Picketing at Mechanicsville School Tommorrow



If anyone is interested in picketing tommorrow at the school for Mrs. Palko they are starting at 4. I think it is horrible what happened to her. To have your have to reschedule an already paid for trip that you take every year. Teachers should be able to take their personal leave whenever they want. My mom was involved with the school when we went there along with being the PTA president at one time. My sister, brother, and myself all had Mrs. Palko as a teacher and thought she was great. My sister is also a teacher so we go to support Mrs. Palko and all teachers.
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Are ya gonna egg the kiddies if they cross the picket line????

If so.....I'm in! :killingme


American Beauty
PREMO Member
starr said:
To have your leave approved and then at the last second taken away.

I thought her leave was denied because she would not disclose her reasons for taking it?

I could be wrong though...
RoseRed said:
I thought her leave was denied because she would not disclose her reasons for taking it?

I could be wrong though...
:yeahthat: My understanding was that she requested personal leave and was denied by the principle. She then appealed and was told "claim hardship" and it will be approved. She refused to claim hardship, which would have been a lie, and was denied again. She then quit.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Welcome to the real world, sunshine! Until I started working for myself, I can't remember a job I had where I could take my leave whenever I wanted to. Shoot, I can't take leave whenever I want NOW and I own the friggin' place.

Teachers already get at least one day off a month PLUS a couple of months in the summer. I'm waiting for the day when school teachers do like college professors do and just have an associate so they NEVER have to show up for work.


I bowl overhand
RoseRed said:
I thought her leave was denied because she would not disclose her reasons for taking it?

I could be wrong though...
Teachers get paid LEAVE too!??? I know I'm gonna take some crap for this, but what da hell!?? Don't they already get almost 1/2 the year off paid??


Not from what she told us. Every year she goes on a cruise (must be nice huh?) and she put in her request for leave way in advance. Three days before the Thanksgiving Day holiday. The prinicpal denied it because it would disrupt the students to much.

This is just what I have heard but she is trying to run out all of the older teachers. She already ran out Mrs. Nelson and as asked Mrs. Taylor to leave. Apparently she is a control freak and can't rule over the older teachers so she wants them out. Again this is only what I have heard but it is from teachers within the system.


itsbob said:
Teachers get paid LEAVE too!??? I know I'm gonna take some crap for this, but what da hell!?? Don't they already get almost 1/2 the year off paid??

They get only a couple of personal days a year. Think about if you need to go to the doctor or something.

I was just simply letting people know it was going on. That's it.


I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
Welcome to the real world, sunshine! Until I started working for myself, I can't remember a job I had where I could take my leave whenever I wanted to. Shoot, I can't take leave whenever I want NOW and I own the friggin' place.

Teachers already get at least one day off a month PLUS a couple of months in the summer. I'm waiting for the day when school teachers do like college professors do and just have an associate so they NEVER have to show up for work.
You have NO idea how close to the truth you are.. the unions are already talking about it.. teachers with degrees would oversee "assistants" that would actually teach the courses.. similar to what a Physicians Assistant does with a Doctor.. Citing the shortage of certidfied teachers, they are attempting to change the rules to where non-certified, non-credentialed assistants can come in and teach at various schools, and the credentialed teacher would be tasked with overseeing 5 - 10 of them, while not teaching any classes themselves.


I bowl overhand
starr said:
Not from what she told us. Every year she goes on a cruise (must be nice huh?) and she put in her request for leave way in advance. Three days before the Thanksgiving Day holiday. The prinicpal denied it because it would disrupt the students to much.

This is just what I have heard but she is trying to run out all of the older teachers. She already ran out Mrs. Nelson and as asked Mrs. Taylor to leave. Apparently she is a control freak and can't rule over the older teachers so she wants them out. Again this is only what I have heard but it is from teachers within the system.
If the Cruise is the reason, then she should have been denied!! She's an educated professional, she couldn't pre-plan her cruise for sometime during a scheduled school break?? This isn't rocket science..


She has taken this cruise for years and never had a problem until this principal. They think she denied it because grandparents day was during that time and the prinicipal didn't want to look bad.


24/7 Single Dad
starr said:
She has taken this cruise for years and never had a problem until this principal. They think she denied it because grandparents day was during that time and the prinicipal didn't want to look bad.
That worked out well.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Teachers get 3 personal days to USE or lose per year and between 5-10 sick days.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Chasey_Lane said:
They're allowed to use them when approved, not whenevertheheckthefrickinfeellikeit.
I know they have to be approved. I didn't say otherwise, I was stating a fact.