How about treating them like prisoners who have information that could be useful to us?? How should we get that out of them, eh? I assume asking nicely has already been tried. Maybe we just didn't say "pretty please" and offer a cherry on top?Larry Gude said:How does it cost American lives by treating prisoners like prisoner instead of somebodys ##### at Pelican Bay?
Because panties on the head certainly pisses them off more than killing them, right? That hornet's nest has BEEN stirred up for a very long time.I could care less about pissing them off when a trooper puts a round through some gomers coconut but I do care about stiring up hornets nest uneccesarily by some dipshit REMF's who don't have to face the sharp end.
They should be doing that for THEMSELVES, not for us. If they're only doing it to satisfy the US military, then we might as well hang it up right now and nuke the place - they're hopeless.those who are sticking their necks out, on OUR side, every day trying to be a good Iraqi cop and Patriot.
Great. Now they're a bunch of high schoolers who are afraid they'll be teased if they hang out with the uncool Americans, who just so happened to get rid of their torturing dictator for them.If they're seen as siding with people who fit the characiture of Americans who could care less about how anything looks or seems, it don't help them either.
What's a "cultural thing"? Dismembering people and stringing their guts over a bridge? Chopping someone's head off and kicking it down the street like a soccer ball?any 'tard' Iraqi or 'camel jockey' who's lived under a regime of terror their whole life who objects to squat that just may happen to be a cultural thing gets one between the eyes.
Why weren't they objecting when Saddam was dragging their daughters off to the rape rooms? Oh, yeah, I forgot - CAUSE HE'D HAVE KILLED THEM!!! So just like good little welfare recipients, they ##### and moan about their liberator instead of their captor. That's some "culture".