singles in st. mary's county


Magnum said:
So where is this that everyone goes looking?

Only time I go out is if my cousins drag me out. We hit some of the local Bars every now and then. See my posts above, Wild time a couple weeks ago. :lmao: I hate it when people get me drunk :lmao:

I know some people from the Croom Rd area, Thats really Baden or Aquasco though isn't it?

I'm gonna kid nap you one night and bring you out with us :really: :lmao:


Should be Huntin
Poohhunny1605 said:
Well not really Aquasco area, I mean I live off of Croom Road so I figured I've seen you around. Everyone knows everyone in Brandywine! The only "local" places are Lena's and Gallant Greene..thats pretty much where "everyone' that is local hangs out at haha
Well those are on your side of the highway. I was on the other side. I went to Lena's a couple times, Gallant Green once.

I used to go to B&G's which was closer to home. If I do drink I don't drive so unless I'm riding with someone I never drank there. A few times I would sip on a beer or two then drive later. All of our Locals hang out over there.


waggles said:

So I've been located down here in Lexington Park for about a year, getting settled and doing the work thing. Life's priorities have changed (amazing how that happens like the minute you graduate from college) and now I'm thinking I should start getting into the dating scene...

So my basic thinking is that I don't want to get involved with anyone from work, which isn't much of a problem since I'm at least a generation younger than the majority of the other workers. I'm not too into bars/drinking/the "fast" lifestyle and I'm fairly busy between work and graduate school. To say the least, this looks like a little bit of a challenge.

So - anybody have any advice/suggestions on where to meet other singles in St. Mary's County?

Stop looking for love. Love will find you. :yay:

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
Magnum said:
:lmao: I know how you feel :lmao:

Heck last weekend I got drug out to a bar by my cousins. I remember the bartender flirting with me, giving me free drinks most of the day.... Yes I said day, we got started around 3. By the time I had a few in me there was a couple other girls there asking me to dance and :blahblah: I guess sometime that night I was so drunk I gave my # to one of them :doh: Now my phone does not stop ringing. I don't want to be mean or rude but I really am not interested in her but I am still trying to figure out how to get that across to her. Funny though at one point I had a girl on each arm :lmao: Those really aren't the type I'm interested in though.

When I first read your post I thought you where at Rosies :lmao:


New Member
Ha... singles in St. Mary's are there if you get lucky. Now I have a hard time dating, rotating shifts and most females at my age frame have no idea what the real world is like and lack maturity.

I'm in the under 21 club, single professional making 40k a year and I have a hell of a time finding someone. I feel like I don't fit in with women my age.. hell I don't think I fit in with my old friends from high school anymore...


JohnnyReb said:
Ha... singles in St. Mary's are there if you get lucky. Now I have a hard time dating, rotating shifts and most females at my age frame have no idea what the real world is like and lack maturity.

I'm in the under 21 club, single professional making 40k a year and I have a hell of a time finding someone. I feel like I don't fit in with women my age.. hell I don't think I fit in with my old friends from high school anymore...

what are you doing that earns you 40k @ under 21 ??


lol ....... ok would this be trash of the criminal type ?


If you're young and single in Southern Maryland there are more women around, young and old, that would be more than willing to go out or they're out there already waiting for you. If you're over 40, sorry, you have a better chance of being in a terrorist attack than finding a woman. :shrug: