Pitt Bull Attack - 5 dead including 3 kids


Well-Known Member
I think a greyhound would just as likely take out some small livestock, given the chance.

Small livestock, yes, but I've not seen a greyhound go after large animals. I'm not saying they won't, but it might not be as likely.


Well-Known Member
Here's a good article:

An Australian study of 1,400 dogs that attacked livestock found most dog owners, when approached by authorities, refused to believe their dog could have killed or injured any sheep. They believe their dogs are too small, too young or too friendly to harm sheep.

The researchers caught dogs from 3 months to 12 years of age, intact and sterilized dogs of both sexes, purebred and mongrel, all attacking livestock. Most of these dogs were well fed, friendly, family pets, running at large. Selective breeding has not suppressed the tendency of any breed of dog to attack and kill livestock. Animal behaviourists say it is not possible to predict whether a particular dog will attack sheep or not.

If 2 or more dogs were involved in an attack, they were usually from the same home or were neighbours. These dogs were mostly approachable family pets. Dog owners think that it is not possible for their pet to be attacking sheep because their dog is not vicious and has never bitten anyone. Owners should understand the reason why a dog attacks sheep — it's all for the love of the game. Dogs do not bite people because they are being predatory; they bite people because they are dominant, frightened, or because they are protecting something or someone.


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain

You know how you drive the same route everyday, you notice a man out in the yard in a lawn chair who waves, or you notice a particular tree that just seems to stand out or even a dog on a chain you wish you could rescue. Well for the past year in my travels I have noticed a lil white goat in a large field on a long tether. I would toot my horn at him and he'd look up and flap his ears. Days and months went by, I swear he knew I was coming down the road and would be standing at the fence wagging his tail and flapping his ears.

I guess I should have asked the owners but, I started to throw an apple or a dog biscuit his way. There was something about that lil goat I really thought was sweet. So this past Saturday I had to actually go to that house, and I didn't see the lil white goat. Considering the emergency of my trip, it wasn't an appropriate time to ask about the lil critter.

I stopped by the house Monday and asked about the owner and then asked where the lil goat was. To my horror, 2 dogs had killed him. I can't explain the feeling I got in my gut. I got all choked up and asked the owner what happened. I was told there are 2 Pit Bulls running loose in that area, killing cats, chickens and anything they can get their teeth on.

Just so sad to me, poor lil white fuzzy face didn't stand a chance. I took this pix the day before he was killed.


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So are you saying that Sonsie shouldn't shoot the dog because it's someone's pet? BFD. The owner should have thought of that before letting her dog roam free. Do you think the owner will do anything to prevent this from happening again? I'm willing to bet not. As we've all seen, owners who let their dogs roam free typically don't care about anything or anyone else. They're going to do what they want. They don't care if their dog "inconveniences" anyone else.

My thoughts exactly, coming from a true animal lover. In addition, as far as I'm concerned the breed is not the issue at all. Whether it was a lab, a pit, or any other breed my responses and thoughts would be the same. I don't have issue with pits, just the owners that have no sense of responsibility or common sense.


Throwing the deuces
You know how you drive the same route everyday, you notice a man out in the yard in a lawn chair who waves, or you notice a particular tree that just seems to stand out or even a dog on a chain you wish you could rescue. Well for the past year in my travels I have noticed a lil white goat in a large field on a long tether. I would toot my horn at him and he'd look up and flap his ears. Days and months went by, I swear he knew I was coming down the road and would be standing at the fence wagging his tail and flapping his ears.

I guess I should have asked the owners but, I started to throw an apple or a dog biscuit his way. There was something about that lil goat I really thought was sweet. So this past Saturday I had to actually go to that house, and I didn't see the lil white goat. Considering the emergency of my trip, it wasn't an appropriate time to ask about the lil critter.

I stopped by the house Monday and asked about the owner and then asked where the lil goat was. To my horror, 2 dogs had killed him. I can't explain the feeling I got in my gut. I got all choked up and asked the owner what happened. I was told there are 2 Pit Bulls running loose in that area, killing cats, chickens and anything they can get their teeth on.

Just so sad to me, poor lil white fuzzy face didn't stand a chance. I took this pix the day before he was killed.

That picture is so adorable. Mugging for the camera like that. Almost like he knows he's loved by you. Good thought considering what happened the very next day.


New Member
You need to go back and read the original post.

YEAH... OK................... whatever the police says to do!!??
Well do we know if they live in the Tri County area??? If so I hope this helps everyone and lets them know Charles, St. Marys, Calvert, PG and AA Counties have Animal Control. And Im sure the Police know this as well. Each Animal Control Division handles their WHOLE county..... not just a select portion.... but that includes "the way out here" areas as well.

St. Marys County
Animal Control 301-475-4200
after hours 301-475-8018

Charles County
Animal Control Board 301-645-0517
Animal Control Services 301-609-3425

Calvert County
Animal Control 410-535-1600 x 304

Prince Georges County
P.G. Animal Con. 301-499-8306

Anne Arundel
A.A. Animal Con. 301-499-8308


New Member
YEAH... OK................... whatever the police says to do!!??
Well do we know if they live in the Tri County area??? If so I hope this helps everyone and lets them know Charles, St. Marys, Calvert, PG and AA Counties have Animal Control. And Im sure the Police know this as well. Each Animal Control Division handles their WHOLE county..... not just a select portion.... but that includes "the way out here" areas as well.

St. Marys County
Animal Control 301-475-4200
after hours 301-475-8018

Charles County
Animal Control Board 301-645-0517
Animal Control Services 301-609-3425

Calvert County
Animal Control 410-535-1600 x 304

Prince Georges County
P.G. Animal Con. 301-499-8306

Anne Arundel
A.A. Animal Con. 301-499-8308

apparently you aren't a quick reader.....
if you go back and read you will see they are in texas

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Go back and read the thread. Maybe you'll actually have a clue what's being discussed, and what has been said. :rolleyes:

...back and read the thread.

Go back and read the thread?

Go back, and read THE thread!

What a novel concept! Imagine how much congestion that would eliminate!



Salt Life
What has an opossum ever done to you? What about a raccoon? My dogs, 3 vicious, blood-thirsty Boxers have killed two raccoons, an opossum, a ground hog and a bazillion moles...all within my fenced 3 acres.

Jinx killed a neigborhood cat before - this was a few years ago. He STILL tries to go after Timon, too. And they've been brothers for 3 years now. :lol:


New Member
She lives in Texas.

IMO, the dog has proved it's aggresive.
When (not if) I shoot it, "it was approching my children".
That's the story I'd stick to and I wouldn't wait for the incident to happen.
Catch it on my land, it's a gonner!!

When we lived in PGCo this happened in our neighborhood, the dogs (1male-1female-2pups) got out and killed 6 six goats. A complaint was made. Before animal control made a visit they got out again and attacked our dog. With the owner present and to his horror my father shot in the air, all left but the female, he shot the female, she ran home. In the morning animal controll came and took all the dogs, the owner had to put them in the truck. We were told the dogs were uthenized (sp?) in the truck as animal control was not willing to handle the dogs and risk being bitten themselves. Needless to say the neighbor was no longer our friend - oh well.


New Member
then why post it here if they are in Texas

and FYI I had already started to write my reply around 7:30 this morning.... in between my work.... hence why most of my post was in caps.

So by the time my reply was done and posted..... it had been determined at 7:54 or something like that where she was located..... since the location was not in the original post most people figure "one" would be living in the area. this was after my post and even on a different page

It still should help some of the people IN THE SO MD AREA to have the numbers to Animal Control.
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