Redskins v. Eagles...


I've switched from rooting for the Skins to rooting for shirts at this point. I did enjoy some highlights earlier..... OOOOO, a touchdown for the Skins :yahoo:


I thought it was awful nice of 'em to let Zorn walk around with that Denny's menu in his hand ! :yay:
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Having Fun!
You know, I kind of feel sorry for the Redskins. Their owner is a POS and the fans keep booing them & complaining about them -- not exactly a motivating environment.... (seems like the excessive paychecks just aren't enough motivation...:whistle:).


Nothing to see here
You know, I kind of feel sorry for the Redskins. Their owner is a POS and the fans keep booing them & complaining about them -- not exactly a motivating environment.... (seems like the excessive paychecks just aren't enough motivation...:whistle:).

The fans disgust is with the ownership and management, fans just want their team back. The whole organization (with the exception of one guy) has gone from bad to pathetic.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The fans disgust is with the ownership and management, fans just want their team back. The whole organization (with the exception of one guy) has gone from bad to pathetic.

I wondered last night what I would do if I became owner today. I don't even know where I'd start. Fat Albert, Moss, Portis, the contracts. I think I'd put Danny Smith in charge and tell everyone he's the boss and then go have lunch with Sonny.
I went to the game and let me give my assessment after watching it live;

1 - There is no DB game, from the corners to the safety's there is absolutely NO discipline (game play). With the exception of Horton, Doughty and Hall - they whole lot needs to be cut... this includes Laron Landrey - he seemed confused.

The 3rd and 35 where Philly scored - remember that? McNabb had his choice of which receiver to hit, they both flew down the sidelines unchallenged by our DB's... Carlos Rogers got burnt because he is the easy target and the biggest weak spot in the secondary. Rogers is the first I would put on the practice squad and activate someone this morning.

2 - Randle El - put his ass on the bench or on a bus... fair catch within the 15 yard line 3x and a blown catch, enough is enough. He dropped more balls than he caught...

3 - Jason Campbell - I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt with the line being decimated but after seeing him play and his decision making he does not even make a good second string quarterback. :ohwell: He is a safety's DREAM - when the ball is snapped and it is a pass play, he follows the primary receiver with his eyes/head and DOES NOT take them off of him. He does not check on the second or third read; if the first receiver is not there, he will run or stay and get sacked. What a chump.

What to do? Well, no future in Collins and Colt is too damn short and throws sidearm... how is he suppose to throw over the big defensive lineman? We have 3 dead weights in the QB position. There is a young guy on the practice squad Andre Woodson out of Kentucky, a Heisman trophy runner-up. Activate the kid and put him. Last week the QB change was definitely not a help, but then again if we put him in behind a weak offensive line he might get ruined. Maybe this guy is the future, but it definitely 'aint the three we have activated. :shrug:

4 - Ownership down to the coaching staff. I was amazed at the amount of people in the stands talking about how John Kent Cooke needs to be the one to own the team. I sat next to a guy from Philly - a great guy :yay: - and we got into a discussion of how the ownership has ruined the Redskins, his favorite rival.

Everyone was making jokes about the blown plays (offensive side) and it was the only highlight of the night - what else can you do but to simply laugh. :shrug: When Clinton would run the ball, or should I say when we knew he would run the ball which was very obvious :rolleyes:, people around us would yell "I 26" like at Bingo. :lmao:

To watch Zorn's reaction was nauseating. He has no fire in him... Whether this is a result of being castrated by ownership or his demeanor is unknown, but he is definitely NOT a motivator. Like Campbell, I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but OMG, what a putz...

5 - The offense as a whole - piss poor showing, fumbles, missed snaps, dropped balls... It is amazing the amount of money these guys make to run and catch a ball and to only drop easy ones is a lack of focus. How can a player refocus? See #4...

What to do? Sell the team. New ownership wipe out the front office and replace the head coaching staff...

There was a few bright spots - Cooley had a great game until he broke his ankle, Thomas and Kelly caught some balls and looked like they had a bit more confidence. D-Line and Linebackers looked sharp. Oh, and the beer was cold; expensive, but cold. :yay:
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Well-Known Member
Why? Some fans are rational about this, it's just a game, and just love the team, no matter what.

Are you saying more of us need to keep that in perspective? :lol:

No, I think it's great that people are standing by their team but I think it's awful that people have to feel the need to make posters saying that. It's pretty bad when the teams gets like that.
I wondered last night what I would do if I became owner today. I don't even know where I'd start. Fat Albert, Moss, Portis, the contracts. I think I'd put Danny Smith in charge and tell everyone he's the boss and then go have lunch with Sonny.

Santana Moss was open or was in a lane that was opening on so many plays last night it was sickening - but he was not the first receiver in the called play so Jason Campbell did not see him because he was not looking for him. :rolleyes:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Santana Moss was open or was in a lane that was opening on so many plays last night it was sickening - but he was not the first receiver in the called play so Jason Campbell did not see him because he was not looking for him. :rolleyes:

I've never liked his attitude. He's lost his cool a number of times over the years and seems to be another "Hey, it's not me" jerk from the U.

Has he mentored any of the young guys?

However, you are right. Even on TV, there were several plays where he was let go and JC EVEN LOOKED his way but

That's the one thing I really like about going to a game vs. TV; you can see the whole field, see what everyone is doing.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No, I think it's great that people are standing by their team but I think it's awful that people have to feel the need to make posters saying that. It's pretty bad when the teams gets like that.

What's awful about 'Unconditional Love' posters? It is just a game. :shrug: