Picketing at Mechanicsville School Tommorrow


Princess of Mean
pvineswinger said:
unless you are female... :lmao:

{from what I've heard}

May I clarify that remark?....Unless you're a SKANK female.
Carnival Cruise=no hot water, currently no toilets in my berthing, 30 females in one small room. Thank you Kathy Lee Gifford.
Can I have my Airdale Navy life back, please?


FromTexas said:
1) Starr, you are a retard for thinking this merits a strike outside a school. Lets go interrupt the educational opportunites of our kids with an outside distraction because someone didn't get her damn fun in the sun for 1 year out of however damn many in a row. WAAAH! Big f'ing deal.
If you read the first post it is at 4. That is after school. If you don't agree than don't go. I think you are missing the point but everyone has their own opinion.


Occasional User
FromTexas said:

Strike at a school over time off during duty hours?

I'm pretty sure this is done before or after duty hours. Teachers from schools throughout the county have participated in the past, and it is my understanding that they are out there during rush hour traffic, for the most visibility, but in their own classrooms by the time they are supposed to be.

Another important point that is being glossed over (huntr1 mentioned it) is that Mrs. Palko was told if she would lie, and say it was a hardship, that the leave would be approved. Mrs. Palko did not want to lower herself to telling a lie. It's a matter of principle.

Also, this principal, who is the root of the problem, has had staff problems since she stated at MES. The turnover of teachers is huge, which guarantees more time in adjusting the following year. Wonderful teachers who used to teach at MES are thriving in other schools throughout the county.
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This Space for Rent
Changes nothing. The point is picketing for someone who quit their job over personal time off to take a vacation is among the most worthless causes out there and anyone associating themself with it, no matter the reasons, is retarded. Do not pass, do not collect $100... Ding fries are done.


Again it is for all teachers so they can use what little time off (during the school year) how they chose. I associate myself with it because as I said my sister is a teacher. And again they should be able to use their personal leave however they chose. I don't think anyone tells you how to take your leave. I'm sure you wouldn't like it either.

SuzeQ brought up good points. The prinicipal should be the one to go not the teachers that have decidated themselves to that school.


New Member
It all started when Margaret Palko, a first-grade teacher at Mechanicsville and a 30-year veteran of the St. Mary's County public schools, asked to take three personal days before the Thanksgiving vacation last month. But Palko's request was denied by Barbara Abell, Mechanicsville's principal.
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New Member
Palko filed a grievance, and she said she received a letter in response saying that Abell would reconsider if Palko could provide a reason compelling enough to override concerns about keeping enough teachers in classrooms over the holiday week. </NITF>

<NITF>"Personal days are personal," Palko said. "I don't have to give a reason."</NITF>
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New Member
Edward Weiland, director of human resources for the school system, said the contract does not say that teachers need to give a reason for taking their personal days. But it does say that permission is required, he said.


New Member
Palko decided she was going to take the days, but she didn't want a letter of reprimand in her record. "I felt like I had been backed in a corner," she said. She said she felt like she had followed the rules -- requesting leave rather than just calling in sick -- and had been unfairly denied.</NITF>

<NITF>So she retired.


professional daydreamer
cholo said:
She asks the parents for a measly $5 a month to cover snacks and food for cooking activities.

Instead of asking for the money she should have the parents send snacks to school with the students, and when did they start teaching home economics in kindergarten?

Let's see, $5 x 30 students (just based on half of the day and half of the students) $150 a month. What the hell are they cooking and snacking on?


This Space for Rent
So, the school district doesn't have enough subs to cover all the teachers who are going to be out ill, etc... but a teacher should be able to take personal time at their pleasure. Yeahhh, right. Retards...

Your first mission as a teacher is those students. So, if not enough subs around then you have students doubled up in classrooms doing essentially nothing. Thats perfect! You get time off for leisure while our tax dollars pay for students not to learn. Not that students get much learning done with any sub in.

Yeah! Go you all! Screw the kids, fight for pleasure time!

Personal days were created for teachers to be able to go to the doctor, etc... since they have vacation time for Christmas, Spring, Summer and other sporadic 4 day weekends.

I taught, and the teachers I taught with didn't have a problem with that.

Bunch of retarded whiners here.


24/7 Single Dad
elaine said:
Let's see, $5 x 30 students (just based on half of the day and half of the students) $150 a month. What the hell are they cooking and snacking on?
I don't think $5 a month would cover the cost of a banana every day.


New Member
If my parents wanted me to eat during the school day they sent food to school with me. What the is going on in schools now that is different? :confused:


professional daydreamer
Bogart said:
If my parents wanted me to eat during the school day they sent food to school with me. What the is going on in schools now that is different? :confused:

Beats me, but I'm glad I don't have to deal with it anymore. After kingergarten snacks and cooking lessons, the reason provided is tissues and misc supplies that really aren't needed.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
huntr1 said:
And I have a wife. Nothing wrong with a little internet fantasy flirting. Sheesh! Way to ruin a good thing. Meamie.
Oh! Well in that case...look at these!!!


Occasional User
Bogart said:
If my parents wanted me to eat during the school day they sent food to school with me. What the is going on in schools now that is different? :confused:

For various reasons, a few years ago they started collecting money from the students so that the teacher could purchase snacks. Some students were bringing in nothing but junk and as part of the curriculum, they were taught what good snacks are. They can also buy in bulk and save money if one person does all the purchasing.


¡Tengo una tarjeta verde!
elaine said:
Instead of asking for the money she should have the parents send snacks to school with the students

Because the same ones who don't send in the money wouldn't send in snacks. She also has to be careful when there is a kid who has peanut allergies.

elaine said:
and when did they start teaching home economics in kindergarten?

At least 30 years ago. Well, not really home economics, but I remember doing cooking activities when I was in kindergarten.

elaine said:
Let's see, $5 x 30 students (just based on half of the day and half of the students) $150 a month. What the hell are they cooking and snacking on?

Food and snacks. $150 divided by 20 school days is $7.50 a day. Divide that by 15 kids, that's 50cents per kid.

She has considered stopping the snack money collection, but the kids love snack time and the cooking activities. And before the "kids don't go to school to have fun" comments come in, remember that these are 5 and 6 year olds.