Rhuel Clothing in Annapolis Mall


professional daydreamer


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What's the difference? Seriously, I'm curious where you draw the line.

What's the difference between a provocative ad and porno?

Come now.

If an exposed nipple is fine, and some model groping some other model's wiener is fine, then why not all the way? If nuts on a truck are fine, why not nuts on an adult male human?

Why not?

What about some woman running around town with exposed nipples? Is that okay? Or just on TV?

That's a serious question.

It's ok by me. But, I don't have a problem with nudity in general. I have utmost respect for the Designer, and I appreciate His work. If nudity were acceptable in public, I'd still take my kids to the store, to the laundromat, to the park... I'd probably walk around with my own ass in the breeze occasionally, although I do find clothing to be useful, and wouldn't give it up, even if this nation did unpucker its collective sphincter. I don't mind public breast feeding. I figure kids usually suck on tits until they're around 2 anyway - why suddenly make their erstwhile source of nutrition a source of shame and disgust?

And all my kids were watching the Superbowl during The Wardrobe Malfunction. Four years have elapsed, and none of them has required therapy so far.

If I was physically forced to draw the line - although, frankly, I prefer to deal with things case by case - I would draw it at lewd behavior.

Does the ad in question qualify as lewd? :shrug: I don't think so.

And I know this wasn't address to me, but...

Someone made a comment in another thread that they were tired of these holier than thou parents who shelter their children and look down on other parents who are more lax. I will tell you what *I* am tired of, and that is loudmouth blowhards who don't know #### from Shinola, trying to tell parents who didn't let their kids run wild and fill their heads with crap that their kids will just go crazy later in life because they were "held back".

I did want to point out, that I don't mind parents who want to "protect" their children from breasts and testicles, either. And instilling a sense of morals - even if I happen to find them restrictive or overbearing - is never a bad thing.

The only thing I have a problem with is having the same set of morals forced on me whether I like it or not.


Highlander's MPD
Dork...is this thread going the way you wanted it to?

Sadly, not really. I am getting mostly green karma but have received a few red. It's sad. I can only assume that all the good parents are busy with their kids or have grown children. The ones on here who don't have a problem with the smut have plently of time to surf the internet and post on the forums. After all, their kids are watching trashy TV or they were dropped off at the mall hours ago to get them out of the house. But then again, I would have to explain why I am here. Well, both of my kids are done with their homework. One is reading a book. The other is playing with her Playstation. She's playing a game called DDR or Dance Dance Revolution. It's good exercise and no smut. It makes me feel better about the way I am raising my kids. I can't change what other people do but I can learn from other peoples mistakes and feel good about all my hard work.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

There you go, then. We simply have a difference of opinion. I'm not interested in seeing people's hairy balls hanging out or their nasty cooch. Puts me off my dinner. But if you think it's perfectly acceptable, then we will have to agree to disagree.


There you go, then. We simply have a difference of opinion. I'm not interested in seeing people's hairy balls hanging out or their nasty cooch. Puts me off my dinner. But if you think it's perfectly acceptable, then we will have to agree to disagree.

What is their balls are cleanly shaven?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
After all, their kids are watching trashy TV or they were dropped off at the mall hours ago to get them out of the house.

Or they have grown children who are at their own homes. :shrug:

You're awfully defensive of your position. I, personally, agree with you on the ad poster, but I don't agree with the blanket condemnation of people you don't even know and have no idea what their children are doing.


There you go, then. We simply have a difference of opinion. I'm not interested in seeing people's hairy balls hanging out or their nasty cooch. Puts me off my dinner. But if you think it's perfectly acceptable, then we will have to agree to disagree.


That works.

I simply don't find hairy balls or a dried up gooch any more disgusting than man-boobs or hairy pits...

But every time I go to the beach....


professional daydreamer
Sadly, not really. I am getting mostly green karma but have received a few red. It's sad. I can only assume that all the good parents are busy with their kids or have grown children. The ones on here who don't have a problem with the smut have plently of time to surf the internet and post on the forums. After all, their kids are watching trashy TV or they were dropped off at the mall hours ago to get them out of the house. But then again, I would have to explain why I am here. Well, both of my kids are done with their homework. One is reading a book. The other is playing with her Playstation. She's playing a game called DDR or Dance Dance Revolution. It's good exercise and no smut. It makes me feel better about the way I am raising my kids. I can't change what other people do but I can learn from other peoples mistakes and feel good about all my hard work.

