

New Member
You see the mucus and lump of cells as an innocent life, others see it as nothing more than a clot.

Instead of being honest in the discussion, you continue to misrepresent other peoples positions.

thats becasue he is bitter that the woman he chose to mate with decided she could do what she wanted with her body. considering how "honest and agreeable" he is here it is no surprise she made the choice she did.


For a person to die, rather than abort a child is a choice as well is it not? Even if we decide not to choose, we still have made a choice. My point is this debate is attempted to be decided by ideologues, who can not label me as to what I am. It isn't that easy. You can call me pro-choice, but I know I am anti-abortion. I know that I value life! How can YOU decide what I am?

:roflmao: I have decided I am NOT a human anymore. I am, from now on a qxtqr, it is exactly like human but it is MY label. I was born into the label human and I dislike it.



Dream Stealer
I have known several women who have had abortions. clinically as well as friends .. 93% with "not good reasons" Im willing to bet every woman who gets an abortion does not document her reason why...for a poll to record. especially women who are victims of rape and incest..i cant imagine sitting down to fill out paperwork and answering the question, "why do you want to do this" with "oh cuz me and daddy got it on and oopsy...duh" women like that keep secrets. also some i have known in hospitals got abortions because they were addicted to illegal drugs, and didnt want to harm the child, or think they would be a good mother, or even some who were on mental health meds that didnt want to jeopardize the progress they were making by stopping them...there are many reasons..I just have never run into a women that said..oh well i have a party next week..ann dont wanna be pregnant..maybe it happens..but i cant imagine it is the majority you think it is.


Well-Known Member
You see the mucus and lump of cells as an innocent life, others see it as nothing more than a clot.

Instead of being honest in the discussion, you continue to misrepresent other peoples positions.
I don't see mucus and a "lump of cells" as innocent life.

I see a fetus, 12 days after fertilization where it will no longer split to become twins (or more), as a human life. Scientifically, this is a life form with it's own separate DNA, etc., etc. Given the chance (ie, without artificially creating a circumstance by which it will die), it is likely to grow and separate itself from the womb that it was voluntarily placed in by it's host.

Now, you can see that as nothing more than a clot. You would simply not be following the scientific explaination of a separate life.


Well-Known Member
I'm not actually "for" it, but I do see it as an immoral, but legally acceptable, option.

I separate my religious beliefs from my legal ones for rape/non-consentual incest/life of the mother issues.

Again, these equate to 6-7% of all abortions when taken in total. The other 93% are just wrong on all levels.


Well-Known Member
thats becasue he is bitter that the woman he chose to mate with decided she could do what she wanted with her body. considering how "honest and agreeable" he is here it is no surprise she made the choice she did.

Please, since you make it your signature line, and talk about it constantly, why don't you tell us the story. Clearly, you think you know.

If not shut the #### up about that which you have no knowledge.


Well-Known Member
I have known several women who have had abortions. clinically as well as friends .. 93% with "not good reasons" Im willing to bet every woman who gets an abortion does not document her reason why...for a poll to record. especially women who are victims of rape and incest..i cant imagine sitting down to fill out paperwork and answering the question, "why do you want to do this" with "oh cuz me and daddy got it on and oopsy...duh" women like that keep secrets. also some i have known in hospitals got abortions because they were addicted to illegal drugs, and didnt want to harm the child, or think they would be a good mother, or even some who were on mental health meds that didnt want to jeopardize the progress they were making by stopping them...there are many reasons..I just have never run into a women that said..oh well i have a party next week..ann dont wanna be pregnant..maybe it happens..but i cant imagine it is the majority you think it is.
I'm more than willing to read the data you compile.

However, the data compiled anonomously by the CDC and evaluated by pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood work for me in the absence of "I don't think that's right" data. :shrug:


Obama destroyed America
I don't see mucus and a "lump of cells" as innocent life.

I see a fetus, 12 days after fertilization where it will no longer split to become twins (or more), as a human life. Scientifically, this is a life form with it's own separate DNA, etc., etc. Given the chance (ie, without artificially creating a circumstance by which it will die), it is likely to grow and separate itself from the womb that it was voluntarily placed in by it's host.

Now, you can see that as nothing more than a clot. You would simply not be following the scientific explaination of a separate life.
12 days is :bs: Until it can survive outside the womb with or without medical assistance, it's NOT a baby and can be aborted. By your logic, a baby chicken is killed with every egg mcmuffin. :duh:

I'm not actually "for" it, but I do see it as an immoral, but legally acceptable, option.
I separate my religious beliefs from my legal ones for rape/non-consentual incest/life of the mother issues.
Again, these equate to 6-7% of all abortions when taken in total. The other 93% are just wrong on all levels.
You quote an awful lot of statistics with out back up. Lets see the proof.


In My Opinion
Im all for abortions for rape, incest or document and real threat to the mothers health if she delievers,, and not a threat from daddy finding out she has be slutting around the school.

I am not for abortion for simple birth control.

the problem is that the choicers will say, its all or nothing, etc.... so, then I go, well, then its nothing.

I also am very serious when I say this.
Any abortion for rape or incest should be followed up with a murder conviction for the rapist, or the perv doing the incestual acts.

for the health related abortions, its obviously nothing more than a very sad thing and should not be exploited.