Sean Taylor shot!



Are you kidding? Burglars do that all the time. Twice on Sunday, even. Young Sean (not to be confused with Sean Young) was probably just getting home from choir practice and was getting ready to go off and feed the homeless. Maybe save a whale or two.

I don't know why anyone would find that burglary scenario strange - doesn't that happen to everyone?

:lol: I was trying to be optimistic but there's too many things popping into the equation. :ohwell: I'm still hoping for the best for him though! Oh yeah, and I learned whale savers arn't nice people so that kind of ruined the wholesome image you were trying to paint :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Oh yeah, and I learned whale savers arn't nice people so that kind of ruined the wholesome image you were trying to paint :lol:

Neither are choir boys, honey - apparently they rob people in subways and rape Central Park joggers.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He means...

You are starting to lose it.

Why does this guy mean so much to you that you go to bat defending him, when he's a known criminal? Is it just because he's a Redskin? Are you going to have him dating one of the daughters now because he's such a great guy and upstanding citizen?

...nothing to me. I don't even know him nor particularly like him as a player. What does he mean to you? As you assume I must have some personal dog in this fight in order to make any valid points it is only fair to assume you do, yes?

As far as keeping and bearing arms, our rights ought to matter to us all.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
As far as keeping and bearing arms, our rights ought to matter to us all.

It is not my intention to ever commit a felony, let alone a violent felony, so I have no problem with convicted felons not being allowed to own a gun.

Because he's a celebrity, all he got was a measly fine and some community service. So I don't exactly feel that "justice" was served. I think when you commit a felony with a firearm, there should be some sort of larger penalty. Losing your right to own a weapon is not outrageous or cruel and unusual, in my opinion.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

It is not my intention to ever commit a felony, let alone a violent felony, so I have no problem with convicted felons not being allowed to own a gun.

Because he's a celebrity, all he got was a measly fine and some community service. So I don't exactly feel that "justice" was served. I think when you commit a felony with a firearm, there should be some sort of larger penalty. Losing your right to own a weapon is not outrageous or cruel and unusual, in my opinion., if you committed a felony you'd feel different, therefore I must be a convicted felon as I feel different, yes? :lmao:

Shawn went after people who robbed him. He got in trouble for it.
He lost his right to a gun, which is something we, supposedly, can't lose, as a consequence.

I think everyone deserves the 'right' to defend their own home, damnit, and so should you! :love:


I bowl overhand
...we'll put you down as another satisfied customer of Shawn Taylors day.

Got it.

And along with that.. I know, don't judge a book by it's cover.. but

Interview with Clinton Portis.. here's ANOTHER multi millionaire, and he looked like a gang banger off of a street corner selling crack.

I don't know ANY of these people personally, and I'm basing my opinion of them by what they represent themselves as to the public.

And from what I see.. Vick, Portis.. Taylor.. they aren't any kind of people I'd want my kids to hang out with or work for. Trailer Park Trash with money..

LT.. What he shows to the public.. again I don't know him personally.. but judging by his actions, and the persona he uses.. He's a decent upstanding citizen that can do well with his money, and be the person I wouldn't mind my kids hanging out with or working for..

I'm sure MOST of the people in the NFL are more like LT than the others, but it's the others that always get the headlines.
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Dancing Up A Storm
i thought if there was a concern regarding brain damage they would induce a coma..

You may be right, I do not know.

However, whatever has been said about what Shawn Taylor has done in the past, he's still a human being, and I feel sad over what's happened to him.

Hope he recovers.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

And from what I see.. Vick, Portis.. Taylor.. they aren't any kind of people I'd want my kids to hang out with or work for. Trailer Park Trash with money.. .

...from what little I know, Shawn is stand off-ish, difficult for reporters, has always had a chip on his shoulder with no real need to have one. It also seems that most of Taylors team mates love him.

Having said that, the only legal things I know of is the atv thing and I ain't gonna be too mad at a guy getting back his own stuff and I think he has a dwi. He is no Pac-Man Jones, endlessly in trouble with the law.

My issue is the right to defend your own home.

You guys can throw him in the 'looks like a bad person' mold all you want and that's fine as you see fit. That is NO reason to forbid an otherwise fairly decent person from keeping a weapon in his home.


I bowl overhand
...from what little I know, Shawn is stand off-ish, difficult for reporters, has always had a chip on his shoulder with no real need to have one. It also seems that most of Taylors team mates love him.

Having said that, the only legal things I know of is the atv thing and I ain't gonna be too mad at a guy getting back his own stuff and I think he has a dwi. He is no Pac-Man Jones, endlessly in trouble with the law.

My issue is the right to defend your own home.

You guys can throw him in the 'looks like a bad person' mold all you want and that's fine as you see fit. That is NO reason to forbid an otherwise fairly decent person from keeping a weapon in his home.

I know a LOT of poor people and middle class and upper class people that have had NO run ins with the law..

Why did he choose to take the law into his own hands??

So i guess you feel OJ should and will be found innocent AGAIN!??


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That is NO reason to forbid an otherwise fairly decent person from keeping a weapon in his home.

UNLESS they have a felony conviction.

I'm surprised at you gun nuts, really. Sean Taylor abused his right to carry a weapon, which makes the libs jump up and down, which makes it harder for law-abiding citizens to get a permit.

I would think you all would be chastising him for screwing up, not lauding him and hoping he gets his gun back.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Damn it...

UNLESS they have a felony conviction.

I'm surprised at you gun nuts, really. Sean Taylor abused his right to carry a weapon, which makes the libs jump up and down, which makes it harder for law-abiding citizens to get a permit.

I would think you all would be chastising him for screwing up, not lauding him and hoping he gets his gun back.

...all! Yes, he messed up! Yes you make a great point about the anti's and yes Shawn is a person I wanna say "WTF were you thinking, dumb azz?'

But, again, that he went after people who stole from him is not the same, whether the anti's say so or not, as using a weapon to violate the rights of the law abiding.

Shawn, it seems, was doing good, was making himself a better person. Had he blown these bastards away, in defiance of the law, I would be making the same argument; he should never have been forbidden to defend his own darn home!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You know...

I know a LOT of poor people and middle class and upper class people that have had NO run ins with the law..

Why did he choose to take the law into his own hands??

So i guess you feel OJ should and will be found innocent AGAIN!??

...I was just telling Vrail that I thought you were a pretty sharp dude.

I take it back. :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And Larry, in running down the ATV story (because you made me care to learn about it), the ATVs were left unlocked in front of a Miami ghetto house. To Sean's surprise, they weren't there the next morning.

He had no evidence that this Ryan Hill person, whom he beat up and threatened with a gun, stole them. In fact, Taylor actually pulled the gun out and aimed it at this kid, with no evidence that this was his culprit.

Later that day, a vehicle pulled up in front of the house where Taylor was staying and shot holes in his SUV.

Yet Ryan Hill was never arrested. And apparently Taylor forgot all about him after he turned himself in to the police. Didn't think to ask for an investigation into either the ATV theft OR the shooting.

But I'm sure there's a logical explanation for all that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
But, again, that he went after people who stole from him

You keep saying that, but there is no evidence that Ryan Hill stole those ATVs.

So cut it out because you sound retarded, defending a guy who more than likely beat and pointed a gun at an innocent man.