Relocatable Schools.


JPC, Sr.

The Preacher!

Ponytail said:
JPC, all you have is a thought of higher standards, and criticism for the existing situation.

What you NEED is a PLAN. A goal, wish list, and/or criticism is NOT a plan. NO ONE will vote for you if you don't have a valid plan that makes sense to the public.

When will you present this plan?
:whack: The plan is to stop the reckless political policy of out-of-control growth, and that plan means getting me elected to 29b, because no one else has the guts to do it. If I lose then we all lose. The same is true in the plan to raise our public school standard out of the fire box trailer mentality, and to reform child support, and bring sensible gov to our area, it will only happen with me being elected to 29b and that is the plan.

:yay: Now if anyone wants to be real honest about this (as I do) then conpare my plan to the plans of other candidates, and especially compare to my opponents plan at his website here, , then anyone could see that I actually do have a plan as I do intend to make improvements to our area, but my opponent has his only policy of his open door to all growth and dump anything onto SMC because no one has the guts to defend our community or to protect our infrastructure.

Of course my opponent might do something if his boss-man Steny Hoyer tells him what to do, but we see nothing when school trailers burn to the ground in 29b, or our housing prices gone super inflated, innocent parents in jail, and our present representation is too comfortable to move at all, only if I am elected will it stop and the improvements start and that is the plan.
Ponytail said:
You mention in your letter to the Board, that they have the power to say no. What do you propose is the IMMEDIATE alternative to using the trailers?
:whistle: It is true that improvements will take time and an IMMEADIATE alternative would be hard to realize, so I can only offer a beginning to fixing the problem. No one else is even willing to start. Everyone else is ignoring the second rate inferior and unsafe trailers. With me there will come a beginning and without me the growth will continue to overload our entire area and we will live with it.
Ponytail said:
You also mention the two trailer fires last year. How many people were hurt or killed in those two fires?
:cool: It was one fire on 2 trailers, and no one got hurt, excluding sensitivities, but now we do know the present clear danger in those Relocatable trailers and I certainly do not want to wait for some one to get hurt before correcting the second rate condition.
Ponytail said:
You also note that the new school building proposed is a "Columbine style" building. What the hell are you implying with that statement?
:starcat: That the schools now planned for SMC are to be huge institutional size buildings that make the occupents feel small and insignificant. That the huge size makes so the teachers can not know the students or their families sufficiently, and that students can get lost or even feel lost by the huge size of the new schools. When the Leonardtown High school had its recent gun scare there were to many places to hide and no gun ever found and the size of the school incident had Leonardtown High school all over the nation wide news like the old Columbine event. If we keep building trouble then it will find us - that I believe.


Football addict
JPC said:
hurt before correcting the second rate condition. :starcat: That the schools now planned for SMC are to be huge institutional size buildings that make the occupents feel small and insignificant. That the huge size makes so the teachers can not know the students or their families sufficiently, and that students can get lost or even feel lost by the huge size of the new schools. When the Leonardtown High school had its recent gun scare there were to many places to hide and no gun ever found and the size of the school incident had Leonardtown High school all over the nation wide news like the old Columbine event. If we keep building trouble then it will find us - that I believe.
O.K. Wizard.

So which is it, small trailors or gargantuan sized schools?


New Member
JPC said:
:whack: ...It is true that improvements will take time and an IMMEADIATE alternative would be hard to realize, so I can only offer a beginning to fixing the problem. No one else is even willing to start. Everyone else is ignoring the second rate inferior and unsafe trailers. With me there will come a beginning and without me the growth will continue to overload our entire area and we will live with it. :poke:

Per the budget that is putting the trailers in place, it is noted that they are temporary until planned addition to the school can be completed. That to me, sounds like a temporary fix to an immediate problem. You don't like it. Again, I ask you...what is YOUR alternative to using the trailers to fix an immediate problem of overcrowded class rooms?

You blame a population boom and say you'll fix it. You going to start kickin people out of St. Mary's county? How do you propose to do that?

you noted that there are 3 times the number of trailers than schools. What that REALLY means, is that on average, there is 3 trailers, per school. Big friggin deal. 3 trailers. All have provisions for multiple exits, ventilation, fire prevention and detection. The new trailers are safer than alot of the regular schools in that when there is a school fire, you exit the room into a hallway where you must find another exit. A trailer, you exit directly outside to safety. The chances of a tornado touching down and hitting a school is pretty slim, thus hitting a trailer at one of them is even slimmer. Not to mention that tornados in MD are pretty rare, comparitively speaking.

You say that if YOU lose, we all lose. :drama: How will we ever get thru it. :rolleyes:

So, when is the election and how much longer do we have to put up with this non-sense?

JPC, Sr.

The Preacher!

Ponytail said:
You say that if YOU lose, we all lose. :drama: How will we ever get thru it. :rolleyes:
:flowers: The excessive out-of-control growth now being dumped into St. Mary's County, such as overloaded schools, and super inflated housing prices, crime rate rising, jail crammed overfull, school students forced into trailers, etc., this is what incompetent government means. The only thing worse would be going into bankruptcy or some horrible catastophy happening.

