

New Member
Does any of the people that are Pro Life ever once think about the life a child would have if the mother didn’t have an option. If a mother doesn’t want a child before its born, why do you think it would be wanted after its born. Do you ever think that if a woman was forced to have a unwanted child, that child may suffer, medically, nutritionally, emotionally, physically. I just don’t understand…. Pro Lifer’s want to preach about the right to live, but in reality….. that child might not want to live the life it was forced into.

I believe we should have the right to decide if we want to bring a child in this world……yes, I know you can preach, birth control….but you know sometimes practicing birth control….believe it or not, it does fail.

For the people that are all pro-life, how about you going out and adopting or fostering some of these kids that are born as crack and alcohol addicts…..then come back and tell me that the quality of life that these children have is good. Tell me that you think they should be forced to live a life of withdraws and disabilities.


Well-Known Member
12 days is :bs: Until it can survive outside the womb with or without medical assistance, it's NOT a baby and can be aborted. By your logic, a baby chicken is killed with every egg mcmuffin. :duh:
Why does it have to be outside the womb? That's like saying you have to survive without skin without medical assistance - it's stupid, because that's not how it works naturally.

And, chicken eggs that we eat are not fertilized eggs. Entirely different thing.
You quote an awful lot of statistics with out back up. Lets see the proof.
I posted the link the first time this thread I started talking statistics.


Well-Known Member
Click Here for a picture of the mucus and lump of cells at 13 days (sorry the 7-12 day image was a recreation).
You really arent againt abortion, your for the enforcement of regulation about how people act.
Not at all.

Now, I do think that it's wrong to murder someone you willingly create just because (93% of the time "just because") you don't want to follow through with the responsibility. But, the "regulation about how people act" I'm for is regulating killing humans as killing humans. That's all.


Well-Known Member
Does any of the people that are Pro Life ever once think about the life a child would have if the mother didn’t have an option.
Yes. For one, it would have a life, as opposed to having been killed
If a mother doesn’t want a child before its born, why do you think it would be wanted after its born. Do you ever think that if a woman was forced to have a unwanted child, that child may suffer, medically, nutritionally, emotionally, physically. I just don’t understand…. Pro Lifer’s want to preach about the right to live, but in reality….. that child might not want to live the life it was forced into.
Maybe. We'll never know. They're dead, so we can't find out.

However, the mother (and father, for that matter) have many more options than killing the child.
I believe we should have the right to decide if we want to bring a child in this world……yes, I know you can preach, birth control….but you know sometimes practicing birth control….believe it or not, it does fail.
Outside of Jesus, I've never known abstinence to get a woman pregnant.

And, the rest of the birth control methods are well known to be <100% effective. Therefore, the actions taken to create a child come with that risk.

Your argument is pretty much the same as someone saying, after they inadvertently blow through a stop sign and T-bone your car, that they're not going to take any responsibility for t-boning your car because they tried to stop, and it's just too inconvinient for them to pay for the damages to your car. The only difference in those scenerios is that you'd be dead instead of having car damage.
For the people that are all pro-life, how about you going out and adopting or fostering some of these kids that are born as crack and alcohol addicts…..then come back and tell me that the quality of life that these children have is good.
So, it would be fine in your view to randomly go around killing people I think are unhappy, or might be unhappy given their life circunstance?
Tell me that you think they should be forced to live a life of withdraws and disabilities.
Now you're advocating killing all disabled people?


New Member

Do you ever think of the quality of life a child would have if the mother was forced to have it? What are the odds that the child would end up being sexually molested, abused, neglected. I just don’t understand how people that claim to be so pro-life don’t think about the circumstances after the child is brought in this world when unwanted. Do you believe the child would get the love and nurturing that a wanted child would get….odds are no – so being pro life, it’s ok to say, don’t abort, just make it suffer after the fact. Aborting an unwanted child would make a logical choice in so many cases….if only pro-lifers would take the blinders off and see the big picture instead of THEIR holly hobby world.


Well-Known Member
Do you ever think of the quality of life a child would have if the mother was forced to have it? What are the odds that the child would end up being sexually molested, abused, neglected. I just don’t understand how people that claim to be so pro-life don’t think about the circumstances after the child is brought in this world when unwanted. Do you believe the child would get the love and nurturing that a wanted child would get….odds are no – so being pro life, it’s ok to say, don’t abort, just make it suffer after the fact. Aborting an unwanted child would make a logical choice in so many cases….if only pro-lifers would take the blinders off and see the big picture instead of THEIR holly hobby world.
Quality of life with abortion: Zero (no life)

Quality of life with extremely limited abortion: Potentially great, some not so great, some bad. But, they'd have a life to have the chance to make of it what they may.


Obama destroyed America
Why does it have to be outside the womb? That's like saying you have to survive without skin without medical assistance - it's stupid, because that's not how it works naturally.

