Actually when you get elected monkeys will fly out of my ass, toast will land butter side up 99% of the time when dropped, dogs and cats will make peace and live in harmony, I will get that hole in one I have been waiting for, twice in the same round, DJ will write a fan letter to Howard Dean, Catt wil turn down the chance to foster another Boxer, Sharon will switch from Heiniken to Pabst, Dems will graduate Magna Cum Laud with a Masters in Common Sense, ItsBob will buy a Harley, APS will turn to the preisthood and denounce his past life, Vince will be drafted by the NBA to play center for the Detroit Pistons, 2A will sell all his guns and burn his NRA membership card, Otter will swear off cheezits and Miller Lite, Larry will switch from Guitar to the harmonica and join a band called "Gude and the Homophobes", Slotted will emerge from the Papal enclave and be introduced as Pope Jackass I.