Rhuel Clothing in Annapolis Mall


Ill get by there this weekend with a couple church groups and take it down for them.

honestly though, if its in the store who cares, like everyone said, just dont go in.
if its facing out out into the mall then I think they should not have it showing.

It's not...the store is enclosed and looks like a brownstone on the front...you can't see anything from the front of the store...you have to go in, unlike VS where the scantily clad mannequins are on display for the world...

I do love those dolls:lmao:
I point this out to my wife everytime we walk by them!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
if you want to deprive your children, then their not going to handle the "real world" because sex is every where no matter how much you try to avoid it.

Hey! Another person who knows my children!

Tell me, oh wise one, how poorly my children are handling the "real world" because I didn't allow sex to be shoved in their face at an early age?


PS, I'm still waiting for that same thing from JohnnyB.
It all depends on how you want to handle your children... we all handle our kids differently - if you do not like how someone parents their child, well mind your own damn business... if your kids turn out to be model citizens - wonderfull! If not - look in the mirror... bottom line is your children are reflections of yourself - take a hard look at them and reflect for a second.

If my family and I were walking through the mall and I saw something inappropriate I would steer the boy away if I had the opportunity. If he happened to notice something I would not engage him unless he said something or I noticed his facial expression - most of the time it would go over his head, but looking at his reaction would tell me if it registered in his brain.

This poster, well for me it is on the edge, I would not jerk his head away as we walked by. If he said something - then I would address it. I remember being in Macy's and he say a Calvin Klein ad and made a comment (male underwear ad) - what I wanted to say and what I actually said was two different things... when all was done and said, he was like "Oh, OK" and that was that... when we walked out of the store and passed it a second time he did not even look.

If you don't have children you cannot even BEGIN to imagine... I thought I had a clue until 12 years ago, then my whole life changed... You raise your kids, I will raise mine - If you don't have any, well you raise yours when they get here, if you are lucky enough to be a parent!

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
The difference is....

You are not trying to shield your children from life. You waited to see a reaction and explained things. You didn't make it seem "bad" by trying to hide anything, making a curious child want to know more and why.
You'll also find out you'll do the best you could but there will come a point where, no matter how well you did, your children will make their own choices good or bad.
Sex and sexy ad images have been around since time began. Don't keep your kid in a bubble or else when they have to try life on their own, that bubble will burst.

It all depends on how you want to handle your children... we all handle our kids differently - if you do not like how someone parents their child, well mind your own damn business... if your kids turn out to be model citizens - wonderfull! If not - look in the mirror... bottom line is your children are reflections of yourself - take a hard look at them and reflect for a second.

If my family and I were walking through the mall and I saw something inappropriate I would steer the boy away if I had the opportunity. If he happened to notice something I would not engage him unless he said something or I noticed his facial expression - most of the time it would go over his head, but looking at his reaction would tell me if it registered in his brain.

This poster, well for me it is on the edge, I would not jerk his head away as we walked by. If he said something - then I would address it. I remember being in Macy's and he say a Calvin Klein ad and made a comment (male underwear ad) - what I wanted to say and what I actually said was two different things... when all was done and said, he was like "Oh, OK" and that was that... when we walked out of the store and passed it a second time he did not even look.

If you don't have children you cannot even BEGIN to imagine... I thought I had a clue until 12 years ago, then my whole life changed... You raise your kids, I will raise mine - If you don't have any, well you raise yours when they get here, if you are lucky enough to be a parent!


Well-Known Member
Hey! Another person who knows my children!

Tell me, oh wise one, how poorly my children are handling the "real world" because I didn't allow sex to be shoved in their face at an early age?


PS, I'm still waiting for that same thing from JohnnyB.

I'm here! I'm here!

No need to fret :lol:

So here was my main point..
But first, I'd like to apologize for calling...ummm, I think it was vbailey and the OP, dork?, bad parents. That was wrong...you simply have a different parenting method than I would choose :yay:

onto my point. We all handle things with our children in different ways. (ok, i don't have them, its a general "we" :lol:) Each person here (and in life) has a different threshold of what they feel is acceptable for their babies. If we all raised our kids with the EXACT same standards then we would end up with a bunch of "preprogrammed robots". Nobody would be different and be the kid who has to "come out of the box" or be the guy who arrives to a party riding his motorcycle in the rain (ok, that was just gay...but I mean, I just listend to billy joel :lol:). Different parenting methods help develop who we are. If my parents had been MORE open to me doing things, sure, everything would be easier...but I wouldn't necessarily have had the "stand up to the man" attitude I do now because everything would have been handed to me as "acceptable"...I wouldn't have had to argue the logic to go along with WHY I choose to do something.