You make a lot of assumptions. Quite a few people on here, including myself, have grown children, or no children.

We raised our kids. I even managed to do it without expecting the rest of the world to cater to imagined slights. I have good girls, and people on here can verify that.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
Sadly, not really. I am getting mostly green karma but have received a few red. It's sad. I can only assume that all the good parents are busy with their kids or have grown children. The ones on here who don't have a problem with the smut have plently of time to surf the internet and post on the forums. After all, their kids are watching trashy TV or they were dropped off at the mall hours ago to get them out of the house. But then again, I would have to explain why I am here. Well, both of my kids are done with their homework. One is reading a book. The other is playing with her Playstation. She's playing a game called DDR or Dance Dance Revolution. It's good exercise and no smut. It makes me feel better about the way I am raising my kids. I can't change what other people do but I can learn from other peoples mistakes and feel good about all my hard work.

Wow, you need to chill. I have 2 adult sons with 4 kids each ranging from ages 6 to almost 19. My sons served and 1 still serves this country. Most of their lives were not censored nor was religion shoved down their throats and they are self supporting, adults and parents.
If you need to pat yourself on the back then go for it but pull that stick from your ass first. Every parent makes mistakes, you first one is thinking you and your kids are better than everyone else. SHEESH.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
Dork, I never sent you karma. If you need that verified, ask Vrai. I don't waste my karma on people whose lifes so sanctimonious and perfect :lol:


Well-Known Member
How many people ever even heard of Rhuel Clothing in Annapolis Mall, until this poster was put up?


New Member
I don't know as I'm particularly offended by this ad campaign - it's not really all that - but I don't understand why sex sells. Are we really that pathetic that we think a pair of jeans will get that young hottie to let us fondle him?

Apparently so because all the "cool" companies do it. But I'm more likely to buy LL Bean than A&F - I'm fairly okay with who I am and not really interested in trying to be some skinny kid with half her clothes off.
It sells because most guys think with their other head 99% of the time. JMO.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
Why the uproar over a jeans ad now? It's like you just discovered sexy images in advertising.
What about that Farrah poster where she obviously bit chilly? How about Brooke Shields and "nothing comes between her and her Calvin Klein's, nothing at all" while she stood there with her shirt open?

Where have you been living all these years, in a cave? :lol:

Dr. Tom Reichert's sexinadvertising.com


New Member
Sadly, not really. I am getting mostly green karma but have received a few red. It's sad. I can only assume that all the good parents are busy with their kids or have grown children. The ones on here who don't have a problem with the smut have plently of time to surf the internet and post on the forums. After all, their kids are watching trashy TV or they were dropped off at the mall hours ago to get them out of the house. But then again, I would have to explain why I am here. Well, both of my kids are done with their homework. One is reading a book. The other is playing with her Playstation. She's playing a game called DDR or Dance Dance Revolution. It's good exercise and no smut. It makes me feel better about the way I am raising my kids. I can't change what other people do but I can learn from other peoples mistakes and feel good about all my hard work.

I'm going to chime in here although I’m a little late. Sex sells, obviously you haven't heard of that! Its been around for years, I’m sure your kids watch Hannah Montana or High School Musical...well have you seen the recent sexy pics of Miley Cirus (or however you spell her name) are you taking that show away from your kids because of that? High school musical that girl vannessa hudgens or whatever, she sent NAKED pics of herself to her bf. :blushing: are you taking away that show because of it? Is your 12 year old going to be stuck watching PBS for the rest of their life since that seems to be the only channel that have shows that are suitable for your kids. I'm not saying your a bad parent but if you want to deprive your children, then their not going to handle the "real world" because sex is every where no matter how much you try to avoid it. What are you going to do when your child has sex ed? you know they do teach that in school? or unless you home school them! What about puberty? They going to go through it, what are going to tell them? What do you saw when they come to you and ask you where babies come from? Kids at schools talk too, are you going to hold their hand for the rest of their lives to ensure they don't see sexy ads or anything regarding sex? Do you keep them away from Target since now the Lindsey Lohan sexy pics are out in Magazines? Its everywhere so you may as well just give up on trying to take the ad down, or i suggest you called every store and tell them to take their ads down because its not suitable for your children.....all i have to say is GOOD LUCK ON THAT ONE!


In My Opinion
Ill get by there this weekend with a couple church groups and take it down for them.

honestly though, if its in the store who cares, like everyone said, just dont go in.
if its facing out out into the mall then I think they should not have it showing.