Our resident Pagans


No, that's on topic. My premise is that the US is the cornerstone of Christianity in the world and perhaps I am totally wrong, that Christianity would be better off without the US and our foundation of religious freedom.

That would stand against what I believe God intended... If God didn't want religious freedom He would force everyone to believe.


New Member
I saw a bumper sticker today..... on the way home.... it said "God is too big for just one religion!" I like that...



New Member
There is no America without God. God has to be first.

America is not God's chosen people, no matter how much we want to believe that. Our country started off by forcibly taking land from other people, and then went on to enslave a portion of its own people. Does this seem like something Jesus would want his name attached to? America was and still is a safe haven for others to escape to from their own lands so that they may worship as they see fit, or not worship. The only time we allowed religion to govern us, we burned people for being witches. God needs to be in your soul, guiding your actions, not a political force to force others to do as you think they should. It is easy to be a Christian when everyone around you is one, the hard part is when to be one means your head will be removed from your shoulders.
Especially countries in Europe that are allowing their laws and religious freedoms to be usurped by Muslims and their demands for Sharia. See how freedom of religion is working there? The majority caves into the minority, and lose their rights of religion by being told what they can say, believe, and stand up for, except for concerning Islam. Islam trumps all.

Which countries in Europe are "allowing their laws and religious freedoms to be usurped by Muslims and their demands for Sharia?"


Well-Known Member
Which countries in Europe are "allowing their laws and religious freedoms to be usurped by Muslims and their demands for Sharia?"

Are you kidding? England, France, Sweden, Germany. Sweden is being overrun with more than 100,000 Muslims each year, and growing. France has entire areas in and around cities where the local police are not even allowed into. England, and now Sweden, have laws about what you can say to or even about Islam. And don't forget our immediate neighbors to the great white north. Dearborn, Michigan as well.


Countless other links, articles, etc.

I guess you've been asleep for a few decades, Mr. Van Winkle.
Are you kidding? England, France, Sweden, Germany. Sweden is being overrun with more than 100,000 Muslims each year, and growing. France has entire areas in and around cities where the local police are not even allowed into. England, and now Sweden, have laws about what you can say to or even about Islam. And don't forget our immediate neighbors to the great white north. Dearborn, Michigan as well.


Countless other links, articles, etc.

I guess you've been asleep for a few decades, Mr. Van Winkle.

We can start with debunking your claim about Dearborn, MI.



Well-Known Member
Are you kidding? England, France, Sweden, Germany. Sweden is being overrun with more than 100,000 Muslims each year, and growing. France has entire areas in and around cities where the local police are not even allowed into. England, and now Sweden, have laws about what you can say to or even about Islam. And don't forget our immediate neighbors to the great white north. Dearborn, Michigan as well.


Countless other links, articles, etc.

I guess you've been asleep for a few decades, Mr. Van Winkle.

Thanks for doing the homework b23hqb...The demographic collapse of Europe is statistically irreversible in in at least three countries. Tragic. Fine wines, Fine art, entertainment,---all obilterated under the oppression of of Neo-fascism called islam. Meanwhile...the nay sayers have NO clue what is happening right in front of them, and what will happen within 20 years. (And just for fun, they will have 100% access to nukes & missile technology,...taken by demographic surge.)
Thanks for doing the homework b23hqb...The demographic collapse of Europe is statistically irreversible in in at least three countries. Tragic. Fine wines, Fine art, entertainment,---all obilterated under the oppression of of Neo-fascism called islam. Meanwhile...the nay sayers have NO clue what is happening right in front of them, and what will happen within 20 years. (And just for fun, they will have 100% access to nukes & missile technology,...taken by demographic surge.)

KEEP FEAR ALIVE!!! It is the life blood of the religious right!


America is not God's chosen people, no matter how much we want to believe that. Our country started off by forcibly taking land from other people, and then went on to enslave a portion of its own people. Does this seem like something Jesus would want his name attached to? America was and still is a safe haven for others to escape to from their own lands so that they may worship as they see fit, or not worship. The only time we allowed religion to govern us, we burned people for being witches. God needs to be in your soul, guiding your actions, not a political force to force others to do as you think they should. It is easy to be a Christian when everyone around you is one, the hard part is when to be one means your head will be removed from your shoulders.

You’re misinterpreting what I posted. In the larger scheme, nothing exists without God. Anyone who believes is God’s chosen people; anywhere in the world. Much has been done in the name of God/Jesus that I can’t subscribe to as good or bad; they just are. God allows things to happen; He doesn’t dictate our actions. That’s why I posted that God supports religious FREEDOM, because He is not up there pulling strings and forcing people to believe. We are free to do as we want. It’s just there will be consequences. So make your choices carefully. How does this play into the founding of this country? There isn’t a person alive today that can be called responsible for the brutality that occurred in the founding of this country. We were all either born into this ‘new land’ or migrated here long after it happened. History is written and can’t be changed. Live with it and do good with what you have.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for doing the homework b23hqb...The demographic collapse of Europe is statistically irreversible in in at least three countries. Tragic. Fine wines, Fine art, entertainment,---all obilterated under the oppression of of Neo-fascism called islam. Meanwhile...the nay sayers have NO clue what is happening right in front of them, and what will happen within 20 years. (And just for fun, they will have 100% access to nukes & missile technology,...taken by demographic surge.)

