Single people, is it just me...


Set Trippin
pixiegirl said:
Lexi said something about ex's calling. Then Vrai said men should kiss our butt cause they're all half crazy anyway and if we weren't around they'd all be poking each other in the butt. Then Air got mad. Then I started talking about all the crazy people everywhere, Walmart, the grocery store, the mall. Then Chasey said she doesn't go to Walmart. Then Badgirl said she wants to run over her ex (proving my point that everyone is crazy). Then that was it.
I think Air should kiss Vrais butt, and badgirl should run over chasey in the walmart parking lot and lexi should write a book about it, and pixie you should just come to MM...:jet:


mainman said:
I think Air should kiss Vrais butt, and badgirl should run over chasey in the walmart parking lot and lexi should write a book about it, and pixie you should just go to Pete...:jet:


pretty black roses
mainman said:
I think Air should kiss Vrais butt, and badgirl should run over chasey in the walmart parking lot and lexi should write a book about it, and pixie you should just come to MM...:jet:



mainman said:
I think Air should kiss Vrais butt, and badgirl should run over chasey in the walmart parking lot and lexi should write a book about it, and pixie you should just come to MM...:jet:
:killingme I nominate this post of the day!! :lmao:


Well-Known Member
pixiegirl said:
Then Vrai said men should kiss our butt cause they're all half crazy anyway and if we weren't around they'd all be poking each other in the butt. Then Air got mad. .

"Mad"... Hardly, just making an observation :howdy:


Football addict
vraiblonde said:
- I don't think women can really do a whole lot to them.

vraiblonde said:
At least women are realistic. Women don't gain 300 pounds, never shave and wear ragbin cast-offs and STILL think Biff Malibu is just expiring with love for them
You've been away from St. Mary's too long.


Football addict
Pete said:
So what you are saying is I am an OK "middle aged, overweight, balding man" because I am not "overly confident"?

:bawl: :SLAMSLAM:
Nice toupee. I would have never guessed until now.


Should be Huntin
migtig said:
See you are not normal. :nono: Most men run when they possess that kind of knowledge about a woman. I'm just gonna start calling ya my twin bubba.
Well you know I never claimed I was normal.... but what is normal?


New Member
I had one call me on Saturday and ask why I haven't called him since he gave me his number.... I asked him for 50 bucks, which he brought right to me, and I still haven't called him. He knows he did me wrong and is trying to suck up now I suppose.

If I were in a new relationship... I'd have a flock outside my door.

It's creepy:twitch:


Should be Huntin
I just had mine call me..... I don;t know why, just to say hi. I mean I like to hear she is doing good and is happy, but it's still not easy.


fttrsbeerwench said:
I had one call me on Saturday and ask why I haven't called him since he gave me his number.... I asked him for 50 bucks, which he brought right to me, and I still haven't called him. He knows he did me wrong and is trying to suck up now I suppose.

If I were in a new relationship... I'd have a flock outside my door.

It's creepy:twitch:
What did he get for the fifty bucks? :confused: