"ooooo I'm Tellin"

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You started out...

Qurious said:
how did I change the story??

...saying bf had seen the guy in question kissing another woman and made it sound like it was no doubt, cheating kissing. Then, you go on to say you're not so sure you should tell because it was just a kiss. Well, there's cheating kisses and there's friendly kisses. So, which is it?

If kissing is cheating, then I've cheated with half the women on these forums and right in front of my wife too.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Larry Gude said:
...saying bf had seen the guy in question kissing another woman and made it sound like it was no doubt, cheating kissing. Then, you go on to say you're not so sure you should tell because it was just a kiss. Well, there's cheating kisses and there's friendly kisses. So, which is it?

If kissing is cheating, then I've cheated with half the women on these forums and right in front of my wife too.
I think you cheated with me right in front of her when I met you. If she didn't see it, I hope she doesn't see this and that nobody tells her.


New Member
you have to tell her.If it was your man doing it wouldnt you want someone to tell you?Tell me, I will tell her I think it is wrong for him to do it


nanstime said:
you have to tell her.If it was your man doing it wouldnt you want someone to tell you?Tell me, I will tell her I think it is wrong for him to do it

Yes, but quite honestly you are the last person that should be telling your friend this. She will take all the anger out on you. Its up to him to tell her or for her to start picking up on some clues. Generally, although I've never been cheated on, I think there would be some red flags. :shrug: Its up to her to do the homework or for him to come clean. It's one of those situations where you have to ask yourself "what does this have to do with me" - answer is... nothing. :shrug: I know it sounds a little harsh and I would try to plant some seeds here and there but I don't think I'd be the one to tell her. If I did it would come acrost as meddling especially as you don't have ALL the facts too :shrug:. JMO
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New Member
Qurious said:
So you and your wife are good friends with this couple right....and you're out one day and see the husband kissing another woman that isn't his wife....

do you tell the wife?

I'm kinda torn right now......she's mentioned he's been distant and then damn...my boyfriend seen him smoochin some other chick in the parking lot at Legends.
Sorry, I just don't believe that all this drama surrounds you on a daily basis. If it does, you need to start hanging around with a better class of people.


jetmonkey said:
Sorry, I just don't believe that all this drama surrounds you on a daily basis. If it does, you need to start hanging around with a better class of people.

Well, I was thinking the same thing... I figured she was just posting posts from watching Jerry Springer or something. I'm not home to watch TV so, her posts were kind of my way of being part of the tv audience for things like this :lol:


BTW, while we are at it... what was Qurious's BF doing there late at night up at Legends?? :shrug:

Richard Cranium

New Member
Qurious said:
I'm kinda torn right now......she's mentioned he's been distant and then damn...my boyfriend seen him smoochin some other chick in the parking lot at Legends.

Too bad it wasn't your guy smoochin some other ho.


I bowl overhand
Qurious said:
my boyfriend saw him "kiss" another woman, not sleep with her....

is kissing really cheating? what if he isn't flucking her?

I want to tell her but then I don't.....they just had a baby....

I told my man don't get involved just yet....we are both torn....
Send her anonymous red karma...


Qurious said:
and you're out one day and see the husband kissing another woman that isn't his wife.


Qurious said:
do you tell the wife?

Depends if there was tongue. He might have been kissing his sister. Or her sister. Or cousin.

Unless there was serious tonsil hockey going on, I'd ask him what's up before breaking up a marriage.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What happens...

BS Gal said:
I think you cheated with me right in front of her when I met you. If she didn't see it, I hope she doesn't see this and that nobody tells her.

....right in front of her stays right in front of her.



Back in the saddle
Nanny Pam said:
My ex-husbands sister told me my ex was cheating. That slimy bastage!:lol:
She even took me to where it was happening so I could see for myself. I appreciated it, too.

:yay: This is the ony way to let someone know a SO is cheating. Dealing with the situation first hand several different times, I blew it off b/c I didn't see it with my own two eyes. It even caused problems in my friendship of the person that told me. So if you can get good pictures or acutally take her to where this is going on then that's how I would handle it.


Stubborn and opinionated
MDTerps said:
:yay: This is the ony way to let someone know a SO is cheating. Dealing with the situation first hand several different times, I blew it off b/c I didn't see it with my own two eyes. It even caused problems in my friendship of the person that told me. So if you can get good pictures or acutally take her to where this is going on then that's how I would handle it.

People don't want to get involved because if (by chance) they were wrong it will strain your friendship with them.

They just wait for you to catch them yourself and then come tell you the stories they know.:burning:


New Member
Wait till u c them together again,call his wife and her husband and have them come to wherever they r. Set them up,then u wont feel guilty.


New Member
Qurious said:
So you and your wife are good friends with this couple right....and you're out one day and see the husband kissing another woman that isn't his wife....

do you tell the wife?

I'm kinda torn right now......she's mentioned he's been distant and then damn...my boyfriend seen him smoochin some other chick in the parking lot at Legends.

Instead of speculating whether this guy is cheating on his wife or not because your BF saw him kissing her neck and hugging her, why doesn’t your BF just mention to the guy what he saw especially since they are friends and you all hang out together. The guy will either tell him to “mind your own business” or tell him the truth.

Nobody really knows what goes on behind somebody else’s close doors. If she thinks he’s being distant with her then she needs to talk to him to see why.


Well-Known Member
So Q, if you saw me kissing your BF in the parking lot of his work, it would be no big deal because:

#1 lickin' ain't sticking
#2 sucking ain't *ucking
#3 eatin ain't cheatin'


and if you're so torn between telling and not telling, why'd you name the thread "ooooo I'm Tellin" Sounds to me like you already made up your mind before posting.

As far as I'm concerned, kissing is cheating
K_Jo said:
C_Jo's BFF (a very reliable source) saw my BFF's boyfriend in an intimate situation with another woman. C_Jo's BFF told me, and I went straight to my BFF with the information. She said she thought something had been going on, for a variety for reasons. She confronted her boyfriend. He denied it. I wasn't invited to their wedding. :ohwell:

:howdy: I saw a truck w/ a license plate of "RJO III" ... I was going to snap a pic, but didn't get back before dark and didn't want to get beat up. Anyone you know? :lmao: