Question for the men...

Big Momma

I'll be your butterball
mainman said:
I've been told I am slicker than owl shiat on a doorknob, what I wanna know is who puts owl shiat on a doorknob and tries to turn it...:confused:


I think its betta then what my poppy used to say "Slick as greezed owl s--t thru a tin horn"


Football addict
mainman said:
I've been told I am slicker than owl shiat on a doorknob, what I wanna know is who puts owl shiat on a doorknob and tries to turn it...:confused:

What I wanna know is who put that bloody tampon on FD's bathroom door at his Christmas party?:lmao:


Football addict
mainman said:
You mean the original thread topic?
I know what you were thinkin' and don't even change the topic to that again. Oh lawd no, no more stories about that love seat.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
RoseRed said:
I choose my own path.

I find some of the Bible to be archaic and downright demeaning towards women, but it was written in much different times and a much different society than today.

I want to be a partner and an equal in a relationship, NOT a step above a slave and somebody's property.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
jazz lady said:

I find some of the Bible to be archaic and downright demeaning towards women, but it was written in much different times and a much different society than today.

I want to be a partner and an equal in a relationship, NOT a step above a slave and somebody's property.

I have a friend that CANNOT stand to be alone and MUST have a man in her life at all times. I so do not tick that way. I like my solitude and doing whatever the heck I want, when I want. I am not saying I want to live the rest of my life this way, but for the time being, I am content. I don't need a man to validate who or what I am.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
RoseRed said:
I have a friend that CANNOT stand to be alone and MUST have a man in her life at all times. I so do not tick that way. I like my solitude and doing whatever the heck I want, when I want. I am not saying I want to live the rest of my life this way, but for the time being, I am content. I don't need a man to validate who or what I am.
:soulsister: :huggy:


wandering aimlessly
RoseRed said:
I have a friend that CANNOT stand to be alone and MUST have a man in her life at all times. I so do not tick that way. I like my solitude and doing whatever the heck I want, when I want. I am not saying I want to live the rest of my life this way, but for the time being, I am content. I don't need a man to validate who or what I am.

I have a friend like that too. And all she picks are losers. She drives me nuts.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
bresamil said:

I have a friend like that too. And all she picks are losers. She drives me nuts.

The funny thing is, she think I am nuts for liking the single life! :lmao:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
jazz lady said:

I find some of the Bible to be archaic and downright demeaning towards women, but it was written in much different times and a much different society than today.

I want to be a partner and an equal in a relationship, NOT a step above a slave and somebody's property.
You must have read it wrong. :ohwell:
Different roles does not mean inequality.

This is how a minister similar to my own explained the "submission" of the wife...

The overarching command for wives is submit because that is what they find most difficult to do as sinful wives. The overarching command for husbands is love because that is what they find most difficult to do as sinful husbands.

The commands to submit and love are intended to reverse the curse inflicted in the Garden of Eden. We’ve already seen how God created men and women in the garden: equal, yet with different roles. God’s plan from the beginning–in his paradise, with the way things as they were meant to be– was for a gentle helping wife and a gracious leading husband. But sin corrupted God’s good design. The marriage relationship was cursed. "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you" (Genesis 3:16).

Notice the curse on both sides of the marriage relationship. The woman, who was supposed to help and support the husband–now her desire will be for her husband. Don’t misunderstand the word "desire." It does not refer to romantic desire (some curse that would be!) or a desire to please her husband; it is a desire for control. The Hebrew word for desire in 3:16 is the same word used in 4:7b "...sin is crouching at your door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it." The two verses have very similar verbal constructions. You don’t have to know any Hebrew to see the parallels.

Genesis 4:7 (whose meaning is relatively clear) helps us understand Genesis 3:16 (whose meaning at first seems relatively unclear). Just as sin desired to have control over Cain, so the woman, tainted by sin, desires to have control over her husband. Which is why Paul gives the command "submit." The inclination of fallen woman is to rebel against her husband’s authority and try to control him. Paul’s command aims to reverse the effects of the curse and have Christian wives submit rather than usurp.

Likewise, men, who are supposed to lead and protect and provide for their wives, now, tainted by sin, rule over their wives. The word "rule" in 3:16 has a negative connotation. It’s part of the curse. The wife becomes a usurper and the husband becomes a dictator. Again, the verbal parallels with 4:7 are telling. Sin desired to control Cain, just like the fallen wife desires to control her husband. And Cain was supposed to have mastery over sin, just like the fallen husband tries to have mastery over his wife. Under the curse, men take God’s good gift of headship and twist it into tyranny. Which is why Paul gives the command "love." The inclination of fallen man is to exercise ungodly rule over his wife. Paul’s command aims to reverse the effects of the curse and have Christian husbands love rather than domineer.


She submits–don’t miss that gentleman. The command is for the wife, not the husband. The man is never told to submit the wife unto himself. Instead, the woman is told to submit herself unto her husband. It is a submission freely given, never forcibly taken.

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