Political leaders are elected to do a job and running the gov in a competent manner is the foremost point of that job.

In a Capitalist system the gov is not to create jobs nor to provide jobs as that is what a Communist system does. Also in a Capitalist system the gov is not to own slot machines or golf courses or any of the means of production as that is what a Socialist system does.

The number one job of a government official in a Capitalist system (the USA) is to provide infrastructure. That infrastructure being - the means of transportation, communications, power, sanitation, education, police, and all of these are being overloaded by the reckless political policies of excessive growth being dumped into St. Mary's County. The infrastructure is how the Capitalist give support to the free enterprise businesses and the Navy base is not a free enterprise business.

That is what incompetent government means, because the first and foremost job of our elected leaders is to protect the community and to defend the infrastructure, so we need to elect candidates that will start doing the job because it is not being done now.

JPC, Sr.

The Preacher!

BuddyLee said:
O.K. Wizard.

So which is it, small trailors or gargantuan sized schools?
:jameo: I do not want either of those. There is big middle ground, like smaller schools and no more trailers. :howdy:


JPC said:
:flowers: The excessive out-of-control growth now being dumped into St. Mary's County, such as overloaded schools, and super inflated housing prices, crime rate rising, jail crammed overfull, school students forced into trailers, etc., this is what incompetent government means. The only thing worse would be going into bankruptcy or some horrible catastophy happening.

Political leaders are elected to do a job and running the gov in a competent manner is the foremost point of that job.

In a Capitalist system the gov is not to create jobs nor to provide jobs as that is what a Communist system does. Also in a Capitalist system the gov is not to own slot machines or golf courses or any of the means of production as that is what a Socialist system does.

The number one job of a government official in a Capitalist system (the USA) is to provide infrastructure. That infrastructure being - the means of transportation, communications, power, sanitation, education, police, and all of these are being overloaded by the reckless political policies of excessive growth being dumped into St. Mary's County. The infrastructure is how the Capitalist give support to the free enterprise businesses and the Navy base is not a free enterprise business.

That is what incompetent government means, because the first and foremost job of our elected leaders is to protect the community and to defend the infrastructure, so we need to elect candidates that will start doing the job because it is not being done now.
Did you know the Royal Lippizaner Stallions coming to Flat Iron Farm the 6th, 7th and 8th of October ?


Lem Putt
Pete said:
Did you know the Royal Lippizaner Stallions coming to Flat Iron Farm the 6th, 7th and 8th of October ?
You know, they they are born white, from Portugal, and are the most highly trained horses in the world?


MMDad said:
You know, they they are born white, from Portugal, and are the most highly trained horses in the world?
Why no I didn't. I just figured that the "Biggest Horses Ass in SOMD" might want to go see them. :shrug:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
You know, they they are born white, from Portugal, and are the most highly trained horses in the world?
Actually, they are born black and turn white as they age. Sort of like Michael Jackson. :lol:


The Preaching Wizard

JPC said:
The fact that I do care and I make it my concern is why I am a candidate for 29b, and those that do not care are never candidates.

Bah! All you need to be concerned with is that the minimum standard of living is met.

Everything else is just extra.

JPC said:
When I get elected then we will start to demand a higher standard then that low standard that exist now.

If you truly believed this, you wouldn't view child support as you do.

Perhaps you haven't caught my tone of sarcastic irony throughout this conversation. That's the point I've been trying to get across.

Higher standard my ass.

You talk about higher standards for the children, and going above and beyond what is necessary (into the realm of wastefulness) to achieve this higher standards.

And out of the other side of your face you're saying that all child support is "extra" money going into the pockets of custodial parents who don't need it.

JPC said:
Also the SMC public schools are far from broke, and the SMC schools get big subsidizing from the State of Maryland and from the US gov.

If they're far from being broke, then I say the focus should be on giving teachers raises to increase their incentive to be more productive, as well as hire more quality teachers, textbooks and lab equipment, instead of worrying about relocatable classrooms which are, frankly, quite safe and more than adequate for any educational purpose.

The kids don't LIVE there. If they can learn in a dry, sanitary environment which is conducive to learning, then what more do we need?

If you really wanted the kids to have a higher standard of living, you'd be trying to strengthen child support laws - not eradicate them.



staring into the abyss
JPC said:
Plus two of the Relcatable trailer classrooms have burned down in 29b so the trailers are not safe for our public schools.
For everyone playing the JPC drinking game, that's a shot.
fire box trailers
Oops, sorry, that's a chug.

JPC: Nobody on this board is impressed by your "fire box trailer" line of illogical fear mongering. You've locked your obtuse brain on a campaign issue that no one else in the county cares one whit about. Why? Because there is NOTHING to care about. More students are in danger by bee sting allergies in SMC than this ridiculous bogey man you have generated out of nonsense and a single, isolated incident that did not harm a single hair on a single student's head. Its tiresome to read about. Its tiresome to repeatedly debunk. Its doing nothing but drilling a larger and larger hole in the rusty hull that is somehow keeping your campaign fantasy afloat.

