'

"We have 108,000 cities, villages, towns. If everyone takes a small portion of that, and if it's coordinated at the border, to ensure that those who are coming here to this country in a lawful manner is actually moved throughout the entire country, it is not a burden on one city," Adams said in an appearance on CBS's "Face the Nation" Sunday. "And the numbers need to be clear. We received over 70,000 migrant asylum seekers in our city, 42,000 are still in our care. If this is properly handled at the border level, this issue can be resolved while we finally get Congress, particularly the Republican Party, to deal with a comprehensive immigration policy."

Amid reports that the White House and fellow Democrat Adams have butted heads over the migrant crisis, notably as the mayor of New York City stepped away from President Joe Biden's reelection advisory board, CBS host Margaret Brennan on Sunday asked about whether, in Adams' view, the supposed $30 million in federal funding to address the influx into the Big Apple was enough. Adams said that New York City has already spent more than $1 billion in addressing the migrant crisis and is projected to need more than $4 billion more in funding.


PREMO Member

Eric Adams’ Vegan Totalitarianism Shows Where Global Warming Activism Is Headed

Yet though it has largely flown under the radar of the national and even the local press, there is one element of AOC’s agenda on which he is not just fully in sync with the radical left but actually way ahead of it. His announcement last month that the city will place caps on the amount of meat and dairy served by city institutions such as schools and prisons is part of a wildly ambitious plan to cut New York’s food-related carbon emissions by 33 percent by 2030.

That’s bad news for kids in school cafeterias or prisoners who might hope for an occasional hamburger or pizza. Yet Adams’ plans go beyond Michelle Obama’s nanny state admonitions to eat all our vegetables.

Even more ominous is that as part of this program, the city will be tracking household food consumption by private citizens as part of the Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice’s Greenhouse Gas Inventories. This tracking of steak, hamburger, milk, and cheese is, at least for the moment, purely a matter of research. But it isn’t hard to envision how this information could be put to use by a city government that is run by hard-core leftists who live to create more new and onerous regulations for businesses and individuals that might make it harder to purchase such products.

The Green New Deal and Great Reset​

He may still not be on good terms with the rock star of the congressional “squad.” But Adams’ plan is more or less exactly what AOC’s “Green New Deal” envisions as part of its blueprint for an America that no longer drives gas-powered cars, flies less, and gives up eating meat and dairy. Indeed, it takes a page straight out of the World Economic Forum’s plans for a “Great Reset” of developed countries in which we’re all eating bugs rather than meat so as to avert the theoretical and ever-changing date on which climate change will destroy the planet.

As it happens, Adams isn’t a regular at the globalist elites’ hangout in Davos, Switzerland, though he has attended the Milken Institute Global Conference, which some have dubbed the American version of that gathering. But he is an enthusiastic and public vegan. He credits his “plant-based diet” for reversing his case of diabetes and wrote a cookbook titled “Healthy At Last,” which recommends recipes for unappetizing meals consisting of “jackfruit and okra gumbo” and “forest bowls with earthy vegetables and turmeric cashew sauce.”

If a change of diet has improved Adams’ life, then good for him. But the problem is that when linked to climate alarmism and the unchecked power of City Hall to make New Yorkers’ lives miserable, his evangelical fervor for us all to join him in eating plants (though, as The New York Times noted, he has been spotted at some of the city’s top eateries consuming fish) has the potential to become coercive.


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
Read an article yesterday about an English sausage maker called Heck, which is dropping most their line of "Vegan" sausages due to low consumer demand. Looks like Beyond Meat is having a sales slump, too.


PREMO Member
The legislation signed by the New York mayor bars individuals from being discriminated against for their height and weight for access to employment or public housing.

“It shouldn’t matter how tall you are or how much you weigh when you’re looking for a job, are out on the town, or trying to rent an apartment,” Adams said at the Friday signing ceremony. “No one should ever be discriminated against based on their height and weight. We all deserve the same access to employment, housing, and public accommodations, regardless of our appearance.”

Incidents of weight discrimination will be investigated by the New York City Commission on Human Rights.

New York City Republican City Councilman Joseph Borelli warned in April the new law will “empower people to sue anyone and everything.”



Just sneakin' around....
Don't current discrimination laws cover this already? Discrimination is discrimination, regardless of form.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Don't current discrimination laws cover this already? Discrimination is discrimination, regardless of form.
Exactly! These stupid MFs ought to concentrate on cleaning their crime riddled hell holes and less time on pandering to fringe groups of "oppressed" people.


Well-Known Member
$500 bucks a night to put illegals up in New York Hotels.

Give them a first class airline ticket back to Guatemala


PREMO Member

End harassment of immigrants in New York State: Pass the New York for All Act to protect residents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement and deportation

One early morning as he drove to work at a dairy in Livingston County, a rural area outside of Rochester, Javier was pulled over by the police. As far as he could tell, he’d done nothing wrong, he just looked Latino. He couldn’t understand what the police were telling him and they didn’t charge him with a crime. They simply detained him and then turned him over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

A few weeks later he was deported to Mexico. He had spent 15 years working in the U.S. He was married and the father of two U.S.-born children. Despite his deep connections to Livingston County, he was suddenly deported and ripped from his family and community.

Sadly, stories like this are extremely common.


PREMO Member
This week, the Federal Aviation Administration signed off on plans to open an emergency relief shelter for illegal immigrants in an old postal warehouse at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.

According to the New York Post, the FAA signed off on the Port Authority plans to open the shelter after local and state officials searched the city and surrounding areas for new places to house illegal immigrants coming from the southern border. According to the outlet, the area has seen more than 70,000 people arrive from South and Central America.

“The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey asked if an old postal warehouse near JFK Airport could be used for non-aviation purposes,” the FAA said in a statement. “The FAA found that the Port Authority had adequate security and safety plans in place.”



PREMO Member

NYC Mayor Envisions Private Residences Housing Migrants

“It is my vision to take the next step to this faith-based locales and then move to a private residence,” Adams said during a press conference, adding city residents who are currently struggling with economic hardship can open up “spare rooms” to migrants.

Adams said city officials would work to “find a way” to bypass municipality rules prohibiting housing homeless individuals in private homes.

New York City will spend $85 a night to house each foreign national, plus additional costs, such as laundry services and security. A spokesperson for Adams said it would cost roughly $125 per night for each migrant after factoring in all costs.

City officials have grappled with over 72,000 migrants arriving in the metropolitan area since last spring, with more than 60% living in 160 taxpayer-funded emergency shelters and hotels, according to the New York Post.


PREMO Member
You’re going to LOVE your new equity-based community housing.

Earlier today, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced a new plan to house the millions of illegal aliens flooding into the country who are being sent to sanctuary city New York.

Adams said regular New Yorkers should house the busloads of illegal aliens arriving in The City.

Adams said he wants to house the illegals in private residences.

Adams told New Yorkers, “It is my vision to take the next step to this faith-based locales and then move to a private residence.”
