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They can manage 183,000 summer people and tourists but after one day they are saying these 50 migrants can’t possibly stay. “We need for all of our guests to get the help they need” but they’ll have to get it somewhere else.

What does Belcastro think usually happens to migrants from Venezuela, most of whom have no family or connections in the United States. Who is giving long term help to the 2,000+ people who come across the border every day? Does she think there was a supply of long term housing set up somewhere else for the million people who’ve arrived in the past year, most of whom will be here for at least 7 years while they wait for a judge to review their asylum claims? Does she think Texas and Arizona are just one giant migrant B&B that exists to deal with all of this so it doesn’t become a problem for the good folks on Martha’s Vineyard?

None of them would say that out loud of course but that seems to be the bottom line in every blue city. The are just thrilled to welcome these folks who are just like you and me, but they are already wondering when they will leave and how to stop more from coming. Not one of the reporters on hand seems the least bit interested in that part of the story.



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member

"WE DO NOT HAVE ROOM FOR 50 REFUGEES." She called them refugees. :crazy:

COME ON, Martha's Vineyard - if you all were REALLY interested in helping these folks - you could throw a dinner party and raise enough money to help these folks get temporary housing. :rolleyes:

Hell, 50 people is a SMALL dinner party on Martha's Vineyard. They can handle this. :yay:


PREMO Member

Breitbart Business Digest: Martha’s Vineyard Could House Six Million Refugees

We found ourselves asking this question on Thursday when the island off Cape Cod announced that it was experiencing a “humanitarian crisis” after 50 people arrived there seeking shelter. These were reportedly migrants, some of whom may be refugees from Venezuela’s communist dictatorship, who had reportedly been flown up to Martha’s Vineyard on a plane sent to pick them up from Texas by Florida Gov. Rick DeSantis.

The island’s officials announced that its residents, towns, and “community-based, non-profit” groups had sprung into action to provide food, shelter, health care, and other amenities to the new arrivals. They noted that two “emergency shelters” had been established “in case further arrivals occur.”

So how much capacity does Martha’s Vineyard have to shelter refugees? Census data reports that there are around 17,000 year-long residents and around 14,600 homes on the island. Let’s estimate that each home has four bedrooms and each bedroom can comfortably sleep three people. This would bring the island’s sleep capacity up to 175,200 beds, and 158,200 would be unoccupied.

If anything, this likely underestimates the sleeping capacity of the island. During the summer months, the island is said to regularly house 200,000 people at a time. If you really packed people in, allowing for sleeping in living rooms and libraries and dining rooms and studies, you could easily house a 400,000.

Of course, there’s a lot of available land in Martha’s Vineyard that could be converted into housing for refugees. With the current population, there are about 194 people per square mile. That is around the population density of Indiana, Georgia, or North Carolina. If we were to raise the density to that of Washington, DC, which has 11,295 people per square mile, we could fit nearly a million newcomers. That would still leave plenty of room on the island. Manhattan has 69,648 people per square mile. By our calculations, that leaves Martha’s Vineyard with room for six million refugees.

Barack Obama, who owns a 29-acre estate with seven bedrooms and 8.5 bathrooms on Martha’s Vineyard, could not be reached for comment. His house features a private beach that could become the official welcome point for ferries bringing in the new arrivals. Perhaps the former president could even be persuaded to greet the folks disembarking with an an “aloha” and a lei, in the tradition of his native state.


PREMO Member
She noted the island is already tight on housing.

“We’re in a housing crisis as we are on this island,” Belcastro said. “So we don’t, we can’t, house everyone here that lives here and works here.”

One snarky Twitter user quipped, “A quick Air BNB search came up with 297 homes currently avaliable. I’m sure they have a lot of empty summer homes avalible.”

Beth Folcarelli, chief executive officer of Martha’s Vineyard Community Services, told the Vineyard Gazette that the migrants “came with folders with a pamphlet with our information.

“We don’t have refugee services, I had no idea about any of this,” she said.

“I only found out because one of them gave me their folder.”

Local high-school senior Maria Sanchez Roa, who was born in Colombia, said she was recruited to serve as an emergency translator.

“I was home watching Princess Diana videos when my mom burst through the door and told me to go to the high school,” she said.

“I’m here because I’m a Hispanic kid who speaks Spanish.”



Well-Known Member
That is an overstatement as well. Those migrants being paroled do not have a legal status as they technically have not been admitted. DHS has overstepped its authority granted by the INA by making blanket paroles versus the required case by case basis the law requires.

