Retirees, what do you do all day?

black dog

Free America
That is someone with a lot of time on their hands.
Lol. It was 20 yrs ago the first time I saw his trains and work benches. He worked 6 long days a week then.
Super interesting mechanical car / model train and other toys. Not the stereotypical Jewish guy one would see in the restaurant.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
My retirement time is all booked up and has been for some time. I need to actually finish the rebuild/restore of more than a dozen classic boats and vehicles I've got stashed all around the compound. And still find time to gunsmith and shoot...


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
So don't be one...change your life..go find something more constructive and socially acceptable to do.
It's stunning that concept is so hard for them to grasp.

Stop protecting and promoting the heinous behavior and you won't be associated with it. :sshrug:


Well-Known Member
I'm still an apprentice retiree in training. Been retired less than a year. I got sick right after retiring. Baby Grandson got RSV, and shared it with us. I had never even heard of RSV. Then he got Covid, and Wife, and I each got it for the second time. As soon as we started feeling good we both got the Flu. After all of the illnesses went away I rested and took it easy for a few months. Started feeling better than I had in years. I finally realized that it wasn't work that I truly hated, I hate getting up early. I spent a lot of years commuting downtown, No. Virginia etc. and as traffic worsened in the area, every genius project manger decided that starting earlier was the answer. The start time went from 0730, to 7, then to 0630, then to 0600. When you live in St. Mary's and have to be in Manassass @ 6 AM, you have to wake at 3-330 to leave at 4 to be there by 6. Get off at 2, and drive home until 4-430 depending on traffic. Take a shower, eat dinner, and start dozing in front of the TV around 7. Go to bed, wake up at 0300 ad do it all over again. I will never again set a wake up alarm for as long as I live. I still occasionally work from home or less than an hour away, it's nice waking whenever my body says it's time to wake up, and driving in after sunrise. I get there when I get there, and I go home when I feel like I'm done for the day.


Well-Known Member
Do you have to sh!t in every thread....?
This is why TDS is something they can't grasp. It's so deeply a part of them, they can't just talk about retiring - it has to be about TRUMP.

Have you ever known someone like this? A parent who never stops talking about their kid? A religious person constantly bringing religion into a discussion not the slightest bit connected to religion? Like that Progressive commercial with the guy who always talks about his motorcycle.

We call people like this - disturbed. There's a reason the middle word is "derangement" - they're too crazy to even realize it.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
I will never again set a wake up alarm for as long as I live. I still occasionally work from home or less than an hour away, it's nice waking whenever my body says it's time to wake up, and driving in after sunrise. I get there when I get there, and I go home when I feel like I'm done for the day.
I'm almost completely onboard with you here. The only time I set an alarm, is when I WANT to do something that requires it. I'm right with you on the "get there when I get there" attitude, and the boss/friend understands its not a lack of respect for him. Some days become "days off" at a moments notice. I'll probably continue this routine until he sells the business, which is looking like 2 more seasons. :yay:


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I know one thing I won't miss...the daily commute to/from work. I took this pic just this morning, on my way to work, to show what hell on the highway looks like.

morning commute.JPG


Well-Known Member
So don't be one...change your life..go find something more constructive and socially acceptable to do.
In the last 30 years there have been two republican presidents

Under George W we experienced the greatest terrorist attack in our history, thousands dead. We then entered into a war costing us thousands of more lives and trillions of dollars. The economy was tanked so bad by his policies that we entered what is now called “the Great Recession”.

Trump engineered the longest shutdown of the federal government, over 25 days, and it only ended after air traffic controllers started a sick out after not being paid for a month. At the end of his presidency the country was thrown into unimaginable chaos due to his panicked and botched reaction to COVID.

I’ve supported the guys who ran our county those other times, no major wars were started, no major recessions, and nothing near what happened in 2020.

The very posters in this thread trying to fill their endless free time post daily about how the country has gone to hell under Biden and will get worse under Harris. How deranged are you? You are living a life of unimaginable luxury compared to what your ancestors went through. None of you seem to be suffering any real hardship caused by the administration, certainly nothing like I described above.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
In the last 30 years there have been two republican presidents

Under George W we experienced the greatest terrorist attack in our history, thousands dead. We then entered into a war costing us thousands of more lives and trillions of dollars. The economy was tanked so bad by his policies that we entered what is now called “the Great Recession”.

Trump engineered the longest shutdown of the federal government, over 25 days, and it only ended after air traffic controllers started a sick out after not being paid for a month. At the end of his presidency the country was thrown into unimaginable chaos due to his panicked and botched reaction to COVID.

I’ve supported the guys who ran our county those other times, no major wars were started, no major recessions, and nothing near what happened in 2020.

The very posters in this thread trying to fill their endless free time post daily about how the country has gone to hell under Biden and will get worse under Harris. How deranged are you? You are living a life of unimaginable luxury compared to what your ancestors went through. None of you seem to be suffering any real hardship caused by the administration, certainly nothing like I described above.
Are you a fiction writer for your daytime job too?