Question for the men...


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
pixiegirl said:
Hey Sleuth. What makes you "head of household?"
That's just going to get a whole bunch more UFB's if I answer that Pixie...
I think most everyone here knows why I and my girlfriend believe that I would be head of the family. I'll just tell ya that it's in the Bible, and that's what our marriage will be based on.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Why haven't you made the decision for her to move here since this is where you work and own a home?


PREMO Member
sleuth said:
That's just going to get a whole bunch more UFB's if I answer that Pixie...
I think most everyone here knows why I and my girlfriend believe that I would be head of the family. I'll just tell ya that it's in the Bible, and that's what our marriage will be based on.
I win.


Cleopatra Jones
sleuth said:
That's just going to get a whole bunch more UFB's if I answer that Pixie...
I think most everyone here knows why I and my girlfriend believe that I would be head of the family. I'll just tell ya that it's in the Bible, and that's what our marriage will be based on.

Is it cause you're the provider so to speak? Just humor me for a second.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
RoseRed said:
Why haven't you made the decision for her to move here since this is where you work and own a home?
I want to live closer to my family. After many long hours of discussion on the subject, we agreed that it was in the best interest of our family unit (me, her, and her daughter) to live close to our parents and the daughter's extended family.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
pixiegirl said:
Is it cause you're the provider so to speak? Just humor me for a second.
If you want me to answer that, sure I'll humor you...
Are you going to ask "what if she makes more money?"

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
RoseRed said:
Why haven't you made the decision for her to move here since this is where you work and own a home?
:yay: Not to attack you Sleuth, but as the head of the household with your job and livelihood here, which is your means to provide for her and having not luck finding a job out there, why are YOU trying to go where SHE lives?


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
jazz lady said:
:yay: Not to attack you Sleuth, but as the head of the household with your job and livelihood here, which is your means to provide for her and having not luck finding a job out there, why are YOU trying to go where SHE lives?
Already answered that...
And we already agreed that I would give my best shot at finding a good job out there. If I don't, after awhile... we'll revisit the subject.


Super Genius
virgovictoria said:
But, ah, Wyle E. San.... the question of topic is:

I believe Mr. Sleuth posted an opinion then wanted to back it up by statistics.. But then brought on MISERY by bringing more "why's" with religion and biblical solutions when noone really asked for it - or cared by a few pages of it. It seems to be an "is what it is" situation.

As the question has been posted to men, I haven't really given any lengthy answer - just liking some and getting nauseated by some of the replies...

So, where were we? :razz:
Nope. He started with the research/statistics/"genetic programming" and moved into religion from there.


Cleopatra Jones
sleuth said:
If you want me to answer that, sure I'll humor you...
Are you going to ask "what if she makes more money?"

Actually I was going to ask what the bible says in regards to a man/woman providing for thier family.

I'm actually inclined to agre with you in part.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
crabcake said:
You're planning your divorce already? :shocking:
No, I meant everyone else's divorces... :lmao:
After all, it seems we have a lot of experts here on what makes a relationship work.


But wait, there's more...
sleuth said:
No, I meant everyone else's divorces... :lmao:
After all, it seems we have a lot of experts here on what makes a relationship work.
That's right ... there are a LOT of people in here with experience in relationships/marriages and many of them are divorced (me included). Having lived and learned, some of these folks perhaps have already traveled down the road you are attempting to pave, and are trying to open your eyes to the fact that there is more than one road you can travel down to have a successful relationship/marriage. :yay:


In your head
Sleuth's wedding vows. :elaine:

"I am Sleuth, the man, hear me roar.
The Bible says do it my way or it's out the door."