And, chicken eggs that we eat are not fertilized eggs. Entirely different thing.
I posted the link the first time this thread I started talking statistics.
My post was to clarify when it becomes a viable, sentient baby. Any time before it can live outside the womb, it is nothing more than a parasite.

You folks who think the second the sperm brushes against the egg it becomes a baby. Not even close to being true.


Well-Known Member
My post was to clarify when it becomes a viable, sentient baby. Any time before it can live outside the womb, it is nothing more than a parasite.
I'm not sure "parasite" is a reasonable term. "Dependant upon its host" maybe....
You folks who think the second the sperm brushes against the egg it becomes a baby. Not even close to being true.
Please read my posts before assigning a position to me.
Why are men protesting? The question is why are they bedding a woman that they aren't committed to raising a child with should the sex result in pregnancy? If more men would take responsiblity, there would be less unwanted pregnancy happening.

Keep your wieny in your pants, then no need to to take a stance...:patriot:


Well-Known Member
Why are men protesting? The question is why are they bedding a woman that they aren't committed to raising a child with should the sex result in pregnancy? If more men would take responsiblity, there would be less unwanted pregnancy happening.

Keep your wieny in your pants, then no need to to take a stance...:patriot:
Men are not allowed to determine if a pregnancy (life) may be terminated with abortion.

However, I believe your claim has merit. Can you provide the studies that show the men are instigating the sex with a woman who does not wish the sex also, so that the men may impregnate and then abandon the women and children?


New Member
Yes. For one, it would have a life, as opposed to having been killedMaybe. We'll never know. They're dead, so we can't find out.

Odds are if it was unwanted, it will suffer after the fact if forced to be born.

However, the mother (and father, for that matter) have many more options than killing the child.Outside of Jesus, I've never known abstinence to get a woman pregnant.

So you are saying that if you use protection which is supposed to be 99 percent effective, you still should refrain from having sex until you are 100 percent ready to be a parent?

And, the rest of the birth control methods are well known to be <100% effective. Therefore, the actions taken to create a child come with that risk.

My birth contorl pills indicate they are 99.9 percent effective, and you know what.......I gave birth to a child a few years ago.....and I took my pill faithfully, same time every single day.

Your argument is pretty much the same as someone saying, after they inadvertently blow through a stop sign and T-bone your car, that they're not going to take any responsibility for t-boning your car because they tried to stop, and it's just too inconvinient for them to pay for the damages to your car. The only difference in those scenerios is that you'd be dead instead of having car damage.So, it would be fine in your view to randomly go around killing people I think are unhappy, or might be unhappy given their life
circunstance?Now you're advocating killing all disabled people?

Nope, I am not advocating killing all disabled people and you are a fool to even insinuate so. If a person does not take care of themselves while pregnant and continues to use drugs throughout the pregnancy the child will more than like be born with issues. I think it would be pretty safe to assume you have never had the very sad opportunity to ever be around a child that is born addicted..... if you have not, then please consider yourself lucky.

Pro-lifers want to preach and show pictures of a unborn fetus and tell a woman what is right and what is wrong, but I seriously doubt that these same pro-lifers ever see what happens to a child that was unwanted and didnt get aborted.
Men are not allowed to determine if a pregnancy (life) may be terminated with abortion.

However, I believe your claim has merit. Can you provide the studies that show the men are instigating the sex with a woman who does not wish the sex also, so that the men may impregnate and then abandon the women and children?

It doesn't matter if she wants it or instigates... a man against unwanted pregnancy should do his part to ensure one does not occur.

Keep it zipped, or get it clipped...:patriot:


Obama destroyed America
Why are men protesting? The question is why are they bedding a woman that they aren't committed to raising a child with should the sex result in pregnancy? If more men would take responsiblity, there would be less unwanted pregnancy happening.

Keep your wieny in your pants, then no need to to take a stance...:patriot:
This post has been reported.


Dream Stealer
It is really easy to judge someone's morals when it is impossible that you would ever have to make the decision yourself. Because face always have an out..if the woman has an abortion, he can't be morally accountable because it is her action...therefore it is so easy to say..that is always wrong..even if he felt...relief?


Well-Known Member
Nope, I am not advocating killing all disabled people and you are a fool to even insinuate so. If a person does not take care of themselves while pregnant and continues to use drugs throughout the pregnancy the child will more than like be born with issues. I think it would be pretty safe to assume you have never had the very sad opportunity to ever be around a child that is born addicted..... if you have not, then please consider yourself lucky.

Pro-lifers want to preach and show pictures of a unborn fetus and tell a woman what is right and what is wrong, but I seriously doubt that these same pro-lifers ever see what happens to a child that was unwanted and didnt get aborted.
Again, if your argument is that death is better than being born with a disability or medical issue to over come......

I don't think most people would think so. But, instead of making the poor drug addicted mother make that choice, how about waiting for the child to be born, grow to 18 years of age, and make that decision him/herself?