If one is free to engage in interstate travel as they see fit, some sort of legal status is conveyed, DHS actions notwithstanding.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
If one is free to engage in interstate travel as they see fit, some sort of legal status is conveyed, DHS actions notwithstanding.
It is the action of DHS that allows them to move about without status. Action that is not compliant with the law (INA). Under law those that enter illegally are to be kept in detention until a decision is made concerning their status or their removal. There are two exceptions for allowing them to move about; 1) there are “urgent humanitarian reasons” justifying the alien’s release; or 2) that release on parole will result in a “significant public benefit” to the United States.


Well-Known Member
Is MV & these cities where these illegals are being dropped off declaring emergencies only to get fed money .?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm surprised MV has any homeless shelter .. like who gets there and is Homeless ?

They don't really. It's a virtue signal, just like those tony SLC bistros hanging their "We welcome refugees" signs in their window. It's easy to be a Demprog when you know you'll never have to put up.

Now they're being challenged to put up even just a little tiny bit, and we can see their reaction.

Ford Motor Company Reaction GIF by Ford


Well-Known Member
It is the action of DHS that allows them to move about without status. Action that is not compliant with the law (INA). Under law those that enter illegally are to be kept in detention until a decision is made concerning their status or their removal. There are two exceptions for allowing them to move about; 1) there are “urgent humanitarian reasons” justifying the alien’s release; or 2) that release on parole will result in a “significant public benefit” to the United States.
There is often wide berth granted to the Executive or agencies in the Executive Branch, particularly around immigration law. Last time I read through 8 USC, 1157,58, or whatever the appropriate ones are, so many exceptions and other powers granted to the DHS head and that agency as a whole. I wouldn't be surprised to understand this is one of those types of exceptions that is perfectly legal. If these people have freedom of movement in the US, then it follows there is some legal status conferred. There simply is no other way.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
There is often wide berth granted to the Executive or agencies in the Executive Branch, particularly around immigration law. Last time I read through 8 USC, 1157,58, or whatever the appropriate ones are, so many exceptions and other powers granted to the DHS head and that agency as a whole. I wouldn't be surprised to understand this is one of those types of exceptions that is perfectly legal. If these people have freedom of movement in the US, then it follows there is some legal status conferred. There simply is no other way.
And there is often only narrow berth given, as is the case with parole.
8 USC 1182 (5)(A) said:
(5)(A) The Attorney General may, except as provided in subparagraph (B) or in section 1184(f) of this title, in his discretion parole into the United States temporarily under such conditions as he may prescribe only on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit any alien applying for admission to the United States, but such parole of such alien shall not be regarded as an admission of the alien and when the purposes of such parole shall, in the opinion of the Attorney General, have been served the alien shall forthwith return or be returned to the custody from which he was paroled and thereafter his case shall continue to be dealt with in the same manner as that of any other applicant for admission to the United States.
And as to there simply being no other way, yeah its simple. When it is being done by one branch of the executive with tacit approval of the President then nothing will be done to stop it.


PREMO Member

Ken Burns compares sending migrants to Martha’s Vineyard to rise of Nazis

“This is coming straight out of the authoritarian playbook,” Burns, 69, insisted of DeSantis’ relocation of around 50 border crossers to the Massachusetts hotspot.

“What we find in our all films is that the themes that we engage in the past are present today.

“And so, when you look at the story that we’re telling of the US and the Holocaust, you understand that the time to save a democracy is before it’s lost. We promise you,” he warned.

Sitting alongside co-director Lynn Novick, Burns insisted that sending immigrants to one of the ritziest vacation spots in the US was actually “the abstraction of human life.”

“It’s basically saying that you can use a human life that is as valuable as yours or mine or Lynn’s and to put it in a position of becoming a political pawn in somebody’s authoritarian game,” he insisted.

“This is what’s so disturbing about DeSantis — to use human beings, to weaponize human beings for a political purpose,” he claimed.
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Biden administration resumes after-dark migrant flights to airport outside NYC

The White House has quietly resumed its after-dark charter flights of underage migrants to a suburban airport north of New York City — after a Post expose led to their suspension last year.

The Post watched as a group of migrant teens got off an Avelo Airlines plane that arrived at the Westchester County Airport near White Plains at 9:25 p.m. Thursday. The group then boarded three waiting buses that drove off about 50 minutes later.

One bus traveled to the Walt Whitman Service Area in Cherry Hill, NJ, just across the Delaware River from Philadelphia. After the bus pulled up at around 12:45 a.m. Friday, several teens disembarked, retrieved their bags from the luggage compartment and left with adults who were waiting there to meet them.

The bus left the rest stop around 1:05 a.m. and continued south on the New Jersey Turnpike