Rhuel Clothing in Annapolis Mall


Same here. I am not suggesting we should all shelter our kids for the so called "real world" but as a parent, I certainly feel it is my responsibility to teach my own kids about life, sex and what is appropriate instead of letting them learn it from ads and TV shows and movies. For this reason, we screen our TV shows and movies for the kids. Why any normal parent would find it acceptable to let their kids be exposed to smut on a daily basis, is beyond me. I guess some of us have higher standards than others and are willing to take on the challenge or raising our kids the right way.

I agree 100 % you should be responsible for raising your child and I applaud you on this....there are a lot of people who seem to not share your beliefs on this.

I just don't think it's smut compared to some other things that are out there. Plus I'm pretty sure that the demographic for that store is older...Hollister is for the younger kids...

At least the store is shielded from view of passerbys....Victoria Secret has the mannequins (sp) out in front for the world to see......

Just to clarify, i'm not sticking up for these stores or anything...i stopped shopping at A&F when i turned 24 or so...I just think there are more important battles to be waged...just MO


as a parent, I certainly feel it is my responsibility to teach my own kids about life, sex and what is appropriate instead of letting them learn it from ads and TV shows and movies.

So you feel that it's your responsibility to teach your kids about X.

But you feel that it's the responsibility of society and The Gummint, to shelter them from Y.


Who gets to draw the lines between where everyone's responsibilities start and where they end???!

:howdy: Oooh, pick me!!!


New Member
My real world daughter could beat up your bubble kid.
Watch it now. Have you ever seen what happens when women get into fights?

I was reluctantly placed in the middle of a catfight one time. Emphasis on one time. :lmao:

Man, y'all women fight each other flat out dirty. Scratching, pulling hair, biting, bashing each other's heads in, pulling whatever you can. Jesus God man.

All I've got to say is if they ever need someone to break up a cat fight at any of the schools, I can tell you who's not getting in the middle of it. :jet: