Rhuel Clothing in Annapolis Mall


What I've found to work well is to occasionally show the kids a picture of a person. We each get a copy of the picture, then I get a sharpie, and put big black X's over the parts of the human body that are dirty and evil and bad. Genitals and Nipples. Then I have each one of them put X's over the dirty nasty parts on their copies. While they're making their X's I have them repeat what body part they're Xing out, and repeat that that part of their body is dirty and bad. They are not allowed to look down when they go to the bathroom either.

I think this healthy expression of modesty will ensure that my kids grow up to be chaste, well adjusted adults.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
Well, this isn't really about talking to your kids about sex. Certainly every responsible parent does that. This is more having sex actively marketed to kids, encouraging them to participate. And don't say that it's just TV or whatever - kids emulate pop culture, which is how it gets to be pop culture in the first place.

What would be wrong with not having sexual images all over the place? Would that somehow hurt anyone? I don't really understand it.

Why are we saying those are pics of sex and not 2 people in love?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What I've found to work well is to occasionally show the kids a picture of a person. We each get a copy of the picture, then I get a sharpie, and put big black X's over the parts of the human body that are dirty and evil and bad. Genitals and Nipples. Then I have each one of them put X's over the dirty nasty parts on their copies. While they're making their X's I have them repeat what body part they're Xing out, and repeat that that part of their body is dirty and bad. They are not allowed to look down when they go to the bathroom either.

I think this healthy expression of modesty will ensure that my kids grow up to be chaste, well adjusted adults.

So you let your children watch porn and take them to nudist camps, right? After all, the human body is beautiful and sex is natural.


what if you were in the food court or another public place in the Mall and saw a couple doing that...would it be against the law?

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
What if it was really 2 people in the Mall touching each other that way, would it be against the law?

If the kids see affection at home, why would there even be a question as to what they were doing?

I looked right at the jeans which is what the ad people wanted. I didn't think it was a bad touch picture. I didn't think it was a pornographic picture.
I've seen worse on mtv which I am sure if you tell your kids it's bad, they'll find a way to watch it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
what if you were in the food court or another public place in the Mall and saw a couple doing that...would it be against the law?

The rent-a-cops would probably come along and tell them to get a room, I would guess. I doubt it's against the law, but it's certainly inappropriate.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
I don't know about other households, but our kids never saw me with my hand down Larry's pants.

That hand in the ad was barely down the jeans. I don't find the ad offensive. I don't find VS commercials with bras and panties offensive.


So you let your children watch porn and take them to nudist camps, right? After all, the human body is beautiful and sex is natural.

Yes. That's exactly what I do. We all sit around the living room with our pants around our ankles and then I throw in Chunky Asses 17.


Perhaps you do not see a distinction between a provocative advertisement (or an exposed nipple on TV, or even dangling nuts on a truck) and pr0n, but I do. I see several orders of magnitude difference, and I respond accordingly.

Meaning that I don't have pornography in my home, yet if my kids and I walked by the advertisement in question, I would not grab their heads and pull them to my body while we ran by, faces red. I have not taught them, nor do I plan to teach them, to be all hung-up and feel shame and disgust about their or others' bodies.

Having said that:

I don't know what goes on in nudist camps, so for all I know, they could be fronts for prostitution or massive Roman Orgies. If it's simply people going about their business and they happen to be naked... :shrug:

Of course, it would also depend on the time of year. I am militantly anti-sunburn and anti-frostbite.

And anti-shrinkage.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't find VS commercials with bras and panties offensive.

If they were in their underpants and some guys was fondling their breast or crotch, I would think that was way over the line.

They could have easily had the model's hand on the guy's waist and it would have been just as sexy. I just get tired of this "let's see what we can get away with" crap. It's juvenile.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Perhaps you do not see a distinction between a provocative advertisement (or an exposed nipple on TV, or even dangling nuts on a truck) and pr0n, but I do. I see several orders of magnitude difference, and I respond accordingly.

What's the difference? Seriously, I'm curious where you draw the line.

If an exposed nipple is fine, and some model groping some other model's wiener is fine, then why not all the way? If nuts on a truck are fine, why not nuts on an adult male human? What about some woman running around town with exposed nipples? Is that okay? Or just on TV?

That's a serious question.


Well-Known Member
What if it was really 2 people in the Mall touching each other that way, would it be against the law?

I'm guessing you weren't one of those wild and crazy teens that did it in the dressing room?

I think my viewpoints have pretty much been covered.. You parents are sheltering your kids and they will end up worse off. Know who the people who ended up getting REALLY effed up off of drugs, got preggo, got raped while drunk were? It was the people who were sheltered for life and never really experienced what was out there until one CRAZY night with their "friends" (or whatever, its just an example :lol:) and they couldn't handle the situation because they were never exposed to it. I just hope that your kids are responsible enough to handle themselves because you have not done a very good job at parenting (in some respects...At least you put a roof over their head, right?).

But that is JMO. Maybe they will go on and be virgins when they marry prince charming who happens to be Mr. religious and takes care of his grandma.

Honestly, i'm sorry you have grown up in such an apparently sheltered world :huggy:

For the record. Picture should stay up. I couldn't even tell if his jeans were in fact unzipped...maybe you're looking a little too closely? :lmao: I say it is a clean picture so long as her wrist is above the waistline :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You parents are sheltering your kids and they will end up worse off.


I just hope that your kids are responsible enough to handle themselves because you have not done a very good job at parenting (in some respects...At least you put a roof over their head, right?)

Okay, since you know so much about everyone's kids, why don't you tell me what terrible things *mine* are doing because I didn't do a very good job? PS, both are adults.


Someone made a comment in another thread that they were tired of these holier than thou parents who shelter their children and look down on other parents who are more lax. I will tell you what *I* am tired of, and that is loudmouth blowhards who don't know #### from Shinola, trying to tell parents who didn't let their kids run wild and fill their heads with crap that their kids will just go crazy later in life because they were "held back".

So, JohnnyB, you seem to know all about it. Why don't you tell me what my kids are doing? Tell me about their screwed up lives, unwanted pregnancies, drugs, booze, welfare and other sad, sad things that I've inflicted on them by being too protective.

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Highlander's MPD
Get off your pedestal :lmao: If you teach your kids good from bad what is the problem? Sex is not bad so when you censor those things, you teach them it IS bad. All you can do is your best and hope your kids don't have enough defective genes to make too many errors in life.

So, you've said sex isn't bad and that we shouldn't censor those things. So, I guess we should be showing our kids porn vidoes starting at age 5 and let the teachers show them how it's done in first grade. If you don't already have children, please don't.