Picketing at Mechanicsville School Tommorrow


New Member
If you have a large portion of the summer off but choose to schedule your vacation for the time when you are supposed to be working, then quit your job in a fit of pique. I'm forced to play the world's smallest violin. :shrug:

Hot N Bothered

New Member
When I heard Palko had been denied leave, despite asking weeks in advance, she had my sympathy.

When it was reported that the general understanding among all the teachers was that personal leave needed no explaination and was never denied, I felt the injustice of it.

When it came out that the reason for the denial of leave was that the principal anticipated a large number of "illnesses" among teachers during that time. I was angered.

When Palko retired rather then submit to this injustice, I applauded her.

When she came crawling back, begging for her job, turning down an offer to go to another school because the administration feared further disruption, when she appeared time after time at Board of Education meetings trying to speak to them, despite being told time and time again that their lawyer advised against it in the event they should have to rule on the case in the future. She lost my respect. She retired, she made her bed, let her lie in it.


¡Tengo una tarjeta verde!
Teachers are required to continue their education throughout their career, taking classes on their own time. Yet, a teacher in St Mary's with 10 years of experience and a Master's degree makes a little over $50k a year. Most teachers spend at least an hour of their spare time grading papers, doing report cards, or lesson planning. Teachers have to deal with nasty, irate parents. Many teachers spend their own money on school supplies.

My wife is a kindergarten teacher. Easy job you say? In addition to all of the above, she has twice as many report cards to complete, and twice as many parent conferences to schedule. She asks the parents for a measly $5 a month to cover snacks and food for cooking activities. She regularly has parents who refuse to pay, forget to pay, or bounce checks. She knows that, even though it's only $5, some families can't afford to pay even that small amount, so she doesn't press them. For those bounced checks that charge our account an extra $5, how many times do you think she told the parent that their check bounced? Never.

When you wake up on a work day and have a fever, what do you do? I call my supervisor and tell him I am taking a sick day, then go back to bed. A teacher has to call around and find a substitute, write plans for the substitute, and get the plans to the school. Nowadays, email has made that last part easier, but it hasn't always been that way. Sure, they have an automated system for finding substitute teachers, but it is a joke and almost any teacher will tell you that they have a few select subs that they would prefer to have teaching their class.

I think teachers deserve to take some time off when they feel like it. But I'm biased.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
I always wanted to be a teacher but I was too dumb to pass the necessary math classes, so now I work for the federal government, take off whenever I please, and get paid damn good money to do this all day.


Salt Life
K_Jo said:
I always wanted to be a teacher but I was too dumb to pass the necessary math classes, so now I work for the federal government, take off whenever I please, and get paid damn good money to do this all day.
That could be said for oh, 90% of the people here. :lol:
I love it! I got unsigned, no comment red karma for a post here. If you're gonna red karma me, atleast tell me why so I can know how stupid you are.

I feel the same as Hot N Bothered posted. At first, I was entirely in her corner. I think the school board should grow a pair and tell the principle that she effed up and force her to hire her back. However, after finding out that it was so she could go on a freaking cruise! Give me a break. She is off in the summer and off again at Christmas. She could take her cruise then. I am not begrudging her the right to use her leave, or for standing on principle by not lying about hardship, but, like the saying goes, don't do the crime if you can't do the time. I do think that she should have taken the job at the other school as offered (if it was with restored tenure and pay and whatnot). To have her back at M.E.S. at this point will be too disruptive. Can you say "Hostile Work Environment"?
K_Jo said:
I always wanted to be a teacher but I was too dumb to pass the necessary math classes, so now I work for the federal government, take off whenever I please, and get paid damn good money to do this all day.
THAT'S ME!!!!!!!

I even looked into being a teacher, but then decided that I would be better off NOT being a teacher, I'd be too likely to smack a kid in the back of the head or throw an eraser at them when they get all smartmouthed in class.


vraiblonde said:
Welcome to the real world, sunshine! Until I started working for myself, I can't remember a job I had where I could take my leave whenever I wanted to. Shoot, I can't take leave whenever I want NOW and I own the friggin' place.

Teachers already get at least one day off a month PLUS a couple of months in the summer. I'm waiting for the day when school teachers do like college professors do and just have an associate so they NEVER have to show up for work.

