Prayers needed for one of us...



bjsangel said:
Accidents can happen when we get too relaxed or complacent on or around our horses. As horses lovers, whether we are on the ground or in the saddle we need to make concsciencious decisions about our safety and the safety of our horses. Horses are creatures of nature and we always need to remember that. That's why there are helmets...for our protection against the envitable. I hope that Remax recovers 110% and that her unfortunate event is not all for nothing. It sounds that she is very, very lucky...maybe a wake up call for her and a life saver for one of us. Hope you are back in the saddle soon. I am sorry this has happened, but hopeful that it happened for a good reason. Sometime things happen for a reason, whether we know why or not at the time, you will in due time. Stay positive!

Horses are animals. No matter how much of big babies they are. It is sad, and I hope she makes a speedy recovery.

Remax I gave Lou Bou a big old kiss for you today!


Remax, thinking of you. Hope you have a complete and speedy recovery. I know you miss seeing your babies and hope you are able to recieve there special horesy kisses soon.


New Member
Pasofever said:
:fixed: for made a mistake..

I agree...but they were not. From what I hear- the instructions were that they can do trails together. There are many horses out there that see another horse walking away and want to move with the other horse. They do not even need to know the other horse or be in the same pasture with the other horse. Just herd instinct. Yes the ponies need work on that...I agree, but for now- they were going out together and that to me seems fine. It was going to be fine if the other rider had stayed and waited to until the 2nd rider had gotten on. From what I have heard Remax is an excellent rider and does a great job with Lou and Alvin. She also has a ton of experience on the trail.

I have ridden trails with friends and we go as a group...we wait until we are all mounted(mount in an arena or safe place with mounting blocks or such) and then go out together. Some of the horses are in front for the reason that they like to lead and some are in the back because they need to follow...these ponies need to stay together- whats the diff.? Think that there are many circumstances to consider not just that they need to stay together/breaking herd bound issues.

I am sure that they will be separated in spring as I know that the barn manager will not have that. A 13 year old and a 8 year old took them out the week before and they stayed together and did fine. They are not bad ponies at all, just have been team driven all their life.

It seems that it was a handful of bad circumstances and I am sure that we can all learn from this really sad thing. My heart goes out to Remax- I too had a learning expereince myself. I got very hurt too, I am healed and think alot more before I do things. :huggy:

My prayers are with you and may we all be safe with our horses! :flowers:


THERE'S NO WAY TO SAY THANK YOU ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm heading back to Wahington Hospital tomorrow to figure out how much srgery my leg needs. They're most worried about the bleeding in my brain. VERY painful....sleeping a lot. And I miss the boys soooooooooooooooooo much! Keep your hooves crossed for me, I love you all.


remaxrealtor said:
THERE'S NO WAY TO SAY THANK YOU ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm heading back to Wahington Hospital tomorrow to figure out how much srgery my leg needs. They're most worried about the bleeding in my brain. VERY painful....sleeping a lot. And I miss the boys soooooooooooooooooo much! Keep your hooves crossed for me, I love you all.

I am going to the barn to see Ashton so I will give Lou & Alvin some love!


New Member
remaxrealtor said:
THERE'S NO WAY TO SAY THANK YOU ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm heading back to Wahington Hospital tomorrow to figure out how much srgery my leg needs. They're most worried about the bleeding in my brain. VERY painful....sleeping a lot. And I miss the boys soooooooooooooooooo much! Keep your hooves crossed for me, I love you all.

Remax, happy to see you're well enough to be online. Though I don't know you I do wish you a speedy recovery.


Katie said:

I have been away from the computer all day today, and last night I was to sick to talk much.

The two ponies are very attached to each other and need to be together. R started to ride away, and the other pony wanted to be with his buddy. Rick took her to the hospital after the fall, they didn't know that everything was as bad as it was. From the hopsital she was flown up to the other place. I am glad she is home, and has a fast & speedy recovery!!

Again ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET. SHE is very, very lucky that it wasn't worse than it was!
The ponies don't need to be together, but I know what you mean. They are very buddy sour. I hope she gets better soon. A helmet has saved my ass more than once. Actually, it was my head it saved, but you get my meaning.
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Rocky Mountain High!!
buddy sour (her bound behavior) is a super ugly thing, because of what happened to Remax. As long as those 2 remain together there is the potential for one or the other to hurt (or even kill) the next person. That can happen even if one horse gets between the two, and on trails, that sometimes has to happen as we all know. if it does the buddy soured horse gets into panic mode and won't listen to his/her rider. which is paramount to a safe ride.

I've seen a horse so herd bound (not even to a particular horse, just any horse) that he actually went over backwards onto his very experienced rider, who was trying to work the issue out, and broke his leg in half. It's ugly, dangerous and not acceptable behavior for a riding horse.

Paso that brown mare that dumped me so hard was bound to another mare at my farm, and may very well be the reason she simply wouldn't come out of the haunted house she lived in when separated from her that day. She's STILL in that haunted house at the farm i took her back too a month ago, as is the other half of the equasion that i still have here. She's trying to connect with another mare in the field who thinks she's a loon.


New Member
riderup said:
The ponies don't need to be together, but I know what you mean. They are very buddy sour. I hope she gets better soon. A helmet has saved my ass more than once. Actually, it was my head it saved, but you get my meaning.

If the ponies are best friends, like everyone is saying, then they think they need to be with each other. It's not about us thinking they don't need to be's what their brains tell them is right.

I am sure the barn will take proper measures to make sure this doesn't happen again.

Helmets are great. When I had my accident it was the only thing that saved my life...I still have it to remind me and all my kids why we wear them.

I am glad to see Remax online and commenting. That's a good sign. Hope her doc appts go well and she is better and in the saddle again soon.



New Member
OH REMAX i can't believe you are able to type. You are one strong cookie. Us horse riders are NUTS, but i just LOVE riding my horses. I do try to remain reactive on any horse no matter how trusting i am of them. I really worry when things like this happen to people on their own horses, i pray that you can get well quickly seems like your love for your horses is still there and that is wonderful, he will need some work though so he doesn't try to do this to you again.


SerenitStables said:
If the ponies are best friends, like everyone is saying, then they think they need to be with each other. It's not about us thinking they don't need to be's what their brains tell them is right.

I am sure the barn will take proper measures to make sure this doesn't happen again.

Helmets are great. When I had my accident it was the only thing that saved my life...I still have it to remind me and all my kids why we wear them.

I am glad to see Remax online and commenting. That's a good sign. Hope her doc appts go well and she is better and in the saddle again soon.

I don't think the barn was at fault for this accident. I hear Remax is a good rider and accidents happen to the best of us. Your comment about how horses think is an interesting one. Those two ponies are buddy sour, and their brains tell them it is safer to be together, not right or wrong as far as horse thinking goes. It was dangerous for them to react to their instinct, so it is about what we know is best for them, if they are going to be ridden safely.


Does my butt look big?
riderup said:
I don't think the barn was at fault for this accident. .

No one ever said the barn was at fault...It would NOT be the barns fault..Or anyone at the barns...Resposibility lies with the riders..


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Remax, Just know I'm thinking about you and am looking foward to the updates! :sendingpositivethoughtsyourway: :huggy:

Take care of yourself and let us know if you need anything!
virgovictoria said:

Take care of yourself and let us know if you need anything!

:yeahthat: :huggy: Just saw this - Glad you are doing okay and on the path towards healing. We all know that horses can move fast and the second that something happens we all say that "we knew better". Lots of :huggy: your way.