So, good second date, fun, did some bar hopping. She's conversational, has stuff to talk about, had a good time.
I've been leaving this out waiting for someone to bring it up but, as no one seems to care....
She is one of those people whose profile pics are OK but, the pics she put up are not really all that close to how beautiful she is in real life. Vrai did the same thing on her profile last year when she was doing this; in her case choosing an AWFUL pic that didn't come close to how beautiful she is. This, of course, leads to pondering how we see ourselves. I suppose some do it on purpose wanting their profile to be more important than looks and it will just be a bonus to the right guy who isn't all that shallow? And, of course, this got me to wondering about myself as my pics I think are absolutely me. But, are they? I meant to and forgot to ask what she liked about my profile. Note to self...
Conversely, I've been out with a couple women who chose THAT pic, the one that makes them a good bit more attractive than, maybe, real life would suggest.
Little tiny thing. Cute little butt. If looks were the be all end all, she's fantastic.
She stayed over and it was fine, very relaxed but, there was no sexual tension that I could discern and, taking my cue from that, I was the perfect gentleman and didn't even try. Hell, we slept together which was fine. It's always nice curling up with someone. But, again, no tension. So, next day, she's off, gives me a HUGE hug goodbye, had a great time, all that.
Frankly, at this point, I'm sorta lost and taking the patient route and see what is next. This is foreign territory for me because I'm fairly aggressive about sex, I guess, and pretty forward with my intentions. However, I wasn't feeling it which makes me think she wasn't feeling it??? Dunno.