:yeahthat: 100% If there's a time (which is frequent) where I can't take leave when I want because there's no coverage or what have you and it's real important to me, I won't request the leave, I'll just call in sick. Take Christmas for example... folks already have requested leave around Christmas for this year 2 years ago - there's a waiting list of sorts. How old was this teacher and how much experience did she have doing any other trades?


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
huntr1 said:
THAT'S ME!!!!!!!

I even looked into being a teacher, but then decided that I would be better off NOT being a teacher, I'd be too likely to smack a kid in the back of the head or throw an eraser at them when they get all smartmouthed in class.
I remember a girl getting spanked with a ruler - this big, fat, wooden fold-up ruler - when I was in first grade. In front of the whole class. She never said
"b!tch" again!


But wait, there's more...
I'm sympathetic to teachers too, but damn ... I know of no job where when you request to use leave, it's automatically guaranteed -- even Uncle Sam's employees have to "request" (key word there) it and, depending on workload, manning and other things going on, it very well may be denied.

This woman oughta suck it up and quit her whining. She can go on a cruise whenever she darn well feels like it if she is retired. :shrug:
K_Jo said:
I remember a girl getting spanked with a ruler - this big, fat, wooden fold-up ruler - when I was in first grade. In front of the whole class. She never said
"b!tch" again!
DAYUM! If I hadn't already given you karma today, I'd give you some now for getting smacked like that!


cholo said:
Teachers are required to continue their education throughout their career, taking classes on their own time. Yet, a teacher in St Mary's with 10 years of experience and a Master's degree makes a little over $50k a year. Most teachers spend at least an hour of their spare time grading papers, doing report cards, or lesson planning. Teachers have to deal with nasty, irate parents. Many teachers spend their own money on school supplies.

My wife is a kindergarten teacher. Easy job you say? In addition to all of the above, she has twice as many report cards to complete, and twice as many parent conferences to schedule. She asks the parents for a measly $5 a month to cover snacks and food for cooking activities. She regularly has parents who refuse to pay, forget to pay, or bounce checks. She knows that, even though it's only $5, some families can't afford to pay even that small amount, so she doesn't press them. For those bounced checks that charge our account an extra $5, how many times do you think she told the parent that their check bounced? Never.

When you wake up on a work day and have a fever, what do you do? I call my supervisor and tell him I am taking a sick day, then go back to bed. A teacher has to call around and find a substitute, write plans for the substitute, and get the plans to the school. Nowadays, email has made that last part easier, but it hasn't always been that way. Sure, they have an automated system for finding substitute teachers, but it is a joke and almost any teacher will tell you that they have a few select subs that they would prefer to have teaching their class.

I think teachers deserve to take some time off when they feel like it. But I'm biased.

I guess I have to start playing "Hearts and Flowers" too. I have no sympathy for teachers. When I was in the Navy, I had to endure six month deployments away from my family, lost a bunch of money on a house I had to sell due to a forced move, often had to pay for extra survival equipment, often worked 24-36 hour days, flew countless 12-hour patrols, and got shot at... all for a lot less money than your wife is getting. That's why I'm no longer in the Navy. If your wife's lot in life is so unbearable, there's an easy fix - go do something else and open a slot for someone who'll appreciate the job.


Big Wheelin'
I have a sister in law that works for the school system, and not all teachers get the summers off. some get there 2 weeks off and are right back at it again.
As I don't agree with the fact she wanted leave foe a cruise, as I said at least 2 weeks off where she could get a tan, I don't agree with her leave being granted then taken away.
What i don't understand is how she went and quit, then expects her job back. If I quit every time something happen that I did not agree with, I would be unemployed quit a bit.

Hot N Bothered

New Member
Bruzilla said:
I guess I have to start playing "Hearts and Flowers" too. I have no sympathy for teachers. When I was in the Navy, I had to endure six month deployments away from my family, lost a bunch of money on a house I had to sell due to a forced move, often had to pay for extra survival equipment, often worked 24-36 hour days, flew countless 12-hour patrols, and got shot at... all for a lot less money than your wife is getting. That's why I'm no longer in the Navy. If your wife's lot in life is so unbearable, there's an easy fix - go do something else and open a slot for someone who'll appreciate the job.
Well you went on cruises all the time too, didn't you? :wink:


Hot N Bothered said:
When it was reported that the general understanding among all the teachers was that personal leave needed no explaination and was never denied, I felt the injustice of it.
That is what the picketing is for. More for all techers than just her.