

I was unaware that being pregnant made one unable to have sex. I guess I missed that day in health class.
Oh crap.... ok, ok, ok..... um, should I call my Dr. about this b/c we have been :banana: during the whole pregnancy :jameo:

My feeling? At the point the life is viable and able to survivie outside of the Mothers womb.

Otherwise its no different than a highly developed Parasite.
:gasp: You know how I feel sometimes :love:
I love my parasite :baby:

Sure have an opinion all you want, this thread is because some drunk wants to spout off, if you want to agree with him, knock yourself out. (remember about laying down with dogs)
I was laying down with my dogs earlier today, they are sweet pups and we all had a busy day....


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
While I am sure you are deeply familiar with things in your ass, gerbals,G I Joe's, bowling balls, etc, that's not my cup of tea.
So because it's not your cup of tea, you won't do it, but you'd force the woman to carry around something the same size and shape in the same general location, can you say hypocrite.


New Member
So because it's not your cup of tea, you won't do it, but you'd force the woman to carry around something the same size and shape in the same general location, can you say hypocrite.

The difference is, I didn't volunteer to put something in my body, the woman, by her actions did.


New Member
No, it's giving the facts, so a woman can make an informed decision. You're absolutely right that no woman will choose life based on my opinion, which is why I make the case for my opinion with facts.
You, on the other hand, support your opinion with opinion.[/QUOTE
I don't remember you stating facts... I do however you stating your opinion and I stated my disagreement with your opinion.

What facts do you speak of?

Did ya' look at the pictures? That those pictures are of dead babies is an indisputable fact.
It's a fact that viability has changed since Roe v. Wade was decided. Whether or not that baby is a baby should not be a subjective opinion. If a 23 week preborn baby is a baby in 2009 because we can save it outside the womb, then it should have been a baby in 1973. The humanity of the unborn is an objective truth and should have nothing to do with how we feel or what we can do about it.


In My Opinion
ok, so with 130 posts worth of bickering,

who has changed their original opinion in this thread


New Member
This means you have never had sex without intending to make a baby?
No, but when I did have a baby I didn't intend on having, I stepped up and fullfilled my obligation as a parent. While not married to the babies mother, I did what any man should have done and supported the child financially and emotionally as a parent is supposed to. Nothing special, just what any human should be required to do.


New Member
Rape or incest is volunteered. Gotcha.
Sweetheart, you need to read all of my post in order to have that opinion. If you did, you would read that I feel that it is appropriate to terminate a pregnancy which is the result of rape or other sex offenses.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Sweetheart, you need to read all of my post in order to have that opinion. If you did, you would read that I feel that it is appropriate to terminate a pregnancy which is the result of rape or other sex offenses.

Perhaps you should have worded that particular post better Penelope.


I don't have a vagina but I am prolife. I believe that once that sperm and egg meet that is a baby. :shrug:

I guess the fertility clinics that are trying to help couples who can't get pregnant naturally are commiting murder when they dispose of the left over fertilized eggs that aren't reinserted for invitro fertilization?
I used to have a cat named Boris Buford Baddinoff Kitty. I had forgotten all about her, thanks for the memory!

Hehe, that's funny! Did you pick that name? When I was a kid I had a yorkie, his papers came with a birth certificate (I swear) and his "given" name was Sir Joseph McDuff III.......................the THIRD?! :killingme

We called him Joey :yay:


Well-Known Member
ok, so with 130 posts worth of bickering,

who has changed their original opinion in this thread
Some people will always see killing a person who is inconvenient as a viable option, others will never see that as a viable option.

:shrug: I doubt anyone changed their mind. You either value innocent human life, or you don't. It's that simple, and someone else's opinion probably will not change that.


Sweetheart, you need to read all of my post in order to have that opinion. If you did, you would read that I feel that it is appropriate to terminate a pregnancy which is the result of rape or other sex offenses.

Sugarbritches, you need not call someone a sweetheart in here unless they actually like you - to do so otherwise is disrespectful.......


Well-Known Member
Some people will always see killing a person who is inconvenient as a viable option, others will never see that as a viable option.

:shrug: I doubt anyone changed their mind. You either value innocent human life, or you don't. It's that simple, and someone else's opinion probably will not change that.

It's just not that simple. There are different circumstances that make abortion a valid option.