While I'm ranting, the endless smiley icons you insist on peppering your posts with make you look even more foolish.

JPC, Sr.

The Preacher!

tirdun said:
JPC: Nobody on this board is impressed by your "fire box trailer" line of illogical fear mongering. You've locked your obtuse brain on a campaign issue that no one else in the county cares one whit about. Why? Because there is NOTHING to care about. More students are in danger by bee sting allergies in SMC than this ridiculous bogey man you have generated out of nonsense and a single, isolated incident that did not harm a single hair on a single student's head. Its tiresome to read about. Its tiresome to repeatedly debunk. Its doing nothing but drilling a larger and larger hole in the rusty hull that is somehow keeping your campaign fantasy afloat.
:wah: I do see that some of the outspoken posters here fail to appreciate my givings, but remember what the Book said about casting the pearls before these swine.

I really might not have even started this thread but I saw that horrid Enterprise report (see link on 1st post this thread) and I felt the desire to vent my disapproval.

The BOE are planning to build a big new high tech Elementary school for pre K - 5th grade and the report says they already plan to use those fire box Relocatable trailers at that brand new school for 4 - 11 year old students. I hate the idea and it is an inferiority concept.
tirdun said:
While I'm ranting, the endless smiley icons you insist on peppering your posts with make you look even more foolish.
:diva: The icons are mostly for fun and I have started to be more selective with the deamon things. :burning:


staring into the abyss
JPC said:
I do see that some of the outspoken posters here fail to appreciate my givings, but remember what the Book said about casting the pearls before these swine.
Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces. Mat 7:6, NIV

Which has no bearing on this conversation unless you are suggesting your message has some level of sophistication or reverence the board is unable to grasp.

The BOE are planning to build a big new high tech Elementary school for pre K - 5th grade and the report says they already plan to use those fire box Relocatable trailers

The BOE is planning a new school and is anticipating that trailers may be needed in the future. They are not "fire box relocatable trailers", since such things do not exist.

JPC, Sr.

The Preacher!

tirdun said:
The BOE is planning a new school and is anticipating that trailers may be needed in the future. They are not "fire box relocatable trailers", since such things do not exist.
:drool: I say that is what many people do, is to pretend the trailers do not exist and try hard to ignore them altogether. The trailers are always hidden way back behind each of the school buildings - in shame. And surely do not talk about the two Relocatable trailers that burned to the ground in 29b.

When I get elected the cowardice will stop and we will not hide the fire box trailers any more. But hey, if I lose the election then that saying of, "such things do not exist" will win too because I am the only with the guts to face up to the real problems. So be it.

JPC, Sr.

The Preacher!

hvp05 said:
I have not visited SMC in more than a year, so I was curious to see how the area looks when I was driving through yesterday. I entered SMC on Rt. 235, went into California, went W down St. Andrews Church Rd., then N on Rt. 5 into 234. And for most of the time I was surprised at how little development I saw. The region is not overrun with cheesy suburbs and strip-malls. I imagine south of Lex. Park is the same.

Maybe if you would occasionally venture outside the confines of downtown Lex. Park you would realize SMC's true situation, JPC. After all, it has not been that long since you were a great, seasoned traveler. :biggrin:
:smack: Lexington Park is part of my 29b District. In the Enterprise there is a letter to the Editor from a voter in Lexington Park (my 29b) and she said not to use Lexington Park (29b) as a "dumping ground" for "uncontrolled and unwise developement", that is an opinion from a 29b voter, and here is the link to the Enterprise letter.

So the voters of 29b know when they are getting dumped on. :getdown:


Lem Putt
JPC said:
Lexington Park is part of my 29b District. So the voters of 29b know when they are getting dumped on.
Kind of pompous of you to claim that it is your district when you have not won any office ever.

You don't even qualify to be the dog poop picker-upper dude, yet it is "your" district?

I can't wait to see how you act on September 13. Will you get a job? You claim you have the ability. Of course, we'll see what you really are as you continue to use the working people of this state to pay your rent and to feed your pathetic desires.

JPC, Sr.

The Preacher!

Toxick said:
With these relocatables, every single one of the students' educational necessities are provided for - anythign beyond that is simply extra that will be used to fuel bureaucracy and line politicians pockets, and will serve little purpose besides increasing the tax-burden on the poorest working people in the county.
:coffee: I suppose that if they held class outside under a shade tree then that would be safer then being inside of Relocatable trailers that some times burn to the ground.
JPC said:
:coffee: I suppose that if they held class outside under a shade tree then that would be safer then being inside of Relocatable trailers that some times burn to the ground.
Not true because sometimes trees get struck by lightning... I can't believe you would wish that on a bunch of innocent children...:yikes: