PsyOps said:
Your examples don’t fly because they don’t cause you any ill-health except in your own stress.
Lemme take a brief friendly sidebar here, and reiterate that I, myself, am a non-smoker. I don't want to defend smokers, but oftentimes my fellow non-smokers have a tendency to irritate me with their endless whining on the subject.
It seems that you lumped me in with smokers several times in your diatribe, and although I don't take it personally - that is, I assumed that you're addressing smokers, and not me - I just wanted reinforce that I'm not siding with smokers out of a misguided sense of my own perceived rights, or because of any expediency or conveniece to myself.
Thank you.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled heated debate.
PsyOps said:
Your examples don’t fly because they don’t cause you any ill-health except in your own stress. However, I do (as well as many others) suffer from cigarette smoke. My sinuses can’t handle it and it gives me headaches.
See - here's my problem with this argument:
I'm not a smoker. I'm in the same boat as you... However when I walk through smoke, the only thing that happens to me is...
I smell smoke. I can't believe that there are that many little delicate flowers out there whose health is endangered when a snootful of smoke comes their way. I've never gotten a headache from smoke. I've never ended up in the hospital from smoke. I've never been rendered short of breath from smoke - I've never had ANY adverse effects from smoke EVER.
Neither has my dear sweet dainty little 5 year old girly-girl daughter with her pink ribbons and ponytails for that matter.
I don't like the smell, but I have no concerns that crossing paths with a smoker in a parking lot is going to result in my death.I have my doubts about this happening to any functional human being, who's not already suffering to the point of being bed-ridden and breathing through a mask.
PsyOps said:
But while smokers are demanding it’s their right to smoke I will also demand that it is equally my right to not have your smoke in my face.
So beat it.
Problem solved.
Oh wait... you want
me (the smoker) to be the one who has to beat it... because your rights are more important than mine.
PsyOps said:
In the end, all I ask for is a little common courtesy.
In the end, that's a load of horse####.
You're asking for a lot more than common courtesy.
You (Maybe not you personally, but most non-smokers in general, particularly those driving tobacco legislation) want to tell business owners what they can and cannot do in their own establishments. You want to tell people outside what they can and cannot do so that you are never "forced" to come into contact with their stinkiness. You basically want free reign to go wherever and do whatever, and never have to come into contact with cigarette smoke - and rather than be inconvenienced by taking it upon yourself to avoid contact with smoke - you want the cigarette smokers to bear the burden of making themselves scarce for your benefit.
Please, don't hand me this "all I'm asking for is..." crap, because I'm not buying it.
PsyOps said:
But I know that isn’t going to happen. Smokers are going to smoke and make everyone around them smoke so they can keep their filthy addiction alive and then justify it as some sort of right.
Get a grip. There's more places that are smoke-free now than there are places you can smoke.
You just want ALL the places.