It's no secret that I like Joel Osteen and enjoy his sermons, not to mention his books. He's actually quite popular with atheists and agnostics. So, not to put too fine a point on it, but he seems to be better at bringing the word of God to unbelievers than his more rigid counterparts.
As I told Larry, if Joel's words bring you to Christ, great, just make sure you know that Christianity is not always a bed of roses. When it gets bad, then what about Joel's "feel good" promises? It's like telling your kids that life is all good and wonderful. Just ignore the bad because it isn't real. That's not how life is, and Jesus never taught like Joel. Jesus taught love, compassion & forgiveness BUT He also taught wrath, eternal punishment and sickness because of our sins. I've spoken to and listened to many folks who bought into the "prosperity gospel" and they told me they almost lost their faith in God for good when things didn't come their way as they were told that it would.
So what do you say if I accept the gift and I am saved and yet I do not believe in Hell so must one saved believe in Hell or not?
You don't need to know anything about hell to be saved but, after you are saved, you need to learn about it and accept it's reality.
JPC said:
...then when I get there and if I were to find out that Jesus and God have other people burning in torment in a Hell then I will take my choice back and I choose to go join my fellow sinners in Hell because I will never ever serve any tyrant monster as my God.
That is a BLIND statement JPC. No one in heaven would ever want to join his fellow sinners in Hell, no matter what Billy Joel says.
JPC said:
So does once saved / always saved mean we must believe in Hell and accept the brutality after we see it for real? I say not.
You can be a Christian and ignore Hell all you want. If you're truly saved it shouldn't concern you. I don't think about Hell much because I ain't going anywhere near it. Someone once told me that "if you're saved, this earth is the only Hell you'll see BUT, if you're not, this is the only Heaven you'll see". Makes you think, doesn't it?
It is that kind of violent mentality that can see our Father God burning His children in a Hell fire and see that as okay and loving.
Where it comes to Hitler I say we can see the true God on D-Day with the allies attacking the Germans and later saving the Jews and in no way was the true God controlling Hitler and butchering Jews as part of God's plan.
This 2A has interpreted God by his (2A's) own violent driven mentality and he is far from correct.
God didn't "control" Hitler. He worked around his circumstances to make them turn out for OTHER people's good. That's what 2A is saying. God didn't use Hitler like a puppeteer. God knew what Hitler would do and orchestrated other's circumstances for good from that.
I can not accept that the loving God "allows" evil and pain because that is a violent concept and God is not violent.
People believe God is violent and talk of God's huge violence and I find that wrong. So people claim that God "allows" it and I find the opposite to be true.
Your lack of Bible knowledge is irritating JPC. Stop! God's wrath is nothing but violent. It is His justice for evil people in the world and there's no way around that fact. He DOES allow evil or He would have wiped out ALL of mankind by now as He did once in the flood.
JPC said:
God cries and moans and God is powerless against the cruelties of mankind until we mature and get saved from our own wickedness. Having long-suffering patience and waiting for the right time does not mean God is "allowing" it.
You may have read the Bible but you didn't understand it. God is NOT powerless in any way. It is HIS allowing things that causes some to think He is sleeping or uncaring, both of which are not happening.
I definitely have a problem..... I sit here and watch you, night after night drive people away from Christ!
God did NOT direct you, to slap down those just getting their feet wet Buster!
Kain, Jesus' words drove MANY people away from Him. Look at John 8 and see how he chastized the Jews for their unbelief. Look at what He called them. Look hard and you'll see that Jesus was mad at their unbelief. THEY actually drove themselves away from Jesus. When we speak what Jesus said, it WILL drive many away because of their refusal to believe and accept what they will see as the truth one day soon.
Most of that crap, is old testament bullshait which has virtually been ignored by the church for some time.
We've all seen the scriptures in the old testament. The hateful abrahamic laws followed on a guru level by the pharisees... the commands that could not have come from any sort of loving being, asking for the death of petty offenders, beating of wives, inequality of the sexes, owning and mistreatment of slaves, and so on.
Beating of wives??? Where is that? Although we don't follow the entire OT to the letter today, it doesn't mean that we can disregard it completely. Many OT laws are still valid today and, if they were still followed, the world would be much better off. Like the food laws. Although we can eat whatever we want, God showed us that not everything we eat is good for us.
No. Osteen does not say that you will have material prosperity. He is talking about prosperity in your soul. And anyone CAN have that.
Dearest Vrai, Let me show you his words in his book (Your best life now) that you might have read and I'll give you the page numbers. You tell me if he meant only "prosperity in your soul":
He mentions financial gain many times in the book as a result of positive thinking and faith in God for it.
"An old adage purports that if you want to be successful, you must follow your dreams. While I'd never suggest that anyone should abandon his or her dreams, the truth is, your life will follow your expectations. What you expect is what you will get". (p. 13)
"I can guarantee you that your difficult situation will never improve as long as you stay in a negative frame of mind. But if you'll develop an attitude of faith and expect events to change positively, then at the right time, that situation will turn around". (p. 16)
Speaking on finances he says: "Make room in your thinking for the great things God wants to do. Your best days are ahead of you. God wants to do more than you can even ask or think, but remember, it's according to the power that works in you. (p. 27-28)
"Remember, if you obey God and are willing to trust Him, you will have the best this life has to offer - and more"! (Last page)
"God wants to increase you financially, by giving you promotions, fresh ideas, and creativity". (p. 5)
"Many times, we pray almost as though we are inconveniencing God. We say, God, would You please give me a bit bigger apartment? I don't want to bother You too much. No, God wants to give you your own house. God has a big dream for your life". (p. 35)
There is so much more but people won't see the error of his teachings because the want to feel good and hear what THEY want to hear. I wish you all would stop thinking that we're antagonists here when we point out the false teachings of others. Anyone can misinterpret the Bible's teachings but, when you read it in "context", it really explains itself. If you only look at the "feel good" verses, it seems great! When you look at only the bad, it seems like it's not for me. When you look at it all, it's real life stuff, just as our lives are. All we're saying is that many TV preachers are using God's Word for financial gain instead of soul gain. They are deceiving many with their crafty methods and sooo many of you are falling for it. Very few come to and stay with Christ in the end and that is the thing we're trying to make you see. Not hatred, bigotry or narrow mindedness, just genuine concern for you. If you get saved and learn under GOOD teachers, you'll see this clearly. I did and I want you to see it too, that's why I do what I do.