Picketing at Mechanicsville School Tommorrow


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
huntr1 said:
DAYUM! If I hadn't already given you karma today, I'd give you some now for getting smacked like that!
It wasn't me, I swear! But CC's right -- if it happened today, I'd be very accepting. I'd even don the old plaid skirt for the occasion! :spank:

Hot N Bothered

New Member
starr said:
That is what the picketing is for. More for all techers than just her.
I don't buy it. How many other teachers were denied leave? At this point Palko doesn't deserve her job back. She may not have started it, but the whole situation is highly disruptive to the children. The teacher who took her place has been with those kids almost as long as Palko was (about 2 1/2 months). Those students are now used to new routines and a new teacher. The offer to reinstate Palko with full tenure etc. at another school, was more than generous on the part of the school board. They weren't legally required to do it, but felt it would be in the best interest of all involved. If the offer still stands, Palko should take it and end the :bs:


huntr1 said:
I love it! I got unsigned, no comment red karma for a post here. If you're gonna red karma me, atleast tell me why so I can know how stupid you are.
:yeahthat: I got some too


¡Tengo una tarjeta verde!
Bruzilla said:
I guess I have to start playing "Hearts and Flowers" too. I have no sympathy for teachers. When I was in the Navy, I had to endure six month deployments away from my family, lost a bunch of money on a house I had to sell due to a forced move, often had to pay for extra survival equipment, often worked 24-36 hour days, flew countless 12-hour patrols, and got shot at... all for a lot less money than your wife is getting. That's why I'm no longer in the Navy. If your wife's lot in life is so unbearable, there's an easy fix - go do something else and open a slot for someone who'll appreciate the job.

My wife, just like most teachers, didn't decide to become a teacher for the money. She did it because she loves kids, and loves to teach. It has been what she has always wanted to do, and she loves her job in spite of all the stuff I mentioned.

I applaud you for your service to the country. I'm a vet too, so I know what you mean...although I never got shot at.


Big Wheelin'
Hot N Bothered said:
I don't buy it. How many other teachers were denied leave? At this point Palko doesn't deserve her job back. She may not have started it, but the whole situation is highly disruptive to the children. The teacher who took her place has been with those kids almost as long as Palko was (about 2 1/2 months). Those students are now used to new routines and a new teacher. The offer to reinstate Palko with full tenure etc. at another school, was more than generous on the part of the school board. They weren't legally required to do it, but felt it would be in the best interest of all involved. If the offer still stands, Palko should take it and end the :bs:

total agreement.


Come Play at BigWoodys
God forbid someone want to take off any other time then their allotted time off especially Teachers. You know they do a hard enough job as it is with no support from half the freaking parents and not alot of money considering how much it cost them to get their Masters degree's. If this is something this woman has done for many years and is a ritual who cares what any of you think. It could be a family or friend thing but thats all her business no one elses why and when she chooses to use her leave. Point is that she was granted and then denied if thats how it truely happend. Thats BS plain and simple. Stop reading crap into things people. Seems as though she gave plenty notice of her leave activities and if this was a yearly ritual I would think that since it was a cruise this thing was booked months in adavance.
K_Jo said:
It wasn't me, I swear! But CC's right -- if it happened today, I'd be very accepting. I'd even don the old plaid skirt for the occasion! :spank:
PM you picture and vital's, maybe I can even do it barehanded for ya!


Jersey attitude.
Bruzilla said:
I guess I have to start playing "Hearts and Flowers" too. I have no sympathy for teachers. When I was in the Navy, I had to endure six month deployments away from my family, lost a bunch of money on a house I had to sell due to a forced move, often had to pay for extra survival equipment, often worked 24-36 hour days, flew countless 12-hour patrols, and got shot at... all for a lot less money than your wife is getting. That's why I'm no longer in the Navy. If your wife's lot in life is so unbearable, there's an easy fix - go do something else and open a slot for someone who'll appreciate the job.

Teaching and active military are pretty much voluntary jobs, so more power to those who do them and make a career out of them.... but... You wanted to be there.

I chose not to teach (after getting a double major), not because of the kids but because of the parents and the bureaucracy.
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Hot N Bothered

New Member
FastCarsSpeed said:
Point is that she was granted and then denied if thats how it truely happend. Thats BS plain and simple.
According to the paper, according to Palko, according to the principal, that's NOT how it happened. The leave was NEVER granted! The only person who ever said it was is starr, when she started this thread. So your point is rather blunt.


I thought I had heard that. I changed it. She put in her request 5 weeks in advance and provided sub plans. That is all that is necessary!
The get only 3 personal days and that azz for a principal can't give her that. As stated before a lot of teachers personal time it taken up with grading and planning so I say if they want 3 days in a row then give it to them. Yes they chose that profession to give your kids an education.


This Space for Rent
1) It doesn't matter who hard they work, what all they go through, how they must perform when their sick, etc.... Its personal time thats the issue.

2) A teacher signed on to teach kids for the year by contract with restrictions on the use of personal time off. She sailed her own ship. It doesn't matter what the unwritten understanding was the teacher or teachers though they had. Thats not whats in writing. If the school district doesn't have enough subs and is having trouble filling absent teacher positions, they have a right to not grant personal time. I understood this clearly when I taught.

3) This is some of the most retarded, ignorant crap I have read on these boards to date. She paid for a trip in full before she got her leave time granted? Thats her own damn fault. Suck it up ya dumb ho and stop making mountains out of mole hills. I can't believe some of you are sticking up for this kind of play-the-victim-namby-pamby-bullcrap! Bunch of f'ing whiners around here. You have a job and your job requires you to be attendant to students needs during 9.5 months of the year... Suck it up! You chose your own career and knew the rules!

Starr, you are a retard for thinking this merits a strike outside a school. Lets go interrupt the educational opportunites of our kids with an outside distraction because someone didn't get her damn fun in the sun for 1 year out of however damn many in a row. WAAAH! Big f'ing deal.

Man, do you people have a life? Strike at a school over time off during duty hours? Seriously, some of you should be shown the short way down from the top of the cliffs. F'ing got-to-have-a-moronic-cause-retarded wackos.