Single people, is it just me...


pixiegirl said:
Not you sugarbear! You're not over here pestering me to give up my babies daddy for you. :rolleyes: There's such thing as letting your attraction be known and there's such thing as taking it too far and being a freaking pest and having the opposite effect that you intended. :lmao:
So what you are saying is I am an OK "middle aged, overweight, balding man" because I am not "overly confident"?

:bawl: :SLAMSLAM:


Should be Huntin
rack'm said:
If you can irrigate'r just right, maybe u'll have a chance after'all....:yay::yay:
I can take care of laying some serious pipe if need be.

Get my big truck rig up a plow too it, dig er deep slam some pipe in and thats how that is done


Stubborn and opinionated
pixiegirl said:
A-freaking-men! I don't for the life of me understand what goes through some guys heads. Oh so you've seen the picture on my desk of the hunk-a-hunk of burning love hot body I live with and have beautiful children with but of course I really lust after your overweight, balding, overly confident ass! Of course that's the case! As a matter of fact I'm going to call him up right now and leave him so that you and I can be together because all I've ever wanted is to be a trophy wife to a middle aged man. Of course!

I guess this means I should cancel the flowers then.:ohwell:


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Can I just say something? Men are already half insane - I don't think women can really do a whole lot to them. And besides that, they should suck our feet and kiss the ground we walk on. If it weren't for us, they'd be reduced to poking each other in the rump.

At least women are realistic. Women don't gain 300 pounds, never shave and wear ragbin cast-offs and STILL think Biff Malibu is just expiring with love for them.


This statement has to be for shear :elaine: value...

Damn generalizations :ohwell:


aka Mrs. Giant
Pete said:
Hello, please don't make me insane. I made a necklace out of okra to ward off evil southern chic spirits.
Fried okra with the cornmeal? :yum: I'll be doing a drive by your house on my way home. Got ice cream too?


Cleopatra Jones
Airgasm said:

This statement has to be for shear :elaine: value...

Damn generalizations :ohwell:

Why is that? $hit, I can't stand to go to the grocery store or Walmart anymore. I walk around looking at people wondering WTF happened to people? Seriously, the world couldn't have been like this 50 years ago. Was I just born too late. People, men, women, kids are all seriously screwed up these days. You know what happens when you put two half crazy people together? They drive each other totally nuts. :jameo:


migtig said:
Fried okra with the cornmeal? :yum: I'll be doing a drive by your house on my way home. Got ice cream too?
Nope we have sworn off ice cream. Popsicles but you would have to ask Boy, he stashes them in the freezer, sorted by color.