Politicizing another funeral...


100% Goapele Head!
Also, though Farrakhan thought to do another march first, I believe someone else would have thought of it at some point. The majority of us are not muslim and don't share their beliefs. Ours is one nation under God with liberty and justice for all. Louis F doesnt fit in with my agenda either.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
LexiGirl75 said:
No, but I am surprised that you think it is ok for Louis F to piggyback on Dr. King.
Okay, show me where I said this was okay?

Do you even bother to read, or do you just sit there and free associate in order to indulge your race-victim fantasies?


LexiGirl75 said:
No, but I am surprised that you think it is ok for Louis F to piggyback on Dr. King, but with his own agenda. I pretty much can ask the next twenty people I see if they believe Farrakhan is the new Dr. King and I believe they ALL would say nope. Farrakhan brought division back in the day amongst blacks and whites whether or not he has changed I don't know but that is all I remember of him. Anyone who brings division among races does not share Dr. King's agenda.
Including Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton?


vraiblonde said:
Okay, show me where I said this was okay?

Do you even bother to read, or do you just sit there and free associate in order to indulge your race-victim fantasies?
I think Lexi is anything but a "race-victim". She has stated on many occasions that she is against the racial divide.
You are living in your own fantasy world if you truely believe there are no racial inequalities in this country.


100% Goapele Head!
vraiblonde said:
Okay, show me where I said this was okay?

Excuse me for thinking you were a follower of his.

Originally Posted by Midnightrider
don't know farrakhan's

Khadijah - the First Lady of Islam.

BTW, MLK and Farrakhan aren't comparable, you might want to read up a little

Maybe YOU should read up a bit. Farrakhan has been compared to MLK many many times by other civil rights activists. Remember the Million Man March?

vraiblonde said:
Do you even bother to read, or do you just sit there and free associate in order to indulge your race-victim fantasies?

I am not even going to dignify that with an answer. And there are no victims here. The only fantasy that seems to exist here is the one where you think you have your own political showcase where you can state whatever you want and everyone should just be quiet or agree.

Don't bother asking me to show you where you said THAT, I think your asking this and people showing you has gotten quite old. Besides, if YOU read, you can go back and check for yourself.
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Pete said:
"Judge not a man by the color of his skin, but the content of his character" I think you are judging Al and Jesse by the color of their skin and not the content of their character. Just because they are black does not make them, or what they do, good for black America. Examine the content of their character it all leads to money, corruption, inflamation, aggitation, illegitimate children, falshoods and lies. How can that be good for black America?
Money, corruption, inflamation, aggitation, illegitimate children, falsehoods and lies? Hell, that describes most politicians. Actually there are several Joe Shmoe's I know with those characteristics.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
LexiGirl75 said:
you think you have your own political showcase where you can state whatever you want and everyone should just be quiet or agree.
I have neither tried to shut you up nor have I demanded you agree with me. I have merely stated my opinion while you all read your own agenda into my posts, put words in my mouth and called me a racist.

Excuse me for thinking you were a follower of his.
I have no idea where you got that I was a follower of his simply because I know his wife's name and factually stated that civil rights leaders have compared him to MLK.

There's that free-association again - just making it up on the fly. :rolleyes:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

BuddyLee said:
Here's some Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coretta_Scott_King

I don't think anyone on this board can really know what Mrs. King would have wanted at her funeral. Not everyone wants their funeral to be a 'somber' moment. This woman was very political, read the link. As for me, I think adding politics to the funeral was alright. However, some of the politics mentioned had very little to do with Mrs. King and civil rights IMO and could have been left out.:yay:

...but she was not an 'any means necessary' vulgarian who would have used someones elses funeral for a divisive political attack. And I think anyone of character would admit that what happened at her funeral was an insult to her memory and to her husbands ideas.


Football addict
Larry Gude said:
...but she was not an 'any means necessary' vulgarian who would have used someones elses funeral for a divisive political attack. And I think anyone of character would admit that what happened at her funeral was an insult to her memory and to her husbands ideas.
Ah yes, I agree which is why I said the following afterwards...

BuddyLee said:
As for me, I think adding politics to the funeral was alright. However, some of the politics mentioned had very little to do with Mrs. King and civil rights IMO and could have been left out.:yay:
I think it was appropriate to bring up 'certain' issues perhaps but not to make it a huge hail storm as it turned out to be.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hold up hoss...

duzzey1a said:

I don't think that was the message he was trying to convey. I think he was making a connection between the current practice of wire-tapping suspected terrorists with the wire tapping of political and civil activists of the '60s. During that time, if you spoke out on certain issues and gained considerable attention, the fbi or whoever, would pay more attention to you. I remember hearing of such operations in Philidelphia and Los Angeles.

As far as Carter comparing King to a terrorist, now,I don't think so. In the 60s? Maybe!

What Jimmy Carter said is EITHER comparing spying on MLK to spying on terrorists OR comparing spying on terrorists to spying on MLK.

