Salon in Solomons


In 30 seconds I am banning everyone who posted in this thread..........except use your time wisely and say your goodbyes.


vrai- why would that be? My husband is overseas fighting for your freedom and I am raising three children on my own. You need to get a grip on reality. Maybe you would like to spend a year in Iraq dodging IED's and not knowing whats around the next corner. You make me sick.

Unfortunately, that's the life you chose. You weren't forced into that. You deal with it and move on. You think you are the only person that has a loved one that's overseas? Cry me a freakin' river why don't you. You make me sick!


Hey Estee and Malice, maybe you all can start a club of whiners!

Its so funny that you all call me nasty when people are calling me everything in the book. Why don't all of your over 25,000 poster people get a life and get on with going outside or volunteering instead of watching your butt cheeks spread exponentially while dropping bonbons.

Seems you're the only one that is whining.


New Member
YOU TOOK THE WORDS RIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH....... so glad you said it so I didn't have too. Husband was a marine when I met and and still is, I love my life and I love my husband (nothing to Whine about there) thank you very much!!!!!!! Bluewater whats with all the butt talk.....spreading but cheeks, bending over and all that crap you post about butts. WIERD!!!!!!

Seems you're the only one that is whining.


New Member
YOU TOOK THE WORDS RIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH....... so glad you said it so I didn't have too. Husband was a marine when I met and and still is, I love my life and I love my husband (nothing to Whine about there) thank you very much!!!!!!! Bluewater whats with all the butt talk.....spreading but cheeks, bending over and all that crap you post about butts. WIERD!!!!!!



They call me ... Sarcasmo
Quite possibly one of the best treads EVAH! Hell, this may even top the real king of the hill, "The Feral Cat" tread.

Let's see we had:
Hair care drama
EPIC reading comprehension fail
Personal attacks on faceless people
Carpet bombing with SMIB bombs
My loved one is overseas
A part time time teacher with a balky spell check function

Names were called
Businesses were slammed
Ignorance was shown
Conclusions were jumped to.

Please don't let it end...:buddies:

This could be the perfect SoMD tread...Let's see who picks up on that...


New Member
OMG Kom you have over 9,000 posts ( you must not have a life :sarcasm:)
Yes, I have to agree. This has been a very entertaining thread......:popcorn:


New Member
Quite possibly one of the best treads EVAH! Hell, this may even top the real king of the hill, "The Feral Cat" tread.

Let's see we had:
Hair care drama
EPIC reading comprehension fail
Personal attacks on faceless people
My loved one is overseas
A part time time teacher with a balky spell check function

Names were called
Businesses were slammed
Ignorance was shown
Conclusions were jumped to.

Please don't let it end...:buddies:

Hey Kom, why dont you put on your big boy pants and go to work
Maybe you can have lunch with Estee, vrail and MAlice and all compare notes about your incredibly boring empty lives.


New Member
LOL there you go again, DEFENSIVE DEFENSIVE.......

Quite possibly one of the best treads EVAH! Hell, this may even top the real king of the hill, "The Feral Cat" tread.

Let's see we had:
Hair care drama
EPIC reading comprehension fail
Personal attacks on faceless people
My loved one is overseas
A part time time teacher with a balky spell check function

Names were called
Businesses were slammed
Ignorance was shown
Conclusions were jumped to.

Please don't let it end...:buddies:

Hey Kom, why dont you put on your big boy pants and go to work
Maybe you can have lunch with Estee, vrail and MAlice and all compare notes about your incredibly boring empty lives.


New Member
How much you wanna bet Bluewater will not leave it alone if no one else does. YAY I love playing games, lets go......:yahoo:
SHe should change her name to bluewater-lastword.....:killingme


professional daydreamer
How much you wanna bet Bluewater will not leave it alone if no one else does. YAY I love playing games, lets go......:yahoo:
SHe should change her name to bluewater-lastword.....:killingme

I don't care if she leaves it alone. I've put her on ignore because she has nothing of interest to say.


New Member
hmmmm ok, that could be fun too.....

Its easy to put you and MAlice on ignore since you are both ignorant! :eek:)) Since you are so worried about having your last word, I will let you both sit on here the rest of the day and play your games since you love playing games. You both are pathetic.