Ghetto Smurf said:
Not bite back harder, just establish a sense of consiquence opposed to making any kind of excuse for such an act. If the the act is harsh, you must show them there can and will be a harsh consiquence. example.. as adults we "should" all know we cant go out and shoot up walmart without life in jail or death. If your kid is told they have some condition thats just an excuse they can use to justify or defend themselves for doing something out of line. No matter how bad the act there can always be that thing to fall back on... It may be ok in childhood but IMO is just setting up for something bad down the road.
Ohh tell me i didn't hit that nail on the head.

Doesn't matter how HARD you bite back, you're bigger, stronger and YOU win because he can't retaliate against YOU. SOOOO...what's he do? Bites the littler kid.
Kids who TRUELY need this sort of intervention simply can't control their impulses. They don't have that ability. Counselling along with the therapy is the preferred method, so they learn (hopefully) constructive ways to deal with anger, frustration, confusion, boredom etc. etc. As with any treatment protocol, the ultimate goal is for recovery, and/or management of their emotions and removal from the meds.
When my daughter was 10 months old she pierced my nipple when nursing,

YOWZA. I yelped! Her sisters laughed, she watched them laugh, so when i switched sides, she tried it on the other side. SAME response from me. AND i weaned her to a cup. I didn't bite her back!! She never bit me or anyone again.
When my son bit his sister's finger because she stuck it in his mouth, she screamed, I removed him from the situation, and acted SHOCKED and hurt and told him how sorprised I was that he'd actually DO something awful like that. he got my point and never did it again, to anyone. I had to restrain his sister from biting his finger off, but she also got the same message, just because she was bigger, didn't mean she had the right to retaliate like that, he apoligized to her. If it was bad for him it was worse for her to do it back.
My son got into one major altercation in high school. someone else took a swing at him. His response was to grab the buy in a chokehold, swing him to the floor and put his knee into his back until someone could come get the dumbo. The teachers were very impressed with his self restraint. This from a boy who's been shooting guns forever, and doing martial arts, and self protection stuff since he was a toddler with his (cop/infantry army officer dad). He ain't no wussy. Get my point?
I've raised 4 1/2 really terrific kids (i have a 9 y/o still at home). Ya'll with one or two kiddos, are a bunch of rookies when it comes to raising 'em. REALLY. My first 3 were in 5 years, then i had another one, then 10 years later had my last.