SO. Everyone should parent in their own way...BUT...trying to force a company to take down a poster (or any other similar action you are doing to make society change for your little precious babies) is unacceptable. If you don't want to support the store, fine. Tell everyone you know not to buy stuff there and why...but please don't force change upon me if you wouldn't want the same done to you. Maybe I feel that there should be pornography strewn throughout the mall? Does that make it right? I think not. So to each his own, but don't force your own upon me. :yay:

thank you and goodnight :buddies: :lmao:
This is true - but, if I see something which I perceive as inappropriate for him I do draw his attention somewhere else without him knowing what or why I am doing, what I am doing.

Correct - you raise your children and install the values YOU want in them - but, much of these values are indirectly instilled in the child. What you want the child to be is what you do or do not expose them to. By the time they are 13 or 14 you hold on tight and pray you did the job. From there they do make their own choices good or bad. :buddies:

I can not, nor can somebody else, sit back and say "Vrai raised her children right because she kept their eyes away... " and "Dye Tied is raising her children wrong because she let them... " it is no ones call but the parents raising there own child/children.

Sexy ads has been around and will be around forever - it all boils down to how we as individual families want to handle the exposure level so we are comfortable. Again, I cannot say who is doing right or wrong, I just hope I am doing it right for my child's sake.


The difference is....

You are not trying to shield your children from life. You waited to see a reaction and explained things. You didn't make it seem "bad" by trying to hide anything, making a curious child want to know more and why.
You'll also find out you'll do the best you could but there will come a point where, no matter how well you did, your children will make their own choices good or bad.
Sex and sexy ad images have been around since time began. Don't keep your kid in a bubble or else when they have to try life on their own, that bubble will burst.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
When I'm shopping for clothes, I'm usually looking at.....clothes. I'm not trying to manufacture drama and pretend offense at what a store has on the walls.:shrug:


New Member
Hey! Another person who knows my children!

Tell me, oh wise one, how poorly my children are handling the "real world" because I didn't allow sex to be shoved in their face at an early age?


PS, I'm still waiting for that same thing from JohnnyB.

I've never said i knew your children and i never said sex needs to be shoved in your kids face. I'm just stating that its everywhere, it has been for a long time. If you dont like what you see then don't look at it. Like i said before, Sex sells, so people are going to use that in their ads. if you don't like it then i suggest you sit in a closet because its everywhere. Even in disney! So calm down oh tight one! If you don't like that ad that started this thread and the feedback from it then i suggest you stop commenting back!
I've never said i knew your children and i never said sex needs to be shoved in your kids face. I'm just stating that its everywhere, it has been for a long time. If you dont like what you see then don't look at it. Like i said before, Sex sells, so people are going to use that in their ads. if you don't like it then i suggest you sit in a closet because its everywhere. Even in disney! So calm down oh tight one! If you don't like that ad that started this thread and the feedback from it then i suggest you stop commenting back!

Oh 'eff - this is going to get good... :killingme

Who wants a front row seat to watch this?



In My Opinion
I've never said i knew your children and i never said sex needs to be shoved in your kids face. I'm just stating that its everywhere, it has been for a long time. If you dont like what you see then don't look at it. Like i said before, Sex sells, so people are going to use that in their ads. if you don't like it then i suggest you sit in a closet because its everywhere. Even in disney! So calm down oh tight one! If you don't like that ad that started this thread and the feedback from it then i suggest you stop commenting back!
I agree, just use the moment to explain to the child that places like that are where the filthy Godless heathens go to get AIDs.

at any rate, it seems that the poster was in the store and not visable from the public area.
I would just choose to not say anything, and stay out of the store.


Lem Putt
I didn't read this whole thread, so I don't know if this has already been asked. Do they allow smoking in the store? If not, then it is not offensive. After all, nothing is as offensive as secondhand smoke.


Bookseller Lady
I would just choose to not say anything, and stay out of the store.

Exactly! Vote with your wallet!

Posters like that are part of marketing campaigns, the purpose of which is to get people in the store to buy stuff. If sales data and marketing research show that ads like that are turning customers away, then they will change their ads. I work in marketing and have to run reports tracking sales down to page #s to see if they were effective.