Question for the men...

cattitude said:
Good luck, Sleuthy.

You can talk all you want about your "opinions" on relationships, but until you sleep with, eat with, pee with, puke with, laugh with, clean house with and whatever else you do in a real relationship, your opinions ain't worth crap. You cannot fully know a person, how you both will react to life until you LIVE with them.
Exactly! Oh Catt... I love you as much as you and I love Otter...:love:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
jazz lady said:
And that just blows my mind that ANYONE would let somebody make a decision for them that affects them regardless of their opinion on the subject. Absolutely amazing. I just can't get past that..

It shows absolutely no respect for the other parties opinion.


But wait, there's more...
ylexot said:
Psst...they're not guidelines. They're results of research.
Ahhh ...

I'm just glad my guy is a man with basic "male" needs who doesn't get all philosophical and religious on me about crap. :dance: Things don't have to be difficult; it can be really easy if you just keep it that way. :yay:


But wait, there's more...
cattitude said:
You can talk all you want about your "opinions" on relationships, but until you sleep with, eat with, pee with, puke with, laugh with, clean house with and whatever else you do in a real relationship, your opinions ain't worth crap. You cannot fully know a person, how you both will react to life until you LIVE with them.
:clap: I'm sure people will hate this notion, but this is exactly why I would encourage my daughter to live with a man she plans to marry before taking the stroll down the aisle when that time comes. You can't know all the nuances of a person until you shack up with 'em. :yay:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
Psst...they're not guidelines. They're results of research.
But, ah, Wyle E. San.... the question of topic is:

CG said:
are men (even in their mid-30s) so superficial that looks mean EVERYTHING? You figure that single men in their 30s are probably looking for the same thing as my friend (commitment, settling down) and realize that the choices are thinning out (choice word, huh? ) as they get older. I'm not saying that the guy has to settle on a "fatty," but why not give someone like my friend a "second glance" before passing her up just because she is overweight?

Am I way off here? Are guys really only focused on looks? Maybe I'm too naive...

I believe Mr. Sleuth posted an opinion then wanted to back it up by statistics.. But then brought on MISERY by bringing more "why's" with religion and biblical solutions when noone really asked for it - or cared by a few pages of it. It seems to be an "is what it is" situation.

As the question has been posted to men, I haven't really given any lengthy answer - just liking some and getting nauseated by some of the replies...

So, where were we? :razz:


Football addict
sleuth said:
But I think you're missing the point. As head the household, my responsibility is the welfare of the family. If I determine that a decision I make is somehow going to cause damage to the family, such as... Momma or kid ain't happy and this will really affect her ability to be happy... then I don't make that decision.
I think your missing my point. From what you've posted, I don't see your wife as the 'submissive' type. Do you really think she'd give you full decision making over her kid? Do you think any woman would?

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
RoseRed said:
It shows absolutely no respect for the other parties opinion.
My point exactly. I want somebody who will respect me enough to listen to my opinions and NOT go against my wishes because HE feels it's right. Make the decision WITH me as my opinion is as valid as yours. To do anything other that is greatly offensive to me.


New Member
I 'm not readin all this crap.... Stop being so gay...

If that chics a tank or whatever tell her to stop browsing the net and go out to meet people. Even if their biggins, some dude will always walk up sometime, and talk to her. No guy is gonna sit in front of their computer and choose to speak to an animal if he's got 30 pics of descent chics at his disposal to chat with...
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Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
cattitude said:
Good luck, Sleuthy.

You can talk all you want about your "opinions" on relationships, but until you sleep with, eat with, pee with, puke with, laugh with, clean house with and whatever else you do in a real relationship, your opinions ain't worth crap. You cannot fully know a person, how you both will react to life until you LIVE with them.
I agree Catt, you can't know a person until you live with them.
And we pray on this subject daily.
We both want our family to be strong, like a rock.
And we both believe that strength comes from the big Dude upstairs.

I personally pray nightly that I will be a good step-dad and dad, giving our kids the tools they need to grow up and be strong people themselves.

And I also pray nightly that I will be a good husband. And I look to the Bible to give me guidance on how to do that.

What else can I do? If there's a perfect couple out there who will give me an example of something to strive for, then let me know. But I've never met a couple who was perfect. If I am to be a good husband and father, who should be my example? Certainly not my dad. Certainly not any imperfect man I know. I really only have one person to look to for that, and that's the big Dude upstairs.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
BuddyLee said:
I think your missing my point. From what you've posted, I don't see your wife as the 'submissive' type. Do you really think she'd give you full decision making over her kid? Do you think any woman would?
Short answer is... I don't know.
But being that she is a Christian woman, and this is what many of the Christian churches teach (if you do an online search on the subject), she would sure give it her best shot.

Nobody is perfect. I'm sure we'll both fall short.


jazz lady said:
And that just blows my mind that ANYONE would let somebody make a decision for them that affects them regardless of their opinion on the subject. Absolutely amazing. I just can't get past that.

I must have missed the part where he said that he's going to make a decision regardless of her opinion on the subject. In fact, in review, he seems to imply that she has a good deal of influence on those decisions.

In any kind of bound group - whether it's a couple, a family of 12, or a classroom - someone has to have the final say-so. If Sleuth and his SO have decided that it's him - whether based on the bible, or an IQ test - then so be it. There's still plenty of P-Whipped guys out there, for everyone to admire.

I think that a lot of people have their hackles up in this thread, and are reading into it things which are not said, or deliberately misinterpreting them.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
jazz lady said:
My point exactly. I want somebody who will respect me enough to listen to my opinions and NOT go against my wishes because HE feels it's right. Make the decision WITH me as my opinion is as valid as yours. To do anything other that is greatly offensive to me.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to jazz lady again.