Prayers needed for one of us...


New Member
persimmoncf said:
what the heck happened. What were the circumstances for such horrific injuries. My prayers are with ya Remax :flowers:

I know but am not going to say publicly she can tell when she is ready....if ya want to call me I will tell ya....


33 yrs & we r still n luv
Four*Leaf*Farm said:
Hugs and prayers for a speedy recovery Remax!!

Yeah what everyone else has already said! wow. Speedy recovery prayer being said. :flowers:

Now, about the horse ...... how, why? new? spooked?


:hugs: Remax. I will give Lou & Alvin kisses & treats for you. Ashton will share his mommy.


Rocky Mountain High!!
WOW that was right after i spoke to her on the phone.....was it one of those two "nice" and "cute" and "darling" "sweet" halflingers she went to ride??
MAN i hope she's gonna be OK. Geesh!! I feel for her, i've had all those injuries at different times, i can't imagine all of them at one time!! :faint:


Does my butt look big?
happyappygirl said:
WOW that was right after i spoke to her on the phone.....was it one of those two "nice" and "cute" and "darling" "sweet" halflingers she went to ride??
MAN i hope she's gonna be OK. Geesh!! I feel for her, i've had all those injuries at different times, i can't imagine all of them at one time!! :faint:



Painted Spirit
All those injuries and they are sending her home??? We need to send Remax to a spa resort for the next 6 weeks to pamper her and make her feel better! Hopefully her fingers can do the typing to keep her posting on here and make time go by faster. Get Well Soon!!! :flowers:


Dayum! Poor baby! I will refrain from posting my true feelings about horses... Since I hurt one of our own deeply, years ago. Just trust, that I am not the biggest lover. Life means more.


Ahhhh Florida!
Kain99 said:
Dayum! Poor baby! I will refrain from posting my true feelings about horses... Since I hurt one of our own deeply, years ago. Just trust, that I am not the biggest lover. Life means more.
I feel for remax. Most of us know the dangers in riding and we choose to ride anyway. It is always a wake up call to hear how badly someone was hurt or even killed riding. You can get injured/killed crossing the street though. Horses are great, but they have minds of their own. That is what is so fascinating about them and dangerous. A speedy recovery to you, Remax, are thoughts and prayers are with you.


Remax...some prayers for a quick and full recovery.

Ps. 55:22 Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you;he will never let the righteous fall

2 Cor.1:3-4 Praise be to God and the Father Of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compasion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have recieved from God. Your in Christ, TWHFAN :huggy:


loving life
Prayers are with you Remax. It will take awhile to heal, but you will ride again. Make sure R takes good care of you.