Name your poison. Was MLK a terrorist? Or are terrorists civil rights leaders?

Carter is trying to knit together that W is spying on innocent Americans today, which he's not, with spying on MLK 40 years ago.

So, if you speak in that 'everyone KNOWS' code fancied by Democrats every time they try to have a lie accepted as common knowledge, good for you but Carter said what he said and I don't speak code.


Well-Known Member
duzzey1a said:
So Vrai, lets consider this honor to the pope - "overkill", to the Columbia astronauts, "overkill", to the dead Katrina victims, "overkill"..

The Pope=Head of State

Columbia astronauts=serving their country

Katrina=one of the worst national disasters in modern history

Mrs King= WIFE OF an important man

Doesn't look like they're equal to me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

undrcvr12 said:
And the same thing in politics. I do remember Bush wearing his religion on his forehead during the last election. That brought many church members, white AND black to him.

...or any candidate is NOT a tax exempt entity and, as such, certainly can't be held to a separation standard, yes?

There were a number of churches, the pastors, that specifically told/endorsed their congregation to vote for W over Gore in 2000 and Dole over Clinton in 1996 and there was an outcry to revoke their tax exempt status.

This may be a 'who's ox is being gored' question which automatically makes Ken correct because he don't take sides very often when we speak of law.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

LexiGirl75 said:
I'm sorry didn't you see the hyphen and the word type. All terrorists don't kill. Churches were bombed if no one died is it not an act of terrorism. Anyway, my point was that MLK was seen as someone who threatened the "natural" order of things or what was considered a peaceful life.

In the 60's those who opposed him saw him as a trouble maker for speaking out on what he believed in. While I do feel that he is not comparable to terrorists I do believe back then he would have been categorized as a threat to this country.

If Osama bin Laden declared Islamic war on the US in, say, 1965 and had his crew hijack some airliners and fly them into the Empire State building in 1967, do we agree that suddenly no one would be spending much time looking after MLK anymore?

It's one thing for Carter to conveniently forget that Democrats, Democrats considered heros today, not by Republicans, but liberal Democrats, were the ones snooping after MLK. It's quite another to actually equate King and Osama, dont' we agree?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
camily said:
She has stated on many occasions that she is against the racial divide.
So have I. But I notice that SHE can twist my words and accuse me of all sorts of wild things that she pulled straight out of her behind (like me being a follower of Farrakhan :rolleyes: ), and you champion her.

Is THAT the racial inequality you were talking about? :tap:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And there's my point again...

duzzey1a said:
Any ol' one, eh? You remember the phrase "Behing every good man, is an even stronger woman"?

I'll bet when Dr.King showed his historical bravery and candor during these times he was not alone. When he came home at night, I'm sure they (MLK and Coretta) talked on a personal level about what was happening around them. I'm sure that when they were together, he shared all of his hopes and fears with her.( As all good marriages should!) These conversations we will never know about, but when he was out doing his work, she was the face of the family. She had to endure the hatred of the south at that time. When he was killed. She stood fast. She never lashed out, never cursed or made excuses. She never, to my knowlede bashed the president. She took the pain and pressed on. And her message, one of peaceful resolve, is something that we can darn sure use today. And she (and MLK) defended a right that is granted every American. One of the very same rights that some people in this world hate us for.

..On a very basic level, shouldn't she be respectfully honored just as much as her husband?

And Lowery and Carter and by the applause given them and by others standing by saying nothing, they pizzed on her and they pizzed on MLK and they pizzed on all of us, reminding us, once again, that the people who most care about racism in this nation are the ones who stand to lose while racism does pass into history.

THAT is a text book definition of a bigot.

And a textbook example of what both MLK and his wife stood so firmly against.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
How come we all agree...

LexiGirl75 said:
No, but I am surprised that you think it is ok for Louis F to piggyback on Dr. King, but with his own agenda. I pretty much can ask the next twenty people I see if they believe Farrakhan is the new Dr. King and I believe they ALL would say nope. Farrakhan brought division back in the day amongst blacks and whites whether or not he has changed I don't know but that is all I remember of him. Anyone who brings division among races does not share Dr. King's agenda.

...and yet we can all google and post praise after praise after praise for race hustlers like Louis and Jesse and Al with clear, positive, reference to MLK???


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This whole thread reminds me of how the Democrats complain about how divisive Bush is and scream their fool heads off about how he's not "uniting" like he promised - right before they call him "Hitler" and "a worse dictator than Saddam Hussein".

Very amusing, if you think about it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He ain't no Muslim...

LexiGirl75 said:
Also, though Farrakhan thought to do another march first, I believe someone else would have thought of it at some point. The majority of us are not muslim and don't share their beliefs. Ours is one nation under God with liberty and justice for all. Louis F doesnt fit in with my agenda either.

...he's Nation of Islam; That's like saying Catholics and Episcopalians are Christians.

Yes, BUT...