Question for the men...


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Vince said:
No one should have to change for the other. If you are attracted to each other then see where it goes from there. If not, don't change to measure up to someones standards that you shouldn't have to measure up to. A woman shouldn't change to please a man and vica versa. I don't consider myself attractive to women at all (fugly), but I won't change to please someone. Like me for me or to hell with ya.
Actually, if you follow the Biblical definition of what God sees as the role of a woman, God sees woman as a "change agent" who is supposed to make a man better and bring him closer to God.

I don't have the verse handy at the moment, though. :ohwell:
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American Beauty
PREMO Member
sleuth said:
Actually, if you follow the Biblical definition of what God sees as the role of a woman, God sees woman as a "change agent" who is supposed to make a man better and bring him closer to God.

I don't have the verse handy at the moment, though. :ohwell:

I don't read the bible and frankly don't care what it has to say.


Set Trippin
Big Momma said:
You think you is slicker'n snot don't ya? :lol:
I've been told I am slicker than owl shiat on a doorknob, what I wanna know is who puts owl shiat on a doorknob and tries to turn it...:confused:



Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
RoseRed said:
I don't read the bible and frankly don't care what it has to say.
I was simply offering it up there... not shoving it down your throat.
Hence the phrase "if you follow"