What do you think we need to do about this perceived threat? Declare war on Islam? Onward Christian soldiers? Convert to Christianity or else? Christianity has it's own dark history of oppression, brutality, and torture.

I don't subscribe to any religion, but I respect everyone's right to believe what they want to believe, as long as they can do it peacefully, without threatening those who choose not to embrace their specific faith or god.

Religious intolerance is the real threat to this planet.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Christianity has it's own dark history of oppression, brutality, and torture.

Well that makes me feel a LOT better. As long as there are historical parallels (what was done in the name of Christianity centuries ago) to the atrocities that Islamists are perpetrating all over the world right now, I'm OK with it.

Aren't moral equivalencies great?
Well that makes me feel a LOT better. As long as there are historical parallels (what was done in the name of Christianity centuries ago) to the atrocities that Islamists are perpetrating all over the world right now, I'm OK with it.

Aren't moral equivalencies great?

A sense of moral superiority is where the problems start; when one religion thinks they're morally superior to another, or that their god is greater than the other's.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
A sense of moral superiority is where the problems start; when one religion thinks they're morally superior to another, or that their god is greater than the other's.

What does that have to do with the logical fallacy known as the "moral equivalence"? Or why so many Islamists are out committing violent acts every day against innocent people...women and children included?


Well-Known Member
What do you think we need to do about this perceived threat? Declare war on Islam? Onward Christian soldiers? Convert to Christianity or else? Christianity has it's own dark history of oppression, brutality, and torture.

I don't subscribe to any religion, but I respect everyone's right to believe what they want to believe, as long as they can do it peacefully, without threatening those who choose not to embrace their specific faith or god.

Religious intolerance is the real threat to this planet.

"as long as they can do it peacefully, without threatening those who choose not to embrace their specific faith or god."

Quite a statement on your part. Now if you could just state some fact about the Islam that dominates the Muslim world right now that supports your thought on them doing it peacefully, without threatening those who choose not to embrace their specific faith, i.e., Islam......?

Show me anywhere where anyone stated, beside yourself, of course, "convert to Christianity or else?" That is a tenant, a pillar of Islam, BTW. Muslim or bust.

Past historical fact, the Koran itself, coupled with ongoing current events, seem to have conveniently slipped by you.

Ignorance is self inflected, you know. It's not a handicap. You're prominently displaying it.


New Member
The thing about Islamists is that in order for them to be a threat to other countries they need backing from a country. These groups do not operate in a vacuum. we depend on our government to keep our country safe form threats, it is one of the reasons we pay taxes. Unfortunately our government does not always keep us safe and these groups are able to threaten us, attack us, even subvert our culture to some extent. When 9/11 happened we attacked Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan were they were operating from, but left alone their financial and philosophical backers in Saudi Arabia. if over 90% of the members of a group that attacked Riyadh were Americans, even if they were operating out of the Bahamas, do you think the Arab world would blame the Bahamas or the USA? But what does our country do? It ends up attacking Iraq even though they had nothing to do with 9/11 and had no means of attacking us. Saddam was our best weapon against terrorists operating in Iraq, but we got Colin Powell to go on TV talking about mobile factories of mass destruction weapons and other nonsense that our government either knew was false or at least had suspicions about, and ended up miring us in a war that has played havoc with our military. Sort of like when Iraq attacked one of our naval vessels in the Persian Gulf so we attacked Iran.

As long as we keep the separations between church and state that are part of our governing documents strong than we have little to worry about Islam becoming to law of the land here. But it requires people to stand up and voice their opposition when the government does not do its duty to protect the rights of its citizens. If we start to make exceptions for Christianity in the governing of our country we open the door for the same exceptions to be made for Islam. Sort of like how we fight against restrictions being made on the ownership of assault rifles because that would open the door to restrictions on the rights to bear arms in general.
"as long as they can do it peacefully, without threatening those who choose not to embrace their specific faith or god."

Quite a statement on your part. Now if you could just state some fact about the Islam that dominates the Muslim world right now that supports your thought on them doing it peacefully, without threatening those who choose not to embrace their specific faith, i.e., Islam......?

Show me anywhere where anyone stated, beside yourself, of course, "convert to Christianity or else?" That is a tenant, a pillar of Islam, BTW. Muslim or bust.

Past historical fact, the Koran itself, coupled with ongoing current events, seem to have conveniently slipped by you.

Ignorance is self inflected, you know. It's not a handicap. You're prominently displaying it.

I was asking what the alternative is to religious tolerance. If subscribers to Christianity and Islam cannot tolerate one another's faith, then what is the solution?

I think much of the religious world is handicapped by self-inflicted fear and ignorance. When you go through life in fear that you'll be condemned to an imagined eternal hell if you don't think or believe in a religiously prescribed fashion dictated by other humans, that is a true handicap. Gods did not write the bible or Koran; humans did. These books have since been translated, re-translated, interpreted, and re-interpreted by humans to meet human agendas.