ok I am worried

Cowgirl said:
When I was filling out forms before my surgery, I wrote that I had back problems. I threw my back out really badly a few year ago, and it sometimes bothers me. The nurse told me to NEVER write something like that on a form...because if insurance companies ever see that, they'll deny you.
The insurance companies would be hard pressed to be able to prove your back pain as "pre-existing" if you haven't been getting it professionally treated. But things such as diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, etc. usually leaves a long paper trail in your personal history. What I'm trying to say is that if you know they can easily find proof of "pre-existing" and you lie about it, you are leaving yourself open to be dropped or not covered the first time you try to claim.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
There's two things that need to be considered...

Tinkerbell said:
There are many times I've sat back and thought about that. I pay X per month for insurance, but if I added up what the bills would have been for that month, would it have been as much as X? Some months you don't go to the doctor at all. I think prescriptions are really my big thing, because of a couple of migraine meds I have to fill every month. Of course, I got a daggum bill from Labcorp last night for my last pap. $396.00! They didn't run it through my insurance. I need to call them now.

...regarding insurance.

1. BAN employers and government from paying for it. That will make premiums crash as people look at their $12,000 a year plans their company paid and they choose, via free freaking market, to pay for something they gauge as a better value.


2. BAN employers and government from paying for it. That will make premiums crash as people look at their $12,000 a year plans their company paid and they choose, via free freaking market, to pay for something they gauge as a better value.


yeah yeah
itsbob said:
If you know that a condition would disqualify you from insurance, or jack the price of insurance up, why would you volunteer this info??

If they find out you have this condition they aren't going to send the insurance cops after you, and they aren't going to charge you extra for it IF they find out.

Like I don't understand on life insurance policies why anyone would admit to being a smoker. Yep, I smoke, three packs a day for the last twenty years. Do I still qualify for the losest price premium?? Here's your sign.

You dont even have to say anything sometimes. Sometimes they run checks and check every corner. To the point you are like THIS IS RIDICULOUS!


wandering aimlessly
kwillia said:
If you falsify info on your application, they have every right to deny you when you go for your payout. Even if they have been collecting money from you for years.

You can bet your bippy that when the insurance companies start getting your claims, they will check to see if they can find a way to not pay. If you lie and try to hide pre-existing conditions, they can and most likely will find out and you will be SOL for the claims and possibly dropped no matter how long you had been paying them.

Now a question: Would that be a sweet bippy he's betting?


Baby blues
itsbob said:
If you know that a condition would disqualify you from insurance, or jack the price of insurance up, why would you volunteer this info??

If they find out you have this condition they aren't going to send the insurance cops after you, and they aren't going to charge you extra for it IF they find out.

Like I don't understand on life insurance policies why anyone would admit to being a smoker. Yep, I smoke, three packs a day for the last twenty years. Do I still qualify for the losest price premium?? Here's your sign.
They pull medical records, Bob. You can't lie on the questionnaires. The fact is, if they find anything in your records that disqualifies you, that's it. Stick a fork in you - you're done.

As far as life insurance and smokers. From what my life ins. co. said, they actually come out and do some sort of mouth swab test and it you've smoked within the last 6 months, it will show up!

So, you can have your sign back.
Tinkerbell said:
They pull medical records, Bob. You can't lie on the questionnaires. The fact is, if they find anything in your records that disqualifies you, that's it. Stick a fork in you - you're done.

As far as life insurance and smokers. From what my life ins. co. said, they actually come out and do some sort of mouth swab test and it you've smoked within the last 6 months, it will show up!

So, you can have your sign back.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tinkerbell said:
As far as life insurance and smokers. From what my life ins. co. said, they actually come out and do some sort of mouth swab test and it you've smoked within the last 6 months, it will show up!
They gave me a wiz quiz and nicotine will show up in that.

So, Bob, ya damn dummy - you can't lie on an insurance ap :smack:


vraiblonde said:
They gave me a wiz quiz and nicotine will show up in that.

So, Bob, ya damn dummy - you can't lie on an insurance ap :smack:

:offtopic: How'd you break your collar bone? How do they fix something like that?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
How'd you break your collar bone?
Ran over a kid on a bike.

:razz: :lol:

Actually I broke it skiing - did a bail so as not to run over some out of control kid and came down on the pole. Crack!


vraiblonde said:
Ran over a kid on a bike.

:razz: :lol:

Actually I broke it skiing - did a bail so as not to run over some out of control kid and came down on the pole. Crack!

:roflmao: I actually believed the bike one :lol: :blushing: How do you heal that? It doesn't seem like something you cast. Is it just one of those things that you try not to move much and it heals on its own?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
How do you heal that?
They realign it, put you in a sling and let it heal. it was incredibly painful and I'd give birth a thousand times before I'd go through that again.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
They realign it, put you in a sling and let it heal. it was incredibly painful and I'd give birth a thousand times before I'd go through that again.

Hubby broke his in the car accident day after Christmas. I've never seen something swell so badly and the bruise was actually green and yellow. He was in horrible pain.


aka Mrs. Giant
Okay, my insurance payment more than tripled with a new policy that I get through work. I didn't get my insurance card til late, so I had to pay for my regular monthly prescription out of pocket which was $39, yet once I got my card it was a co-pay of $20. I seriously thought then and there about totally dropping my insurance cause that's stupid. Where's my "savings" that justify me having that much deducted from my paycheck?!


vraiblonde said:
They realign it, put you in a sling and let it heal. it was incredibly painful and I'd give birth a thousand times before I'd go through that again.



Pandora said:
Hubby broke his in the car accident day after Christmas. I've never seen something swell so badly and the bruise was actually green and yellow. He was in horrible pain.

Wow, I guess I got really lucky when I broke my face last month - there was NO bruising just some swelling, it was weird. Then after surgery to realign everything still no bruising - just swelling if I recall correctly. :yahoo: I lucked out!! :yahoo:


cdsulhoff said:
OT: Dems I see you like the dinner dash game as well..LOL

OT - I'm an addict and waiting for version 4, meanwhile experting out on all other levels, unlocking secret levels by completing all restaurants in expert mode and then posting my scores against others in Playfirst.com's website and getting badges and ranks and writting reviews :nerd: Version 4 will be called Wedding Dash, not much flo action but same concept in a way. Its due to be released between now and the end of the month. :nerd: I've signed up for email notification when its released :nerd: