People Can’t Drive!


Power with Control
Well I guess I'm not safe on this road either. Been driving Rt 5 more in the last 3 weeks from GMR/Willows to Ridge to avoid the crazies on 235 and to lower my blood pressure with the slower pace and serenity of St. Mary's River, but guess I need to buy a helicopter.

Just nuts.


Power with Control
Are those fresh tracks I see entering st Mary’s city going south through the fence into the river? The Taylor house yard?

Yep, DUI guy, didn't quit make it to the river. Waiting for an estimate now so his insurance can pay for it, evidently.
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Well-Known Member
Well I guess I'm not safe on this road either. Been driving Rt 5 more in the last 3 weeks from GMR/Willows to Ridge to avoid the crazies on 235 and to lower my blood pressure with the slower pace and serenity of St. Mary's River, but guess I need to buy a helicopter.



Resident PIA
Speaking of the MSP and bad drivers....:shutup:

Heading east out of L-Town and shortly after passing Leonards Grant I notice this car closing rapidly on my 6.
I'm locked in at 40 and have no intention of speeding past the Sheriff's office and the MSP barracks.
But this car, don't know where it came from, closes in rapidly and rides the bumper - Did catch a glimpse of the front plate.
It was one of Maryland's finest that road my ass for a couple of miles.
Apparently he didn't want to pass, no lights or sirens, not even a flash. But he didn't back off either.


If I may ...
If I may ...

Speaking of the MSP and bad drivers....:shutup:

Heading east out of L-Town and shortly after passing Leonards Grant I notice this car closing rapidly on my 6.
I'm locked in at 40 and have no intention of speeding past the Sheriff's office and the MSP barracks.
But this car, don't know where it came from, closes in rapidly and rides the bumper - Did catch a glimpse of the front plate.
It was one of Maryland's finest that road my ass for a couple of miles.
Apparently he didn't want to pass, no lights or sirens, not even a flash. But he didn't back off either.
Be on that road during a shift change. I've had two to three troopers at times behind me all the way to the light at 235. Cruise control set to speed limit. At light, turning right, zoom, they pass by in the left lane.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I made a 6 he drive and got to thinking about all the accidents here. I cant think of a single person back home that died in a regular auto accident. Yea a couple that died from driving drunk, but here I knew 4 people that have been killed in regular accidents.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
In Michigan in the early 80s it was pretty common. 20 year old muscle cars that the bottom half of the car had rusted off weren’t the safest things.


Well-Known Member
When they do things like speed, as long as its safe, I"m cool. But when I see them tailgate and perform unsafe lane changes, I get torqued. Set the example, man!
Remember the week they banned cell phones while driving, unmarked MSP in the center weaving back and forth. Pulled up along side at the light and there he is trying to dial his cell.


the poor dad
The hits keep on coming! How many more accidents do we need at this intersection before we get a design change?



Well-Known Member
The hits keep on coming! How many more accidents do we need at this intersection before we get a design change?

Looking for ideas on how to design an intersection so idiots don't run a red light.