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I have never judged someone because of their religion or color. We all have opinions, perceptions, biases on religion, people, things, etc Thats what makes this world interesting.
I have had a lot of people mainly family who hate that i am atheist........Some put me down for it.
What can they possibly say that would "put you down" for being an atheist?
you're going to burn in hell for all eternity?
I think your post should read:"People's beliefs"I believe it is wrong to judge someone on their beliefs. Everyone has their point of views which is good. I just can't stand it when people say that one person is stupid for being a Jewish or Catholic Christian or even Atheism.Isn't wrong in some religions to judge people? Are you truly your religion even if you don't believe in all of it? Can you pick what parts to believe and not believe?
I think your post should read:"People's beliefs"
By "judge", do you mean criticize them for their belief? And, it is NOT good for everyone to have their point of view. I never say that a person is "stupid" for being "xxxx" religion but I will say what is wrong or right with it, out of concern for their soul. Why do people look at caring as judging or hatred of another? One day, when it is all over, you will look back and say one of two things if you don't make it to Heaven:
1) You might say, why didn't I listen to him or her when they were telling me that I was wrong about Heaven & hell? (Many call this judging others, but it's not).
2) If they didn't warn you of the consequences, you will say to them, why didn't you tell me about hell?
Personally, I'd rather hear the first statement from someone instead of the last because at least I warned them of the danger and God won't punish me for not telling them.
There is only one God and Jesus is the only way to Heaven. He proved it by His resurrection from the dead so, if He says He's the only way, you had better believe Him cause it's true. Call it narrow minded or judgmental but, I swear to you all, it's concern for my fellow humans and nothing less.
That's your belief. I am not not saying your wrong. Feel free to believe what you want . I am not wrong for believing that there is no heaven or hell. When i die am going into the dirt.Everyone has their own point of views.We can all learn from each other.
I splain ghosts like this Lucy: They ain't no ghosts that we can see because, by their very definition, ghosts is invisible. Demons can't take on human form, as (good) angels can, but they can possess unsaved people and make them do dangerous things. A persons mind can imagine anything they let it imagine but we still cannot see spritual beings with our human eyes unless God allows it as He did on only a few occasions. This is why people have said they've seen ghosts but probably haven't. They imagined it. I have more on this but I don't know if I should put it on here. If you want it I can "pm" it to you or post it here later.How do you splain ghost's?
I splain ghosts like this Lucy: They ain't no ghosts that we can see because, by their very definition, ghosts be invisible. Demons can't take on human form, as (good) angels can, but they can possess unsaved people and make them do dangerous things. A persons mind can imagine anything they let it imagine but it still cannot see spritual beings through human eyes. I have a full page explanation for them but I don't know if I should put it on here. If you want it I can "pm" it to you or post it here later.![]()
Tapes don't lie but what man puts on them can. And how can they film something invisible? Be very careful, it is TV remember.I'd love to read your PM but.... I watch Ghost Hunters and they catch apparitions on tape and stuff. Tape does'nt lie.
I also believe in demons. So don't worry about proving that stuff.
Public posting is good too!![]()
See what I've seen and you won't call it an 'imagination'.They imagined it.
Whoever said it was invisible?And how can they film something invisible?
Just for arguments sake, what if He is right? What then for you?
Pascals Wager. I don't know how many times this nonsense has been deconstructed for the farce it is, but here goes:
What if you find out god doesn't like self-serving believers who only believed because they were betting so they wouldn't go to hell?
What if god is a liar and he sends you there anyway?
What if you've chosen to believe in the wrong god and now he's sincerely pissed at you?
How about this: I don't believe because I am honest about there being no evidence or compelling reason to believe. This is a simple, honest, and totally altruistic decision, with no malice or appeal for a "safety net". It is probably courageous -- honesty usually is.
If I die and there's nothing, as I suspect there is, then no harm no foul.
If I die and there's a righteous god, I won't need any pleas because a righteous god would know my inner thoughts and no explanation would be necessary.
If, however, this god who would allow his own children to suffer in torment forver over belief or lack of belief is truly the being in charge - then you and I are screwed anyway. Such a cruel monster is not worthy of belief, not worthy of worship, and is just as liable to send me to Hell being the sadistic monster he is in any event.
Religion is all about judgment. I have an old friend who is a fundie Christian. I said to him one time, "But Jesus said you're not supposed to judge. Judge not, lest ye be judged..." He replied, "No, in fact you are supposed to judge..."
"Those who indulge in sexual sin, who are idol worshipers, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexuals, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, abusers and swindlers--none of these will have a share in the Kingdom of God."
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
"Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment."
John 7:24
"Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for the tree is known by its fruit."
Matthew 12:33
"I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them"
Romans 16:17
"Expel the wicked man from among you."
1 Corinthians 5:12
There are more, but you get the gist.
Pascals Wager. I don't know how many times this nonsense has been deconstructed for the farce it is, but here goes:
What if you find out god doesn't like self-serving believers who only believed because they were betting so they wouldn't go to hell?
What if god is a liar and he sends you there anyway?
What if you've chosen to believe in the wrong god and now he's sincerely pissed at you?
How about this: I don't believe because I am honest about there being no evidence or compelling reason to believe. This is a simple, honest, and totally altruistic decision, with no malice or appeal for a "safety net". It is probably courageous -- honesty usually is.
If I die and there's nothing, as I suspect there is, then no harm no foul.
If I die and there's a righteous god, I won't need any pleas because a righteous god would know my inner thoughts and no explanation would be necessary.
If, however, this god who would allow his own children to suffer in torment forver over belief or lack of belief is truly the being in charge - then you and I are screwed anyway. Such a cruel monster is not worthy of belief, not worthy of worship, and is just as liable to send me to Hell being the sadistic monster he is in any event.
For the people who do believe in god here a question for you. If there is a god then why does he make people suffer? Why let a child be born with some issues like a bone not being on the top of his? Letting him live through several surgeries then die during the same surgery he has done before? Why? Why let his parents family and friends suffer? Why let him suffer? On Wednesday I will be going to my friends funeral. I have to watch her bury her 16 month old son! Some great god!