SMO: Giving men Ultimatums...

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member

this thread took off while I was away in meetings. I'll have to catch up on it all before I can respond.


New Member
Qurious said:
She's asking me for advice....
She is your friend and she is asking you for advice. Does she know you are on an internet posting board posting her business and calling her a fatass? I bet if she did, she would cross you off her Christmas list pretty quick. :nono:
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StarCat said:
She is your friend and she is asking you for advice. Does she know you are on an internet posting board posting her business and calling her a fatass? I bet if she did, she would cross you off her Christmas list pretty quick.

:gulp: I actually agree with you here!

With a friend that has nothing nice to say about you and still has the nerve to call you a friend gives a whole new meaning to the word "enemy." :eyebrow:


wandering aimlessly
vraiblonde said:
See, I don't see anything wrong with that. He obviously doesn't want to marry her or he would have by now. So the ultimatum is more for her than it is for him. If she just says, "Marry me or else" then he'll hem and haw around and a year from now they'll be having the same conversation. If she sets a deadline, then she has something solid to work with.

I, personally, don't think she needs an answer by Christmas - she already has the answer, which is "No way in hell am I marrying you." But if it makes her feel better to set a date, then so be it. Honestly, it's not like she's going to do anything if the date comes and goes and she still doesn't have a ring on her finger. She'll just give him until Valentine's Day. Then Tax Day. Then Fourth of July.
This is why an ultimatum is stupid in this case and will just cause unnecessary drama. If she's ready to move on just say it and don't use this ultimatum as the excuse.

ps If they are in MD and have been living together 10 years they are already common law married.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
bresamil said:
This is why an ultimatum is stupid in this case and will just cause unnecessary drama.
I agree that this particular case is stupid because you can't demand a guy marry you. Well, I mean, you CAN but you're not going to be happy with the result so you might as well not bother.

What this woman is really trying to do is get the guy to LOVE her. And she thinks she'll feel loved if he marries her. Boy, has SHE got a rude awakening coming to her! :killingme Because he may get legal with her, but he sure as hell won't love her - if he did, he'd have married her a long time ago.


bresamil said:
This is why an ultimatum is stupid in this case and will just cause unnecessary drama. If she's ready to move on just say it and don't use this ultimatum as the excuse.

ps If they are in MD and have been living together 10 years they are already common law married.
Well... Maybe she needs justification for walking out. "I warned him." It's crazy but true. I love her and have $20.00 on the fact that she'll leave his sorry butt!


In My Opinion
Midnightrider said:
this is the one who thinks sex is overrated, i'm guessing that it has a lot to do with her skills/enthusiasm
Now, being somewhat new here on this forum,, ok,, really really new on this forum, I dont have a clue who you are speaking about in the above quoted comment.

I do have an opionion of such referenced above quoted comment.

if I might.

Being older than most people here,, and maybe their parents too, I do have a bit of knowlege on the subject of sexual gratification. Although at my advanced age most of my knowlege is ancient history, I feel that I still may impart some value to the comment.

In my experience, when a women thinks sex is over rated, or has little enthusiasm while engaged in such activities, the problem is in most cases the fault of the male participant, (or, female I suppose in todays world).

When taking part in sexual play, it is the partners responsibility to ensure that their play partner is full aroused and receives the maximum enjoyment from the encounter.
Remember men, the phrase, I got mine, you get yours works only once per partner. use it with caution.

now,, I must go and treat my hand to dinner.


bresamil said:
ps If they are in MD and have been living together 10 years they are already common law married.

There is no such thing as common law marriage in Maryland, so those living together cannot claim any marital rights by just living together for any set amount of time.


wandering aimlessly
Vixen said:
There is no such thing as common law marriage in Maryland, so those living together cannot claim any marital rights by just living together for any set amount of time.
Thanks for the correction. I know six couples that consider themselves common law spouses using a ten year rule - all in MD. I wonder if the law used to be different or if they never really looked into it. I figured they couldn't all be making it up, but I never needed to know personally.


New Member
bresamil said:
Thanks for the correction. I know six couples that consider themselves common law spouses using a ten year rule - all in MD. I wonder if the law used to be different or if they never really looked into it. I figured they couldn't all be making it up, but I never needed to know personally.
Spose someone just "hides out"???


New Member
bcp said:
When taking part in sexual play, it is the partners responsibility to ensure that their play partner is full aroused and receives the maximum enjoyment from the encounter. Remember men, the phrase, I got mine, you get yours works only once per partner. use it with caution.
I have news for ya lady. Works BOTH ways!!